Chapter 126

Chapter 126: A protagonist always shows up as if he purposely chose the perfect timing .

Chapter of the week: 1/2

Translator: Reizenchuu

Editor: Kenny Stryker

While Yato was slaying the assaulting ogres, Ouka was doing her best at fortifying the seal of the evil apparition . Ouka and the sealing rock, both had a pentagon-shaped magic circle formed around them while a talisman was floating in the air . What Ouka was doing was nothing but the preliminary step of the sealing . The real part was still about to come when the time of Souki’s resurrection comes .

Come whenever you want . Controlling her never-ceasing nervousness and impatience, she waited for that time to come . And finally...


A wrathful howl came from within the giant rock . The noise reverberated everywhere inside the barrier and reached the deepest part in Ouka’s head . Unlike the time of the resurrection sign, no earthquake resulted from the howl . Moreover, the howling voice was brimming with strong hatred and loathing .

Time has finally come...

Ouka prepared herself for the next step of the sealing that was approaching . What was about to come was a question of patience . All that she had to do was to restrain the evil apparition from escaping the seal . If she fails at doing it, the evil apparition will resurrect; a very simple, yet dangerous challenge, and Ouka had already made her plans for it to win .

The magic of the evil apparition would be limited while it’s still within the seal . That is why Ouka should have a good chance to fortify the seal with her vast amount of magic . If Yato accomplishes his mission properly in defending the barrier, then fortifying the seal shouldn’t be so difficult .

I entrust the safety of this barrier to you, Yato-sama...

While praying for Yato to accomplish his part of the plan, Ouka focused all her concentration on the sealing . With her eyes closed, she moved both of her hands slowly to place them on top of her chest . She took a stance with her hands joined together and took a deep breath . Immediately, a faint light covered the giant rock .


The evil apparition howled with a terrifying voice as if it were resisting the light . The giant rock started trembling as if something below it were trying to push its way to the surface . Fortunately, with that much resistance, the chance for the evil apparition to break the seal was almost none . Ouka released more magic and strength while still completely concentrating on the seal, then she let out a faint breath . Her hair started standing up vertically and the more magic she pumped in the sealing, the higher light covering the giant rock increased its radiance .

Everything was going well until that point . Ouka was relieved for managing to continue fortifying the seal until now without making a single miss, but suddenly, she sensed a magic reaction coming from outside the barrier .

So, they are finally here...

Souki, the evil apparition, has the ability to bring ogres into life and manipulate them however it desires . In a haste, Ouka pumped more magic on the seal while being wary of her surroundings . She didn’t have a clue on the actual strength of an ogre, nevertheless, she relied on Yato to take care of them . Yato’s mission is to stop the ogres from reaching the barrier . If so, Ouka, as well, needs to accomplish her part of the plan . Before she lost concentration, she focused back on sealing the evil apparition, when suddenly, the magic reaction she sensed just now disappeared .

What? Did it disappear?

She couldn’t believe that the ogre that showed up only a few seconds ago had disappeared as if it were not there to begin with . The only explanation she could come up with was that the ogre was defeated and the only person who should be able to do that is none other than Yato . Ouka was surprised by Yato’s speed in defeating the ogre, but she didn’t know yet that what happened just now was nothing but the start .

A short while later, she sensed another reaction . This time it appeared from the other side of the barrier, which would naturally require time for Yato who is on the other side to defeat it . But that wasn’t a big problem for Ouka as she was already prepared to fight against a few ogres in case they were able to get inside of the barrier . Though luckily, all her fears and considerations ended up feeling unnecessary .

Huh? Again? It disappeared?

Only a few seconds after the ogre appeared, it’s presence disappeared again . She doubted that the ogres have a stealth skill, but soon denied it for being absurd . The only possible reason for their abrupt disappearance is their death . In other words, they got defeated . It was at that time when Ouka remembered that Yato could teleport wherever he wants and thus came to agree with the outcome while being impressed .

I forgot that Yato-sama has some strange abilities .

She didn’t know what were those abilities exactly, but she was happy to have such a reliable human as her ally . From that point on, the battle outside the barrier got more intense . Not only a few seconds lapse before a group of ogres showing up somewhere around the barrier gets defeated by Yato . No matter how much of them assault together or the spot they choose to invade, Yato still finishes them without delay . Ouka became excited from realizing the overwhelming strength of her ally .

We can do it at this rate...

Even the evil apparition’s resistance to the seal abated as it was concentrating on manipulating the ogres outside the barrier . If the situation could keep being in her favor, then her victory is certain . Those were the thoughts that crossed Ouka’s mind as she poured more magic in the seal .

How come!?

Though suddenly, she sensed a tremendous amount of magic reaction around the entire barrier . Way over 10 or 20, the countless amount of ogres surrounded the barrier, not leaving a single empty spot . It looks like the evil apparition understood that it can’t win against Yato in term of strength, that is why it moved to assault with a large number of ogres simultaneously .

W-what should I do...?

