My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 563 - Chapter 563 – Waiting with Pockets Open for Them to Dive In

Chapter 563 – Waiting with Pockets Open for Them to Dive In

From the outside, the television station building was no different from any other abandoned structure.

Desolate, quiet, with its partially ajar doors shrouded in darkness, it seemed as if monsters could leap out at any moment.

No survivor would take notice of such a place. What could a television station possibly offer? Other than monsters, it seemed unlikely one could find anything of value.

That’s why, rather than approaching, they would steer clear of this kind of trouble-laden location.

“This is the place?” Mu Chen looked skeptical. Was this really Team F? He suddenly began to doubt Ling Mo’s identity again.

“Yeah.” Ling Mo took the lead, ushering Ye Lian and the others inside.

“Isn’t this some kind of trap?” Mu Chen asked, looking back.

Xu Shuhan, who had been recording, removed her headphones and sighed, “All our valuables have already been scavenged, what kind of trap could it be? Just keep up with him, make sure you don’t get left behind. He’s been leading us in circles for a while, just to be cautious.”

Having said that, Xu Shuhan quickly followed, while Mu Chen heard a comment drifting back: “The people I’m with clearly have a significant intellectual disability…”

“Can’t you just carry on with your sarcasm without me?” Mu Chen said helplessly.

“I am saying it to your face, aren’t I? Intelligence really is a fatal flaw…” Xu Shuhan sighed.

“Damn it!!!”

Indeed, Ling Mo had taken them on a substantial detour, but with zombies everywhere, it made sense to go out of the way.

However, precisely because Ling Mo was dodging the zombies, Mu Chen and his group observed him all along the way and still couldn’t figure out what his special abilities were.

Judging by his agile movements, the likelihood of Ling Mo being of the Enhancement type was quite high.

As for the other three girls… clearly, they were all Enhancement types as well, nothing more to consider.

Thinking this, the probability that they were members of Team F was now 99%.

Mu Chen knew very well that all members of Team F were Psychics.

“Whatever, maybe it’s right here…” Mu Chen rubbed his temples, as if feeling something inside his head…

“Are you guys coming or not?” Ling Mo called out from the entrance.

“Of course we are…”

“Just like that, bringing them in, no problem?” Xia Na whispered.

Ling Mo lowered his voice in response, “What’s the matter?”

“Could there be an ambush set up inside?” Li Ya Lin suddenly piped up, cleverly.

Considering she had just been whispering with Ye Lian, this concern must have been the “intellectual creation” of the two female zombies…

“No…” Ling Mo shook his head.

Why make enemies so hastily?

Seeing the bewildered looks on Ye Lian and the others’ faces, Ling Mo explained: “It’s not an ambush, but it’s like a bag that’s been tied up, waiting for them to jump right into it.”

He gestured with his eyes towards Mu Chen and the others who were hurrying over: “Look, they’re quite eager.”

“They’re worried you’re going to screw them over,” Xia Na pointed out.

“I already did…” Ling Mo admitted honestly.

“And I plan to keep trapping them…” Xia Na added.

When they squeezed through the crack in the gate, Mu Chen and his group were very cautious.

Ling Mo took note of their wariness but remained silent, leading them upstairs.

The first floor was pitch black, littered with bloodstains, debris, and furniture askew—evidence of destruction everywhere. It was a complete ruin.

Mu Chen had to restrain himself several times from asking questions, but each time Xu Shuhan stopped him.

Just as they reached the second floor, two figures suddenly emerged from the shadows, startling Mu Chen so much that he tensed up, ready for action.

“Friendly,” Ling Mo announced, then turned to the two, “These are newcomers looking to join us.”

“It’s… Big Brother… Well then, let’s go up,” the two greeted with a smile.

Mu Chen internally exhaled a sigh of relief; he had been ready to fight.

Although Ling Mo hadn’t shown any unusual signs, the stealth abilities of the two figures that had appeared were surprising to Mu Chen.

He hadn’t detected them at all… Using blind spots and darkness to hide so effectively was indeed the hallmark of a Psychic group.

