Chapter 87

Noticing that Saya was falling from above, I completely forgot about the golem and fixed my gaze on her .

When I narrowed my eyes to take a better look, Lina, Karen and Rouga had finally entered my field of vision .

What is actually happening?

How did they end up like this?

I tilted my head while looking up, though I didn’t have the time to think about anything unnecessary .

“Guess, I’ve got to save them . ”

I teleported near Saya and caught her in time .

“Yo, you okay?”


Saya looked delighted from seeing me doing well, but unfortunately we couldn’t afford getting emotionally moved since Karen and the others were still falling .

“Careful . ”



I almost lost my balance when I carried both Karen and Lina on my shoulders .

“Wan! (Chief!)”


As if Lina and Karen weren’t enough, Rouga fell down right on my face .

I bent backward due to the shock but managed to keep control of myself thanks to my level and skills .

I-I can’t breath and I can’t see anything .

“Too heav...”

“Did you say something?”


When I wanted to express my complaints, Karen interrupted me with a sharp glare compelling me to close my mouth .

That was dangerous . I was about to say something I can’t take back .

Well, they’re are indeed lighter than the normal golem, but it still tough for me to carry them with my current stance .

“Rouga, go back for a moment . ”

“Wan! (Okay~)”

Ordering Rouga to return, I was finally able to ascertain the situation with my own eyes .

Lina and Karen were sitting on my shoulders, while Saya was still clinging to me . This sounds like a scene from some kind of harem series, but it can’t be helped . That’s how things turned out .

(Translator note: seriously now, what does that mean?!)

I deliberately descended to the ground, put them down and let out a deep sigh .

“By the way, Lina, you know that you can fly, right?”

I just recalled that Lina can fly if she used her【angel transformation】 . I wonder why she didn’t use it .

When I asked her about it, she answered in nonchalant way .

“I can’t transform without getting permission from Metron-sama . ”

Oh, is that so?

I didn’t know that she needed a permission for something like that . I mean, she used it many times in the past as if it was nothing of special .


Lina stopped her sentence after adding a single word .

I could see a faint smile on her face; a smile that a person wouldn’t make after falling from a high place .


“... no, it’s nothing . Forget about it . ”

When I urged her to continue, she tried to end the discussion by revealing her usual serious expression, but failed due to Karen’s ruthless remark .

“You’re just a happy because he carried you, aren’t you?”

“W-Wai- Karen-dono!?”

Hearing that remark, Lina couldn’t hide her fluster .

“You don’t have to hide it you know . ”

“But still, don’t say that...”

They started quarrelling, but that doesn’t matter now . What’s done is already done .

Leaving those two aside, I saw Saya walking to Sara to check how she was doing .

“Are okay?”

“Y,Yes . ”

Sara seemed slightly confused when she realized that Saya’s question was addressed to her .

Ah, I forgot to heal her ankle .

I walked to Sara as well then sat on my knees and reached my hand to her injured ankle .

Applying the healing magic, a gentle light covered the lower part of her leg, turning the purple swollen part back to usual .

“You should be fine now . ”

“T-Thanks . ”

Sara thanked me while feeling a bit awkward .

Thinking about it, she injured her ankle because of my plan, so I can’t leave her in that condition .

When I finished healing her ankle, Meru who was quiet all this time exclaimed in bewilderment

“W-What is going on, Desu? Why are you able to use magic...”

Lina who was still quarelling with Karen until now, cleared away Meru’s perplexity by giving her a brief explanation .

“We destroyed the magic circle that was blocking the use of magic inside this ruin . ”

“N-No way...”

It was a concise, yet shocking answer from the girl who was flustering only seconds ago .

Meru who received that shock, froze in her place while muttering to herself .

“You destroyed the circle?”

“Yeah . ”

“I was the one who fond found it . ”

“We wanted to be of some help so...”

When I asked them while feeling impressed, Karen and Lina affirmed with a smirk .

In the other hand, Saya probably thought that they’ve done something unnecessary and stayed quite .

I turned to Saya and told her with a gentle smile .

“Thanks for helping me out, you saved us”

When I gave them my thanks, all the three of them looked at each other with an expression saying “we did it!”

