My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 312 - 312 As Expected of You, Junior Brother Lu Yuan 1

312 As Expected of You, Junior Brother Lu Yuan 1

He arrived at the lobby of the virtual world building. Just like last time, it was packed with people on the last day of October.

Many students would cultivate until there was no more room for improvement, all the way until the last day for the test.

Seeing Lu Yuan and the other three come over, many students greeted Lu Yuan enthusiastically.

After killing natural-born kings at Aier mechanical ruins, charging up to the 25th place on the combat power list in the first test, and finally having an outstanding performance at the defense line in the Endless Mountains, Lu Yuan’s reputation in the genius camp was extremely high. It could be said that all the teachers and students knew him.

Lu Yuan and the other three found a place to sit down. At this moment, two young girls walked in.

One of them had blue hair, a cold expression, and a slender figure. However, her chest was about the same level as Amy’s, or perhaps slightly bigger. It was Si Tingxue.

The other one had a head of short orange hair and a cheerful smile on her face. She was slightly shorter than Si Tingxue, but she had a hot figure. Her chest was almost as high as Si Tingyu’s.

At this moment, the young lady with short orange hair was hugging Si Tingxue’s arm and chattering away.

Meanwhile, Si Tingxue listened silently, nodding and responding from time to time.

The two girls were very beautiful, especially Si Tingxue. The moment they entered, many students peeked at them.

Lu Yuan naturally saw the two of them.

Lu Yuan was stunned when he saw the orange-haired girl. He knew Si Tingxue, but he seemed to have seen this short-haired girl on the fighter jet that returned from the defense line before?

She seemed to be sitting right next to Si Tingxue?

Lu Yuan had always thought that an ice block like Si Tingxue would not be able to make any friends. He did not expect her to have friends.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

Yang Ping, Mag, and Si Tingfeng also saw them.

Si Tingfeng glanced at Lu Yuan and saw that he was looking at Si Tingxue. He smiled and put his arm around Lu Yuan’s shoulder.

“How does my ninth sister look? Wasn’t she devastatingly beautiful? I heard that you fought alongside my sister nine during the beast tide? How was it? Are you tempted?”

Lu Yuan felt a little awkward.

Although the ice was pretty, it was too cold, and he was a little afraid of getting frozen.

Lu Yuan did not know how to reply to Si Tingfeng’s direct question.

Yang Ping, who was at the side, said,

“Brother Yuan is very suitable for the ninth Princess. Hehehe ~ brother Yuan, when you and the ninth Princess are together, can you introduce me to Miss Rebecca?”

“Rebecca?” Lu Yuan was stunned.

He glanced at the orange-haired girl. So her name was Rebecca?

Before Lu Yuan could answer, Mag couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Little Ping, don’t even think about it. Rebecca is Lord Raphael’s successor, After all. How could she like you?”

Lu Yuan was stunned and said in surprise,

“Lord Raphael? Could it be The White Devil Battle Emperor? This Rebecca is actually the child of The White Devil Battle Emperor?”

Si Tingfeng and the other two were stunned. They looked at Lu Yuan in confusion.

Si Tingfeng said,

“Ah Yuan, you don’t know? Even though Rebecca’s reputation in the genius Camp isn’t as great as my ninth sister’s, it’s not that far off, right? After all, she is a natural inheritor. Even though she only inherited the leader gene, she is still a very powerful genius.”

Lu Yuan shook his head, “I’ve always been cultivating, so I’ve never paid attention to this.”

In his mind, he recalled Raphael’s rough face and tall figure. He then looked at Rebecca’s beautiful face, and was a little dumbfounded.

They really didn’t look like they had the same genes, right?

Just as the few of them were talking, Rebecca saw Lu Yuan and her eyes lit up.

She patted Si Tingxue’s arm and said, “little Xue, little Xue! It’s Lu Yuan!”

Si Tingxue was taken aback. She turned to look in the direction that Rebecca had indicated. When she saw Lu Yuan with Si Tingfeng and the other two, her eyes flashed and she walked towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan and the other three had been paying attention to Si Tingxue and Rebecca. When they saw them walking over, they naturally knew at once.

Yang Ping and mag quickly tidied up their clothes with smiles on their faces. They were in their best condition to face the two of them.

Lu Yuan and Si Tingfeng looked at each other, speechless.

After Si Tingxue and Rebecca walked over, Yang Ping quickly stood up and smiled.

Your Highness, Miss Rebecca, I am Yang Ping, a first-year student. I believe we have met before in class.

Si Tingxue glanced at Yang Ping and nodded slightly. She turned to look at Lu Yuan.

Rebecca, on the other hand, waved her hands at Yang Ping happily. “Hello, Yang Ping.”

Yang Ping’s eyes lit up. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Rebecca turn to look at Lu Yuan. She blinked her left eye and put two fingers together, making a strange posture that was similar to a salute. She smiled and greeted Lu Yuan, ”

“Hey, Lu Yuan! What a coincidence!”

Lu Yuan saw Rebecca’s strange greeting posture and was a little stunned. What new greeting method was this?

However, he still smiled and nodded. “Hello, fellow student Rebecca.”

Yang Ping, who was at the side, was in a mess.

Mag had wanted to greet him as well, but he silently gave up on that idea after seeing Yang Ping’s expression.

He looked at Lu Yuan with a bitter expression.

As expected, these people all liked to look at Lu Yuan!

Wasn’t he just a little more handsome, a little more talented, a little stronger, and did a few big things recently?

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