My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

95 - My Girlfriend's Possessiveness and Jealousy

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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A few days later, it was the day Heena left to participate in the orientation. For most freshmen, it would be a time filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety about meeting new people. Unfortunately, the atmosphere here was more like that of a funeral.

Heena, who usually never let her smile falter, was now in the worst condition, slumped and dazed. It was the first time I saw her so visibly disheartened, following the angry Heena I had seen before.

Although she had been voicing her complaints about the orientation for a few days, I thought she would just go through with it when the day came. But Heena, clinging to me until just before departure, finally headed to the entrance like a zombie when it was almost time to leave.

"I'll keep in touch... Make sure to answer. Got it?"

"You can video call me. I'll answer your call no matter what."

"Okay... Give me kisses for three days before you go."

"Come here."



I hugged Heena, who was slumped at the entrance with her bag, and we shared a long kiss. She had whined the night before, asking to be held because she would be lonely without me, so I had already given her plenty of kisses and hugs. But what did it matter if Heena looked like she was about to cry?

After the lengthy kiss, I pressed my forehead against hers and bid her farewell.

"Take care and make sure not to get hurt."

"Got it... I love you, Yeonho. Don't forget me."

"Heena, you do know you're coming back the day after tomorrow, right? Anyway, I love you too. You should go now. You're going to be late."

"I'll be back..."

With that, Heena, who had struggled to take her leave, slowly walked out of the entrance, and I waved goodbye.


As the door closed behind her and she left, I found myself alone for the first time in a long while. She might have been messaging me already, as my phone had started ringing incessantly.

To be honest, I felt quite empty. The fact that Heena, who had always been by my side recently, would not be around until the day after tomorrow.

Still, her absence for a short while didn't bring any significant changes to my life. I just studied as usual, and in my free time, I rested or cleaned the house. Heena also sent fewer messages during my usual study hours.

While doing the housework, I could deeply understand the feelings of mothers around the world. Cleaning my room at home was annoying enough, but here, thinking of cleaning the place for Heena to return filled me with energy.

Of course, it was a bit bothersome, but the feeling that I needed to do it and wanted to do it was stronger.

And as I went about doing the housework, I began to feel the absence of Heena everywhere. After all, we were always together at home, no matter what we were doing.

While tidying up around the sofa, I realized that until just a moment ago, Heena and I had been sitting there together─catching myself in the thought.

Although Heena always told me she couldn't live without me, now I realized that it was actually me who couldn't live without her.

Two years. It's been only two years since we met.

Somehow, Heena had become both a part of my life and my everything.

"So, did Lee Heena get her freedom by going to the orientation?"

"Watch your words. Freedom, my ass. I miss her to death."

"Fuck, you're laying it on thick."

"Great, this is what I get to hear after not seeing you guys for so long.."

As evening approached, I invited Suhwang and Yoonsung for a catch-up. Other friends were busy with orientations like Heena or with the upcoming semester, so it ended up being just the two of them.

Suhwang had already completed his school's orientation schedule, and Yoonsung was about to become a full-time employee at a snack bar, burning through his last moments of rest. We hadn't seen each other's faces often, but we were quite active in our group chat. Since Heena was also away, I thought it might be good to see them after a while, so I called them together.

"To think that Han Yeonho would organize a meeting after graduation."

"It's hardly a meeting when most of these fuckers didn't show up."

"The problem isn't that they didn't come... It's that people change over time. Is this Lee Heena's power?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey, Han Yeonho."

Next to Yoonsung, who was spouting nonsense, Kim Suhwang called me with a low voice. Seeing him, with his brutish physique making a serious face, felt like he was about to drop some bombshell news, like he had buried someone. But this is Kim Suhwang. It would surely be something pointless.


"We couldn't talk about it in the group chat because Lee Heena might see..."

"What is it?"

"Did you it?"

As expected, it was a conversation lacking any nutritional value, but Yoonsung, curious, leaned in closer to listen. They would be curious, after all. I would be too.

And to that question, I leaned back on the cafe chair and responded with a smirk.

"We're living together now, what do you think? Fucking virgins."

"This fucker... I'm so fucking jealous, shit."

"You'll have your turn soon, right? Didn't you say you started something with someone during the orientation?"

Suhwang had once bragged in our group chat about possibly getting a girlfriend soon, drinking all sorts of hopeful soups before the semester even started.