What was most critical was how the two referred to Ling Mo. Big Brother? Damn! So what was he trying to prove? That he was actually proving it to himself!

Several more people then appeared from the stairwell, all sentries concealed in the dark, covering every blind spot.

Essentially, anyone trying to sneak in through the windows or doors would not escape their notice.

Of course, for monsters like the Spider Queen with abilities far beyond theirs, it was a different story altogether.

“By the way, Big Brother, what’s your name? And what about this camp…” Mu Chen reverted to his earlier form of address, feeling it was a good time to try and gather some information.

“Team F,” Ling Mo replied.

“That’s an interesting name…” Mu Chen turned back and gave his companions an “OK” sign; this confirmed the last one percent of their doubts.

Ling Mo was also preoccupied, wondering how they would find him among so many people.

Ask directly? Probably not that simple and crude…

If they were really planning a violent approach, they should have attacked when they first encountered Ling Mo, then subjected him to harsh interrogation.

Any member of Team F might know something, and that was the first thing Ling Mo thought of from Niepan’s perspective.

Even if they couldn’t get any information, the forceful and bloody approach would compel someone in the know within Team F to step forward, and sooner or later, they would be able to force Ling Mo out.

With Niepan’s methods, Ling Mo believed they must have some information about him.

However, as he led the group in circles, Yu Shiran from Team F had already taken care of everything ahead of time.

Lucy was startled by Yu Shiran’s sudden intrusion into her room, but she recognized the zombie loli and was already used to her sudden appearances.

Yu Shiran was managed by Black Silk and simply repeated what Ling Mo had instructed her to say.

After listening, Lucy was somewhat shocked.

She didn’t know the full story, but she had a rough understanding of the situation.

Listening to the conversation, it seemed like a coincidence, but Lucy couldn’t shake the feeling that perhaps this was the real reason why Ling Mo had come to Team F with her?

Regardless, whether for personal reasons or for the benefit of Team F, she knew she had to do as Ling Mo instructed.

So she quickly gathered some people together and announced an odd order: Ling Mo’s identity was to be kept a secret for the time being. It couldn’t be discussed privately, it must not be mentioned in his presence, and if they encountered Ling Mo himself, they were to call him Big Brother.

These instructions were then passed on from person to person. Team F wasn’t very large, so everyone was quickly clued in.

Not everyone had Lucy’s ability to discern truth from heartbeats, so deceiving Mu Chen and his group was going to be easy.

However, as soon as Mu Chen and his group appeared, someone had already informed Lucy.

Lucy was full of doubts, but she also knew that it wasn’t possible to find Ling Mo to ask at the moment, so for the time being, she had no choice but to be patient…

Inside the stairwell, Mu Chen, who was following behind Ling Mo, was quietly conversing with Xu Shuhan: “Ai Feng gave me a name, said it was Ling Mo. I’ve told you this before, right?”

“Um…” Xu Shuhan seemed somewhat speechless, as Mu Chen loved to repeat himself needlessly, yet seemed to enjoy it.

“Now that we’ve infiltrated, we need to figure out if he’s within Team F. If he is, it’s most likely him, and we can confirm it then,” Mu Chen continued.

“Me go? But there are so many people, and we are new here…” Xu Shuhan looked a bit troubled.

“This is your strong suit!” Mu Chen encouraged, “Go on, go on.”

“Aren’t you the one who said you were interested in that person?” Xu Shuhan asked, unswayed.

“I am interested… but didn’t Ai Feng warn me?”

“Heh… save that talk for deceiving Ai Feng, don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.”

Xu Shuhan quickened her pace, moving ahead of Mu Chen.

And Mu Chen followed, his face full of conflict.

He reached out and pulled Xia Zhi, who was passing by, and asked, “What do you think she means by that?”

“…” Xia Zhi turned her face to look at him.

“Alright, alright.” Mu Chen let go of Xia Zhi, then looked up at the ceiling and his eyes wandered around, “I’m super interested, alright…”

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