My hi-tech Library

Chapter 102: Product launch (2)

This conference of Xingyao Technology was broadcast live on online video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Ludao TV, etc., and attracted hundreds of millions of viewers.

Unlike the product launches held by many technology companies, Xingyao Technology is led by a female executive.

In the center of the stage, Tang Shaohong was wearing a red dress. Against the dark background of the booth, she was like a flame in the dark, dazzling and beautiful.

"Wow! This female president is so pretty..."

"Sister Yu is very fanciful!"

"What press conference, I'm here to see beautiful women!"

"What's this girl's name! How old is she?"


Douyin, Kuaishou and other online platforms, there are countless barrages, praising Tang Shaohong's temperament and beauty, who didn't care about the press conference, they couldn't help but stay and watch the live broadcast.

After Tang Shaohong finished her opening remarks, she suddenly turned to the big screen behind her and waved her hand. The next moment, the dark big screen suddenly lit up, and the LOGO of Xingyao Technology Silver Planet appeared.

Next, it is about to enter the new product release link, and the content of the large LCD screen is gradually changing.

"The simulation experiment system is the main business of Xingyao Technology. It has created more than 15,000 patented inventions for nearly 1,200 enterprise users, saved nearly 250 billion R&D funds, and created a lot of social wealth! Tang Shaohong turned around and looked at the LCD screen, and introduced it with excitement and pride.

"Upholding the concept of creating wealth for the society driven by technological innovation, and better providing users with more advanced technology, our company is intensively engaged in the field of professional software, with more than 100,000 engineers and all scientific researchers of Xingyao Technology. With our efforts, we conduct research and development on the most important industrial software in the industrial field."

"Industrial software is the "brain" of the operation of industrial enterprises, the soul of the new generation of information technology industry, and the invisible "heavy tool" that supports the development and innovation of a powerful manufacturing country. Cumulative deposits in the form of digital models or specialized software tools, . . . ”

"my country is the world's largest manufacturing country, with 41 major industrial categories, 207 medium categories, and 666 subcategories. It is the most complete industrial system in the world. There are many types of commonly used industrial application software, such as: for algorithms Software for development, data visualization, data analysis and numerical calculation, EDA software for designing chips, multi-layer circuit boards, NX software from Siemens,…”

The audience under the booth, as well as those who followed the live broadcast, listened to Tang Shaohong's speech and gradually heard something other than language.

"How can such an important industrial software use products of foreign companies!"

"Yeah! Don't we have our own industrial software company?"

"Hey! Industrial software has always been an item in our country! I hope Xingyao Technology can create a miracle this time!"

"This speech, Xingyao Technology is going to release industrial software products! I hope to come up with something that makes people's eyes shine!"


The audience listened and discussed in a low voice, anxiously waiting for Tang Shaohong to enter the focus of the topic.

Under the booth, in the front row of the VIP seats, Professor Zhang Runsheng whispered something in Secretary Chen's ear.

"We had the intention to develop industrial software in the early days. However, under the 'encirclement and suppression' of foreign industrial software manufacturers, the army soon collapsed. Foreign industrial software manufacturers first took the bottom line, and through donations and sponsorships, induced the teaching and scientific research of the university's scientific research institutes. Binding well-known industrial software of foreign companies, mainly teaching the use and operation of foreign software, weakening the basic education of industrial software research and development, resulting in the gradual deterioration of the research and development capabilities of industrial software theory, algorithms, program design and implementation in the university research institutes, loss of hematopoiesis and ability to innovate.

"At the same time, foreign industrial software manufacturers deliberately allowed piracy in the early days, which seems to be a lack of protection of intellectual property rights, but in fact it is an illegal dumping strategy for foreign manufacturers to eliminate domestic industrial software: on the one hand, the use of piracy to form a dumping-type market squeeze , forcing domestic industrial software manufacturers to lose room for survival and growth.

"On the other hand, the low prices formed by piracy tempt domestic industrial enterprises to use them at almost zero cost, and lock their R&D and production into foreign industrial software like a drug addiction. In the form of copyright fees and annual service fees, high profits are obtained.”

"Under multiple pressures, there are very few domestic companies that research industrial software, and they cannot form a scale! I hope that Xingyao Technology's industrial software products are strong enough to break through the siege!" Zhang Runsheng looked at Tang Shaohong in the center of the booth, incomparably incomparable. Expect authentic.

Secretary Chen couldn't help nodding excitedly, looking at Tang Shaohong with anticipation.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense. After Tang Shaohong introduced the current situation of the industrial software field, he was about to introduce the industrial software developed by Xingyao Technology.

Xingyao Technology's industrial software, what kind of innovation, and whether it can break through the siege, will be revealed soon. UU reading

"Next, let us introduce the Xingyao Seiko software developed by our company!" Tang Shaohong stretched out his hand to compare to the big screen.

The next second, the screen presents a 3D model software interface.

"Among the numerous industrial softwares, no one can cover the entire industrial system. However, the Xingyao Seiko developed by us can cover 95% of the classifications in the industrial field and has strong compatibility. Its core bottom layer adopts The most advanced IA algorithm, multi-core algorithm, distribution algorithm, ..." Tang Shaohong proudly looked around the audience and introduced it calmly.

"The needs of industrial enterprises vary widely, and it is difficult to find a balance between technology and business between individual needs and repeated application of software. However, our Xingyao Precision has done this very well. While streamlining the operation steps, With optional functions of intelligent judgment and analysis, ..., now, to demonstrate the actual operation." Introduced the characteristics of industrial software, Tang Shaohong introduced.

"Now, I am doing a 3D modeling operation, traditional industrial software, and a student majoring in industrial design. To learn how to use the software, it takes a very long learning period for Seiko. However, our Xingyao Seiko has AI analysis algorithms. It will greatly reduce the difficulty of its learning,..."

"The three-dimensional modeling software on the market today can be divided into four categories: polygon modeling, surface modeling, solid modeling and sculpture modeling, with different targets and different software. However, our Xingyao Seiko will All major categories are covered, through this you can choose, corresponding to the classification, ... "

Tang Shaohong stood in the center of the podium, waving his right hand sideways, using five fingers, he could override the LCD screen behind him, and constantly operate the 3D software on the big screen, like magic, and the scene was extremely sci-fi.

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