However, in response to my question, Suhwang sighed deeply and shook his head.

"I don't know...if it's something or just playing around. There's a separate group chat for the guys in my department, and I hear about her from time to time."

"She does that with other guys too?"

"Yeah, seems like it. She's pretty cute, so there's quite a few guys eyeing her in the department chat too."

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so it's hard to say, but it does sound suspicious."

"Suspicious my ass. It's definitely playing around."

I tried to phrase it gently for Kim Suhwang, but Yoonsung delivered a no-holds-barred comment. Such a lack of tact.

"Ha, fuck. Watching Han Yeonho be all lovey-dovey for two years made me really want a relationship. It hurts even before it starts, shit.

It's your fault."

"Fine, let's say it's my fault. Want a bagel?"

"Bagel my ass."

Yet, he seemed not to have been too emotionally invested, as he laughed and changed the topic. Well, it's not easy to fall that hard just from a few days during the orientation. Heena, though it was one-sided, had watched me for a few days at the beginning too.

We also talked about the recent whereabouts of friends we hadn't seen much since graduation. I hadn't seen any of them since the graduation ceremony in early February.

Part of it was because I was so preoccupied with Heena right before our big moment that I couldn't focus on anything else, and then suddenly starting to live together kept us both busy in various ways.

While we were gossiping about our friends and chatting about this and that, Suhwang cautiously brought up Heena.

"But she went to the orientation, right? Aren't you worried?"

"Worried about what?"

"Lee Heena, even when she's usually alone outside, gets hit on a lot, right? If she goes there, wouldn't juniors and seniors alike hit on her?"

"Ah, that."

I knew what Suhwang was talking about. Heena was incredibly beautiful. Although she might act a bit clumsy around me, in front of others, she was the epitome of mature charm. To say I wasn't worried at all would be a lie. But how should I put this?

"Considering what Heena usually does for me, it feels almost shameful to worry about such things."

"You're insane."

"Honestly, don't you think so too? I just naturally assume Heena will handle it herself."

"I'd like to say you never know what could happen with people... but yeah, I guess she would handle it."

"Lee Heena's way of pressuring people with a smile is truly terrifying. If someone keeps bothering her, she'll show them what it's like to be cursed with her eyes."

"Hey, what's so scary about Heena?"

"This guy's the only one who doesn't know."

"You should have seen Lee Heena's face when she took you out for drinks at the beginning of the year."

"I almost shit myself then."

I let the guys' slander of Heena go in one ear and out the other. Heena was a bit scary when she got mad about my porn stash, but that was the first time I saw that side of her. Where else would you find a girlfriend as gentle and docile as Heena?

-Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring

"Hey, isn't that your phone ringing like crazy?"

"It's probably Heena messaging, don't worry about it. Just give me a sec to reply."



After excusing myself for a moment to check the messages, as expected, Heena was the one bombarding me with messages right now. There was nothing particularly special about them.

[Yeonho, I miss you~], [It's all so boring! We're supposed to be cuddling at this time...], [Can I say I'm not feeling well and go back early? Gangwon Province isn't that far.], [(Emoji of a puppy crying)], [You said you were meeting friends, right? How are they doing?], [I'm not even interested in clubs but they keep trying to recruit me, so annoying.], etc.

I'm not sure what she was doing there, but I could definitely feel that she had not a single ounce of interest in today's event. After skimming through those messages, I sent her a word of encouragement and put my phone back down.

Heena knew I was meeting friends today and had told me earlier that I didn't need to reply to all her messages, just to react briefly.

Turning my attention back to the guys, their expressions were quite peculiar, as if they were somewhat shocked.

"Why do you guys look like that?"

"...Well, nothing. If you're happy, that's all that matters. We wouldn't say anything. Right, Jung Yoonsung?"

"Still, with a girlfriend who clings like that? Fuck, I'm so jealous..."

"Now that I think about it, that makes sense. It's only right to beat up Han Yeonho, right?"

"Seems like it."

"What, you little shits."

Really, what. If you guys are so envious, try getting girlfriends! If you can, that is!

Author's Note

Every time I write, my desire to switch to adult content grows... But I will stick to all ages until the end with My Girlfriend is Very Good to Me. Because that's what My Girlfriend is Very Good to Me is!

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