Chapter 113

Chapter 113: I have just let the two persons who should never meet actually meet each other .

Summer holidays; the second biggest event for a high school student after the school sports event . Holidays where one could spend his days shutting himself in his room and not going to school . One free from homework, it becomes a blessing time of leisure . Right at the moment, I’m spending the perfect summer holidays .

“Aah . all I wanted was this life . ”

I made sure to enjoy every second of this time while laying in my bed . I let out all the stress from my body and relaxed, letting the bed take care of my body . This is it; this is what I wanted for a long time . I’ve gone through a series of unfortunate events recently and I almost forgot about this bliss .

“You look happy, master . ”

I heard Meru’s voice coming out from the phone I which kept near the pillow .

“Yeah, I missed this feeling too much . ”

Watching reply with a blessed expression while relaxing in bed, she replied with a gentle smile . It feels weird to be looked at with those eyes by a little girl, but that doesn’t matter now . For now, I need to focus on healing my mental health that deteriorated from using that unpleasant magic .

Germa was taken back to the prison by Lina and Sara after that incident on the island . Luckily, they dragged Scala as well and took her away from me, but later, Lina passed me her verbal message saying that she will ‘come play with me again’ .

I’d rather never meet her again in my entire life if that means that we will have another ridiculous fight to the death . I just don’t understand why I have to have a fight with death as a game . I wonder why she likes doing that to herself .

I need to use this opportunity to relax...

I can’t tell when that demon in the form of a god will show up again . If I don’t rest as much as possible before she comes back, this time I will die without a doubt . As I turned to the other side while still laying on the bed, I remembered the other verbal message I had from a different person .

This time it was Germa . I was told that he left the following message to me before he was recaptured and sent back to the prison: “I will surely come back to you again, Kamiya Yato . I will surely kill you one day . There should not be any human who could defeat a God, after all!!”

It would be nice if he would escape to another world the next time he decides to run away from that prison . Seriously, Gods with too much pride are really annoying . About the way he escaped from the Infinite Prison, it was apparently because of his own powers . He was apparently absorbing the hatred of the other prisoners inside while waiting to get enough energy to be able to escape .

That’s why this time around, he will be imprisoned in private jail where the chance he could absorb others’ hatred and escape is extremely low . With that, I don’t think that I will ever get to see Germa again, which is indeed a nice thing . All that’s left is Scala . I recalled the time I was ‘playing’ with her recently . Let’s stop thinking about it .

I guess I’m going to have to prepare some skill for the next battle...

I honestly don’t want to leave this room, but I also don’t want to die the next time we fight . The problem is that once I lay on the bed, moving my body again becomes next to impossible . As I kept laying on my bed and thinking about how I can motivate myself to move again, I heard my phone ringing .

Hm, a phone call?

I turned only my head towards the phone and Meru informed of the name calling .

“Master, it’s someone called Ishida Tesuji . ”

Ishida Tesuji? ... Ah, it’s that old man .

Since I always call him old man and didn’t meet him for a while now, I totally forgot his name . I requested Meru to answer the call .

[ED: Remember him? He’s that detective guy who knows about Yato’s secret . ]

“Answer it, Meru . ”

“Understood, Desu . ”

Answering to my request with a lively voice, Meru answered the incoming call . Seconds later, a low, raspy-toned voice came out from the phone .

“Oi, Yato . I bet you’re laying in your bed right now just because it’s summer holidays . ”

“What do you need, old man?”

Ignoring his nonsensical remarks, I asked him for the reason he called .

“Well, I just wanted to check on how you’re doing, you know, so yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice . ”

“I’m hanging the call if that was it . ”

He said that last part with a strangely clear voice . The moment I heard it, I moved the phone away from my ear and went to hang up the phone before suddenly...

“Ah, wait wait!! That was a joke! A joke! There is a reason for my call actually!!”

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Then say it already . After listening to him desperately explaining his situation, I stopped my hand that was about to end the call . Did he really have to say something like ‘I just wanted to hear your voice?’ Don’t you dare say something like that with that raspy voice of yours . If it were not me who knew him for a long time now, I’d have immediately cut the call . I let out a sigh in the conversation before I heard Meru speaking .

“This person has a scary face, Desu!”

She probably used the old man’s phone camera to see his face and returned to me after she got scared of his grim face . The moment Meru spoke, I heard a ‘huh?’ coming from the phone .

“Did I hear the voice of a little girl just now?”

“Many things happened . ”

When I wrapped his question with a single line because I was too lazy to explain everything to him, the old man seemed like he had realized something and spoke with an uncomposed voice .

“D-Don’t tell me! Did you fall for some grade schooler and brought her home with you...” [ED: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] “I will be ending the call now . ”

“I’m sorry . ”

The old man constantly apologized after sensing the killing intent that was included in my voice . Seriously, why would I fall for a grade schooler anyway? Stop it with those jokes already . Getting already tired of his stupid jokes, I told him to speak about what he wanted from me already .

“So? What do you want? Is it help with some investigation?”

“Y-Yeah, about that—”

As expected, the old man seemed to hesitate to talk about the matter, but to put all that he said together, the current case is about finding someone . The person he must find is suspect in an important case who disappeared all of a sudden and because of that, the investigation of the case is delayed .

