My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 278 - Blind Date.

Jia Fei squealed in happiness when the waiter served the dishes. The hotel they were dining in was a five-star hotel and was famous among big conglomerates and celebrities for their security and privacy. 

She had to book the table two days ago to dine here. Because of this, the people in the dining area were few and seemed to be not interested in them since all of them must be big shots on their own. 

She excitedly picked up the shrimp with her hands to peel it when a hand came out of nowhere to slap her hand away," Gloves!!" 

Jia Fei frowns at Luo dan and asks, " What are you doing? Are you my Mom?" 

" No!! But your mother had asked me to look after you. So you can call me your big sister." 

Jia Fei laughed in disbelief, " But you're younger than me."

" We are only a few months apart. Since I was born late in the year, I am almost the same age as you. Also, don't bring age into this. " Luo Dan argued, leaving Jia Fei speechless. 

As they were busy bickering, Jia Fei paused upon hearing the familiar name from the table behind them. 

" So….what are your hobbies?" The girl, who was dressed in a white dress asked in a low-sweet voice. 

The girl pursed her lips upon getting no response and asked, "Yuhan....why do you keep eating?"

" It's not like we came here to eat only." She laughed embarrassedly. 

Yuhan looked up from his plate and wiped his mouth with a tissue awkwardly, " Ah, I am sorry. I was too busy with work so I couldn't have lunch. I am just….hungry."

Being hungry was an excuse. Well, not entirely. He missed his lunch in the afternoon, but he was not hungry to the point of only eating. 

  In reality, he wants to run away from here. He came to the hotel thinking to meet his mother for dinner but she ditched him and said that she has set a blind date for him. 

He recently broke up his long-term marriage arrangement with Xingren and Xu Nuan also rejected him in a way as well. He doesn't want to think about any relationship now but his mother keeps bringing the topic of marriage to him. 

" Oh. Then you should eat." The girl said awkwardly. 

Since they met, she is the only one who is talking and he was busy gobbling up the food. However, since he came for the blind date, it means he was planning about marriage too. 

" You know, when my mother told me to go on a blind date with marriage in mind, I wasn't interested. I mean, who does arrange marriages these days? It's so outdated." The girl said while taking a sip of her wine. 

" But after meeting you, I think it's not that bad. I mean...look at you. You are handsome, CEO of an entertainment company, and a gentleman as well. On the other hand, I am beautiful, competent, and smart. I think we're a good match." She smiles at him, however, Yuhan gives her an awkward nod before sipping on his wine too. 

Seeing the highly awkward conversation, Jia Fei frowns and asks in a low voice, " What kind of situation is this? Why is it so awkward?"

" He is acting so weird." She mumbled in confusion. 

She was surprised to see Yuhan but what surprised her more was his attitude towards his date. 

'I mean dude, such a beautiful girl is sitting in front of you, at least say something.' she felt frustrated seeing their interaction. 

Don't let the conversation die!!

Luo Dan, who was eating her lobsters said indifferently, " Jia Fei, why do you lack common sense? Can't you see the atmosphere between them? The guy doesn't want to carry on the conversation but the girl doesn't seem to understand that."

" I feel bad for both of them. He does look hungry, meanwhile, the girl looks like a nice girl too." she chuckles before continuing with her food. 

Jia Fei turns to her and glares at her. " Why do you hate me so much? You're a sweet fairy to the world but why do you become an Evil Queen to me?"

" I treat people according to their characters. Maybe it's time for you to do some deep scanning!" She teases her. 

Jia Fei purses her lips and says in a low voice, " Fu*k you!!"

Luo Dan smiles at her, " Same to you."

" Damn!!"

Jia Fei gave her a last look before standing up from her chair. 

" Oi, where are you going? I am not eating all of this myself." Luo Dan tries to stop her but Jia Fei leaves her to hang out alone. 

This girl!!


Jia Fei goes to Yuhan's table and pulls a chair for herself and sits beside him. Yuhan who was trying to have the dinner peacefully was surprised to see her popping out of nowhere. 

" Oi, Why are you here?" He asks in confusion. 

Jia Fei smiles at him, then turns to the girl, who was sitting opposite to them and was looking at her with strange expressions, " Hello, Let me introduce myself. I am Jia Fei."

