My hi-tech Library

Chapter 122: Technical direction

Looking at more than a dozen technical directions for the treatment of cancer, Li Yi frowned, thinking about which technology can quickly cure cancer.

"Da Hei, make a ranking of the development difficulties and success probability of the R&D project." Li Yi is not an expert in this field, and hurriedly threw this question to Da Hei.

"Okay, Master, the deduction time is estimated to take: 3 hours." Da Hei responded.

"Okay! Call me after the deduction, and I'll sleep for a while!" Li Yi explained, lay down on the bed, and went into the 'library' to find relevant technical materials to study.

3 hours in reality and 30 hours in the library are enough for Li Yi to read many books related to biomedicine.

The medical anatomy charts of various extraterrestrial life, the 'unbelievable' medical experiments, and the 'splendid' pictures all showed Li Yi's eyes one by one, making him pale and his hands and feet weak.

The object of medical treatment is living beings, so it is necessary to use various means to understand all the information of all biological tissues. The more thorough the understanding, the clearer the medical means.

"Morgan's Disease Interpretation", "Borse Internal Medicine", "Goert Micropathology"....

In the library, Li Yishou was in front of a shelf for medical books, flipping through one after another of alien medical classics, and found many effective techniques for cancer treatment.

However, many technologies require a lot of in-depth professional knowledge, which is too difficult for Li Yi, who is a half-way monk.

For example: genetic modification, cell replacement, nano-repair, gene system strengthening, etc., the treatment of cancer, various incurable diseases are very simple operations, new organs replace damaged organs, prolong life, strengthen physique, this Biochemical technology is not rare.

In order to adapt to the interstellar environment, the Bolsai civilization, which has entered the star age, has carried out very in-depth research on biological individuals, and there are countless technologies in this area.

Thirty hours have passed.

Li Yi was awakened by the big black, with a happy smile on his face. Regarding the technical direction of cancer treatment, it is not a problem. More importantly, he has found a lot of black technologies for physical strengthening and prolonging life. Research, the dream of the interstellar age, can certainly be fulfilled.

"Master, the scientific research task deduction sequence has been completed!" Da Hei reported to Li Yihui.

Li Yi nodded with a smile, looked up at the projection, and soon found a technology that matched the black technology he found in the library.

"Da Hei, help me prepare two throws, and ask Professor Wei Hanzhi and Professor Sun Bingwen to wait for me in the office at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's talk about this project together." Li Yi told the big gangster with a smile.

"Okay, master! Is it okay to formulate the contents of the two notices like this?" Da Hei released the contents of the two notices in the projection and asked.

"Okay! That's it! Let Cai Xiaowei pick me up tomorrow morning! In addition, I will inform Captain Sun that I will go out to the temporary office building of the experimental center tomorrow morning." Li Yi confirmed and explained the big gangster.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei readily responded.

Li Yi got up and walked to the study, preparing to organize the content of the meeting tomorrow.

The night was fleeting.

The next day, the sun was like fire.

Cai Xiaowei came to Li Yi's house early and took Li Yi to the temporary office building of the experimental center.

Soon, the black red flag car drove out from the basement of the community, followed by another black red flag of the same model.

At about nine o'clock, Li Yi appeared at the door of Sun Bingwen's office on time. He was chatting with Professor Wei Hanzhi with a smile. When they saw Li Yi's arrival, they all stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Li, good morning!" The two professors greeted Li Yi in unison.

"Morning! I've made you wait for a long time." Li Yi responded with a smile and sat down on the sofa with them.

Li Yi looked at the two of them and asked with concern: "Can the office environment still adapt to it! Are you used to using the smart assistant?"

"It's all very good. The smart assistant is very easy to use and has helped me a lot. It's very efficient and convenient." Professor Wei Hanzhi nodded again and again and praised.

"Yeah! Many old colleagues very much want to chat with the smart assistant, and everyone is full of praise!" Sun Bingwen smiled happily.

"That's good," Li Yi nodded, watching the two of them go straight to the topic and explained: "I looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi's research project yesterday and found that several patented technologies reserved by Xingyao Science and Technology Laboratory seem to be able to help. This research project, so I just hired two people to come and talk this morning!"

Hearing this, Professor Sun Bingwen was relieved immediately. He kept guessing that the purpose of Li Yi's meeting with them turned out to be a research project.

"Oh! Mr. Li, what kind of technology is it! Let me take a look at it?" Professor Wei Hanzhi asked curiously.

"Da Hei, show the technical data!" Li Yi nodded, looked at Da Hei who followed him into the room, and ordered.

"Okay, master!" Da Hei answered the order, and the electronic eye projected a beam of light, and a projection screen of more than 100 inches was projected on the wall, showing several technical details.

"Professor Wei, you are working on the thrombin molecular robot cancer treatment project. This DNA origami technology that wraps thrombin molecules into the body is actually the basis of DNA nanorobots. Xingyao Technology has some technical reserves in nanomaterials. Can this technology be used in this project!" Li Yi looked at Professor Wei Hanzhi and asked with a smile.

Professor Wei Hanzhi frowned, carefully browsed the above technical information, and thought.

Looking at Professor Wei Hanzhi who was thinking, Li Yi suddenly asked: "The most important thing in this project is how to precisely control these nano-robots, isn't it, Professor Han!"

"Yes, nanorobots need to attach precisely from the nucleolin in the tumor, deliver thrombin to the tumor during deployment to form a blockage, and form a thrombus in the blood vessels supplying the tumor. However, if the accidental killing is not Cancer cells, the result will be troublesome! So accurate judgment is very important." Professor Wei Hanzhi agreed.

"Very good, if this is the case, I suggest changing to another nanomaterial. Look, if the fifth nanomaterial is used to develop nanorobots, can these nanorobots be precisely controlled by wireless induction mode?" Li Yi He suggested with a smile.

"How does this work! How does the nanorobot carry the thrombin molecule?" Professor Wei Hanzhi asked without hesitation.

"Professor Let's change the way of thinking. The purpose of carrying thrombin molecules is to kill cancer cells. If these nano-robots can release a lot of heat, is it enough to kill cancer cells?" Li Yi laughed to ask.

"Of course, as long as it can destroy the nucleus, it can kill cancer cells. However, the heat release from this nano-robot?" Professor Wei Zhihan nodded affirmatively, and then asked another question.

"Of course, through the high-energy infinite electric transmission network, the 'circuit' of the nano-robot can be exploded, and a large amount of thermal energy can be exploded soon!" Li Yi introduced with a smile.

Professor Wei Zhihan was stunned for a moment, and then another question popped up: "How to carve a circuit on a nanorobot?"

"Haha! I knew that you would ask such a question. Isn't the lithography machine for making chips just enough?" Li Yi explained with a smile.

Professor Wei Zhihan's eyes lit up, and he figured out Li Yi's idea. With a "shock", he stood up from the sofa excitedly, and murmured excitedly: "This direction is OK! Wireless transmission, short circuit releases a lot of heat, ... …”

Li Yi smiled, and after Professor Wei Zhihan thought about Qin Chu, he continued to discuss related technologies.

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