My hi-tech Library

Chapter 109: Product launch (9)

In such a huge venue, the sound of needles falling can be heard.

Tang Shaohong introduced the material structure, performance parameters, extremely low power consumption, unique internal structure, three-dimensional point-dimensional structure, simple mass production method, ...

The development potential and future application prospects of biochips far exceed the existing silicon-based chips.

"Because biochips are still in the initial stage from experimentation to production capacity explosion, the production capacity is unstable and the unit price is high. At present, it is only enough to meet the production needs of some of our company's products, mechanical dogs and polymerized 3D printers, and cannot be sold separately. However, as an innovative product with excellent cost performance, we hope to use this conference to seek cooperation with other corporate colleagues who are interested in developing in this field, lay out the upstream and downstream industries of biochips, and develop the field of biochips. "Tang Shaohong looked around the audience and explained.

"What kind of industrial support does Xingyao Technology need?"

"What technologies are used in the mass production of biochips?"

"Can you have a detailed cooperation plan?"


As soon as Tang Shaohong's voice fell, the audience at the scene became excited again, and they asked excitedly.

"With the emergence of the innovative technology of biochips, I believe that many technological products related to biochips will be developed in the future. For specific cooperation plans, you can check on our company's official website." Tang Shaohong looked at The excited crowd explained with a smile, and continued to speak: "Please keep quiet. Next, I would like to introduce the fifth new product closely related to biochips."

Hearing this, the noisy auditorium immediately regained its calm.

The new products of Xingyao Technology's press conference are equally as good as the same. What will this fifth new product be!

Tang Shaohong looked sideways at the big screen. The big screen also changed, and a programming software running interface appeared, full of English codes.

"What is displayed on the screen is the content of a C language segment programming program. I believe many programmers and IT engineers are very familiar with this screen. This is a programming language that is often used in binary computer mode." Tang Shaohong explained, He waved his hand and introduced: "Next, is our company's fifth product, a programming language based on a point-dimensional system."

With Tang Shaohong's introduction, the big screen presents a program interface compiled with Chinese characters, with clear Chinese characters, neat and orderly, and clear at a glance.

"Wow! It's a Chinese language compiled language!"

"Dot-dimensional system, what kind of architecture is this?"

"The fifth product is a new architectural language?"

"The core instruction program that supports the operation of the biochip is developed with this Chinese language compiled language? It's too surprising!"


Exclamations, shouts, and questions, in an instant, the auditorium that had just recovered to be quiet boiled again.

Tang Shaohong showed a smile, showing a sweet smile, and affirmed: "Yes, the underlying instructions that support the biochip are developed in this Chinese compiled language, and it is also the key to 'Xiao Yao' being so smart."

"Computers are made up of logic circuits. There are usually only two states in the circuit, the on and off of the switch. These two states can be represented by "1" and "0". Therefore, our use of binary is just enough to become The computer language, the biochip developed by our company, is a three-dimensional point-dimensional structure, which has a completely opposite state mode to the binary mode, and requires another language structure to support the biochip."

"Among many language systems, Chinese uses few words, is powerful in word formation, has a large amount of information, is extremely rich in vocabulary, is easy to express, and has strong meanings, etc. It has many excellent characteristics, which are just in line with the complexity of biochips."

"In order to allow more people to support the development of biochips and the application of more new programs, our company has decided to adopt two modes of free learning and paid development to promote this programming language. You can download and learn it for free on our company's official website. If the editor of this language is used for commercial development, Joy will pay an annual technical support fee of 30,000 yuan, or a lifetime buyout fee of 1 million yuan."

Tang Shaohong looked at the audience and introduced in detail the characteristics of Chinese compiled language, the importance of supporting the operation of biochips, and the sales model of this Chinese programming language.

"Papapa..." A burst of fierce applause suddenly sounded.

At the scene, the audience applauded excitedly, affirmed Tang Shaohong's introduction, and applauded the new product of Chinese compiled language.

Almost all of the people present were Chinese, and they also spoke Chinese. When they saw that Xingyao Technology had developed a Chinese compiled language as the underlying language of biochips, they were all excited and couldn't help themselves.

"Great! We finally have our own chip and our own programming language!"

"Five bombs in a row! One is more shocking than the other!"

"Xingyao Awesome!"

"You don't need to learn English in the future, you can also be a programmer! That's cool!"

"Hahaha! Great news! I'm so excited!"

"Chip sanctions, restricting the sale of high-tech, those foreigners, eat **** now!"

"This can be regarded as a revolution in the technology industry! Tomorrow, the stocks of the chip industry will all be suffocated!"

"Hey! With such bad news, SMIC's stock will probably fall out tomorrow. However, if we can break the Western blockade of chip technology, I will admit the loss of the stock!"

"Same as above! I have taken hundreds of thousands of stocks in the photoresist industry, and I will definitely wait at the limit tomorrow!"


On the Internet, the audience who watched the live broadcast of this product launch collectively boiled again, with all kinds of applause and misery, and countless comments of all kinds.

Xingyao Technology has released five new products in a row, each of which has had a huge impact on related industries.

"Xingyao Seiko" is an industrial software that benchmarks against foreign industrial software giants. The layout of the entire industrial design platform, and the specific effects are still waiting to be fermented.

Polymerization-nano 3D printers, more than 20 kinds of new nano materials, will reshape the development pattern of the entire 3D printing industry and have a profound impact on the field of machinery manufacturing.

Advanced intelligent mechanical dog products, benchmarking against countless robot companies at home and abroad.

The biochip of the new track, the Chinese programming language of the new structure, the sword refers to the world's most developed and largest electronic semiconductor industry, the global technology giant.

With the conclusion of the product launch conference of Xingyao Technology, the huge influence was like a financial nuclear bomb, and it exploded suddenly. Among them, the New York Stock Exchange, which was about to open on time, was the first to suffer.

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