The girl didn't say anything for a minute but when she opened her mouth, she squealed in excitement. She covers her mouth with a palm and squeals again, " Ji...Jia Fei? The...The Queens?"

" That's right!!" Jia Fei extended her hand for a handshake with a smile. 

The girl shakes hands with her with both of her hands and looks at her with a beaming smile, " Oh My God!! I can't believe I am seeing a celebrity right now. You know, I am a huge fan of yours."

" I have all of your signed albums with me. Not only that, but I have also attended all of your concerts in the city. Not only that, I have attended some of your concerts overseas too."

" I can't believe that I am seeing you in front of me, like this. OMG!!" The girl was about to jump on her seat in excitement. 

Jia Fei glances at Yuhan, who was in shock and winks at him, before turning to the girl, " Actually, he is my close friend. I was wondering if I could have a chat with him. Would you mind if I-

" Of-Of course. You can talk to him all you want. He is all yours." The girl said without any hesitation. 

" Haha. You're so cute." 

Upon getting a compliment from Jia Fei, the girl couldn't help but blush at her sweet words. 


Yuhan was speechless to see Jia Fei acting like a casanova, while the girl looked like an innocent girl who was being played by her. 

What kind of teen drama is this? He wondered. 

" Ah, by the way, Do you want a picture in exchange? I will feel bad seeing you leaving like this."

The girl nodded in excitement and walked to Jia Fei's side to take a picture with her. " Ah, I would love it."

After taking pictures with the girl, Jia Fei smiles at her and pats her head gently before whispering in her ear, " Luo Dan is also here. You can take a picture with her too. I am sure she will love it." 

" OMG!! I can't believe my luck. Sister Jia Fei, I love you so much. So...So...Sooo MUCHHH!!" 

" Really? You're such a lovely girl. You deserve a better guy, unlike him. He is upto no good." She said while pointing at Yuhan, who was dumbfounded at her dissing him in front of him. 

'What the-

The girl nodded fiercely and said, " You're right. I need a guy like you. Wait...No!! I will be happy to have only you. Sister, we all miss you. The fandom feels so empty at the moment."

The girl leaves and moves to the table where Luo Dan was sitting. Jia Fei turns around and pleads to Luo Dan with her eyes to entertain the girl. 

Luo Dan was speechless to see her friend selling her out for talking to a guy. What a shameless brat. 

I shouldn't have come with her. 

However, when the girl approached her, she stood up and greeted her politely. How can she treat her fans rudely? 

Moreover, the girl looked so happy. 


Yuhan stared at Jia Fei in horror who sat on the chair next to him and took the fresh pair of cutlery and started picking food from his plate. 

" What are you doing?" 

" Eating?"

" That's what I am asking. Why did you come to ruin my dinner?" he asks coldly. 

She scoffs at him and says, " Who says I ruined your dinner? I came to your rescue, you dumbass."

" What dumb...what?"

" DUMBASS!! D-U-M-B-A-S-S!!" 

Yuhan was speechless as he was not sure what was happening to his life. First, his mother cheated him to attend a blind date with some unknown girl and here she is stealing food from his plate, after ruining the date. 

That was not enough. Now she is calling him with names on his face. What's wrong with people these days?

" How did you help me? You were insulting me in front of her. How can you say I am upto no good?" 

She raises brows at him, " Do you like her? But you looked as if you were forced to attend this 'awkward' blind date." 

His focus wavered upon hearing her words, " I...wasn't interested in the blind date. But...I was still going along with it out of courtesy, you know."

" Why did you come out of nowhere and start bashing me in front of her?"

" And what was that? Were you showing off how popular you are? Or how many girls worship you and want you more than any 'handsome guy' like me?"

" That girl was calling me handsome and perfect for her a while ago. I can't believe that she said that I don't deserve her. Unbelievable." He throws his hands in the air in disbelief. 

Jia Fei chuckles, " Ah, well!! I can't hide my 'handsome' looks and popularity. I am more popular among girls due to my' sexy and romantic' character you know." 

Among fans, she is popular for her badass, girl crush charisma and was called Handsome more than pretty because of her 'boyish' attire on the stage. 

" Hah! Sexy, and you? What a joke!!" he scoffs and looks away. 

Jia Fei raises brows at him and smirks, glares at him, " You have a doubt? Do you want to see how sexy I am? Huh?"

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