Well, to be frank, they did really save us .

I can’t imagine what could have happened if they didn’t destroy the magic circle at that timing .

Ending our conversation, I turned back to the red normal golem who still standing in his place .

“Well then, shall we settle this matter?”

Hearing those words, Meru switched from her dumbfounded expression to a stiffened one .

“Not yet, Desu . Even if you can use magic, this normal golem is......”

“Too bad, you had already lost at the moment I got my abilities back . ”


Meru closed her mouth when she heard my voice suddenly coming from behind her .

Of course, I was no longer there once she turned around .

“Explosion fist . ”

The moment she turned around, a burning red flame pierced the normal golem’s chest .

The blazing fist instantly exploded after touching the red rock covering the core, causing it’s chest to blow up .

The normal golem fell on his back .

“You shouldn’t look away when you’re facing an enemy . ”

I purposely warned Meru with a mischievous grin .

Feeling somewhat irritated by my attitude, she ordered the golem to attack while looking clearly displeased .

“Get him, Desu!”

Following that frantic voice, the golem launched his fingers at me while still laying on his back .

“I told you . You have already lost this battle . ”

The rock fingers flew directly towards me until they bent to the right before they almost reached my place .


Meru couldn’t believe her eyes .

The rocks changed their direction despite having no obstacle on their way .

The remaining fingers too, followed the same trajectory .

“How, why...”

As for the reason behind this unexplainable phenomenon, it was all thanks to my magic .

All that did was using【wind magic】to change their trajectory .

After all, the golems fingers are nothing but mere rocks once they leave the main body .

They don’t have any protection or resistance against magic, so changing their direction is a child’s play .

Running out of fingers to release, the golem stopped attacking .

“Are you done?”

Asking her with a provocative purpose, Meru still refused to give up and continued to desperately order the golem .

“Not yet, Desu!”

While still laying on his back as usual, the golem stretched his fingerless arm towards me .

I remained floating in my place, not intending to avoid the punch .

When the distance between his fist and my body almost closed...

“Erasure . ”

The fist that was supposed to crush me didn’t reach my place .

The arm that the golem stretched had completely disappeared out of sight making him one-armed .

Meru widened her eyes to this spectacle .

“W-Why did you...”

Seems like she lost track of what’s happening .

She couldn’t grasp the essence of my skills .

My【erasure magic】could erase anything as long as it doesn’t directly affect any kind of life form .

If we think about this thoughtfully , this normal golem isn’t alive in the first place .

If something was to be alive in it, that would be its core . The rest is nothing but some easily erasable rocks .

The reason I didn’t exterminate it altogether was simply because I didn’t want to end him with that much after all the things that he made me go through .

“It’s about time to end this . ”

I stretched my arm to the front and aimed the finishing blow at the golem .

“Death box . ”

The moment I uttered the spell, four magic circles appeared surrounding the normal golem .

Each circle emerged in a position to enclose him in a square based box . Soon after, a faint light started shining in the center of that box .

“This is my payback for all what you made me go through . ”

The light in the center gradually increased its radiance and condensation; it looked as it was about to explode at any instant .

Apparently giving up on ordering him, Meru gazed at the golem in daze .

The light which reached its maximal condensation transformed into a single giant explosion .


Because of the boxed created by the four magic circles, the explosion didn’t leak to the outside and furiously radiated in the inside along with a deafening sound .

An earthquake resulted from the impact that leaked out of the box, but it eventually stopped simultaneously with the explosion .

What was left inside the box after the explosion and the earthquake disappeared was— nothing .

Excluding the the smoke and dust enshrouding the place, the interior of the box was empty .

Meru lost her words when she saw that .

“Well, that’s what happens when magic makes its entrance in a battle .

Feeling somewhat satisfied, I muttered to myself .



If Yato was unlucky,insensitive jerk .

“Get him, Desu!”

“I told you, you have already los- Buhee!!”


“Not yet, Desu!”

“Explotjon . Dammit, I bit my tongue . Exfposion, wait, Expvro— Buhee!!!”


“Too heav...”

“Did you say something?”

“I said that you’re heavy . ”

“Guilty . ”

“No! Wait, that hurts, I’m falling, nooo!!”

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