Ouka started contemplating a solution with a grim face . Yato was able to defeat every ogre without much difficulty, but the situation is different with all of them assaulting at once . One side could make it inside the barrier while Yato is dealing with the other side . Ouka could manage to defeat a few of them, however, if they come attacking in hundreds, then she won’t have a chance .

This is bad...

Impatience started conquering Ouka’s heart as sweat ran down her forehead while the ogres continued to draw near the barrier . She can’t suspend the sealing process because it would result in the instant resurrection of Souki . Her thoughts were disordered by her impatience and perplexity and she was unable to think properly anymore . To her surprise, all her fears came out to be meaningless .

A shaft of dazzling light made its way to the sky .


Ouka raised her head to look at that shining light which soon split into countless secondary lights and fell down like shooting stars . Ouka was almost captured by the splendid scenery above her head, but she soon came to realize that those lights were not actually shooting stars .

This is!?

The moments those countless light streamed down to the ground, the magic reactions of the ogres began to disappear around the entire barrier at a fast pace . Ouka couldn’t help but almost drop her jaw from the shock .


She unintentionally let that single word leave her mouth while being overtaken by the constantly disappearing ogres . She wondered for a moment about what happened, but instantly attained the evident answer .

“As expected from Yato-sama...”

The magic reaction of an ogre disappears only when it’s defeated . She was startled but with Yato’s unforeseen abilities, a smile of victory reached her face . She realized that she asked for the help of a person way over her level . She was glad that she has an overpowered ally on her side, Ouka concentrated back on the seal with a smile on her face . At this pace, she can definitely fortify the seal . Ouka poured more magic and strength to guarantee the victory before her eyes .


Apparently, the evil apparition wasn’t expecting his attack to get blocked by Yato and started to desperately resist the seal . Luckily, that its resistance was meaningless since the seal was about to be terminated . Ouka gradually walked near the giant rock while pouring all her power in the seal and because of that, she couldn’t notice the approaching attack of the third party .


Only one step before completing the seal, pain ran down her back . Something came flying and bumped against her back with an audible noise . Ouka’s expression got distorted from the pain .

W-What was that...?

Just because of that one blow, Ouka lost her concentration . Although she immediately realized what she did and wanted to continue the sealing, but it was already late . There was no possible way that Souki would let such a chance slip by, after all .


The faint light disappeared and the giant rock started to gradually crack until it split into two along with an explosion . Ouka closed her eyes due to the blast caused by the explosion . The next time she opened them again, she fell in awe from the sight she had in front of her . Something with the shape of a human wearing a kimono was standing near the giant rock . It had a tough build, a pitch black skin and two horns growing from his forehead . The glare that his shining crimson pupils released indicated that he was lifeless . Without a doubt, the Youkai standing there was someone Ouka knew very well .


An expression of despair reached Ouka’s face when she witnessed the resurrected evil apparition, Souki, standing before her eyes . The situation had turned into the worst possible outcome . For a moment, Ouka started trembling with fear, however, she immediately gathered her courage and glared back at Souki .

Very well, you have left me no choice .

Switching back to her serious mindset, she promptly stood up and directed one hand towards Souki . At that moment, the sound of something snapping around her body dominated the quiet area and eventually, lightning emerged from her hand . Souki got attracted to that noise and turned to Ouka .


Right when Souki turned around, she released the lightning from her hand towards his direction . The golden lightning flew straight towards him, but Souki didn’t show a sign of resisting . It appeared as if the lightning were going to land a direct hit on him, but at the last split of a second, he disappeared .

Where did he go?!

Ouka was bewildered to notice that Souki had disappeared, but she soon came to know where he went . That is because in the blink of an eye, he was already taking a stance to strike her with his fist, right in front of her . That was the only time when she was able to see his movement in slow motion . She watched his powerful fist slowly drawing near as she stiffened in her place .

It looks like I have failed...

Ouka closed her eyes as if she gave up in front of the death that was drawing near . For an instant, the face of her children, the little foxes came in her mind .

I am sorry, Nayame . I am sorry, everyone .

She then silently apologized to everyone that she had failed, including, Yato .

I’m very sorry, Yato-sama .

“Ahh, that was close . ”

But for some reason, she didn’t feel any pain no matter how long she waited . Not only that, but she even heard a familiar nonchalant voice along with the feeling of her floating in the air . She had no clue of what was going on . That is why she had no choice but to open up her eyes again .

“It went as Karen predicted . ”

“... Yato-sama . ”

Yato stood there, glaring at Souki while carrying Ouka in his arms .



A dog, but a wolf .

“I don’t like raw meat . ”

“I know . ”

“I want to eat something better . ”

“You don’t like raw meat even though you’re a wolf?”

“But it’s not delicious . ”

“Then what? You want it grilled?”

“No . I want dog food . ”

“That’s for dogs and not wolves . ”

“I am a wolf!!”

“Eat this . ” ← gave her dog food .

“Wan Wan! Yaaay!!”

“So, you’re secretly a dog . ”

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