Thus, the old man came to ask for my help . I did understand the importance of the matter, but even I also have a mission to heal my mental and physical exhaustion I accumulated all this time . I feel bad for him, but I’m going to have to refuse his request .

“So, can you help me out?”

With a voice clinging to the faint hope that I’d accept, he asked me again . When I was about to refuse him, he added a few words that completely changed my mind .

“I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to—”

“If you help me out I will treat you to a first-rate sushi . ”

“Let’s do it . ”


I messed up again .

I regretted my decision this late in the game while walking under the blazing summer sun .

“Man, you really saved me! You’re such a reliable guy!!”

In an empty parking lot, the old man was patting on my back while laughing on his own . In the meantime, I was cursing myself for the decision I took a few seconds ago . I got baited . Moreover, I even used the teleportation skill to come to him . I shouldn’t have lost control of myself just from overhearing first-rate sushi . I can’t believe I got baited by this guy again . It seems that he got used to the way of dealing with me in this kind of situation .

“Luring you with prizes is the easiest way, apparently!!”

It pisses me off how I can’t deny what he just said . I can’t take off the feeling that I’ve been played with by this old man from my mind, but it can’t be helped at this point . Let’s just finish this case and receive the reward .

“Let’s get going with this already . ”


The old man replied with an energetic voice to my gloomy comment . Well, this is better than having Scala dragging me in her crazy fights at least . The moment I tried motivating myself by thinking optimistically, my motivation got hopelessly crushed when I saw a magic circle appearing in front of me .

“Alright! Nice!! I did it this time!”

The person who summoned from that magic circle properly this time shouted from delight . I know that this Earth doesn’t have a God, but let me say this... curse you, Gods . I was about to cry from watching that person appearing before me while on the other hand, that person got even more delighted from noticing my presence .

“Oh! Yato! I came to play with you!!”

With her ruffled deep crimson hair and bikini armor, Scala approached me while waving her hand . The more I stared at her happy and pleased face, the feeling of despair in my heart grew stronger . That’s too fast! A God should not come play with humans this often! As I was complaining to myself, the old man near who was clearly bewildered from Scala asked me .

“H-Hey, Yato . what’s up with that pretty woman? You know her?”

“Careful of what you say . Despite her looks, she’s still a God . If you act disrespectfully, you may even die . ”

When I warned him with a serious face, the old man muttered ‘G-God?!’ with a totally confused face and stiffened in his place . Even though he knows about my ability and all, not anyone could stay calm and composed while facing a God . Freezing in his place and nervous, his eyes wandered aimlessly until he was noticed by Scala who then tilted her head .

“Who is this person, Yato?”

That was a natural reaction coming from her . I introduced the old man to Scala .

“This is the old man . He’s my wallet . ”

“Who are you calling your wallet? Introduce me with my name at least!!”

The old man reacted to my introduction with a nervous yet impatient voice . It’s not like I got anything wrong . Keeping the same nervous expression and attitude, he turned to Scala and introduced himself once again with his back straightened .

“N-Nice to meet you! My name is Ishida Tesuji!!”

“I’m Scala! Nice to meet ya!”

Unlike the nervous old man, Scala introduced herself with a broad smile . But still, why did she come this early? I didn’t stop sweating from the current emergency situation . While gazing at the old man and Scala having a conversation, I contemplated a plan to get myself out of this . I need to do something in order to avoid that death battle again . If I don’t, I will surely die this time .

[Few Minutes Later]

...... How did we end up like this...?

“AHAHAHA!! Looks like we’re getting along here!!”

“GAHAHAHA!! I know dude!!”

Scala and the old man called while holding each other’s shoulders . Just what were they talking about while I was thinking all this time? Where did all that nervousness go? I held my head from this unpredicted change of event . Oh my God...

I have just let the two persons, who should never meet, actually meet each other . Both of them kept laughing like fools without any particular reason which made me even more amazed than before .

“Just what happened . . ?”

“We’re just getting along, that’s all!! Right, Scala!!”

“That’s right!! Tesu!!”

The old man called the strongest God in the universe by her name while Scala called him by a nickname . Just how far are they getting along . I got a faint feeling of alienation from watching the both of them laughing like that, but more importantly now is not the time for all this .

“What about the investigation, old man?”

“Oh yeah, about that . ”

“What? Investigation?”

The old man seemed to have forgotten about the reason he was here in the first place while Scala seemed to get interested in the word ‘investigation’ .

“We’re looking for a certain person right now . ”

“That sounds fun! I’m coming with you!!”

Listening to his short explanation, Scala decided to join in on our investigation . Wait a second, wait! If she were to come with us, I can already imagine the result of the investigation . I glanced at the old man in an attempt to transmit a message to him of refusing her, but such a message had no chance to reach him of course and he ended up accepting her with a broad smile .

“That sounds good!! Nothing will be scary if I had a God by my side, after all!!”

The old man spoke with a delighted mood . Of course, he would say so . I placed the hand on my forehead after hearing his totally predictable answer to Scala . Well, if he were to refuse her now, that will only end up ruining her mood, so it can’t be helped . Once that was decided, both of them started walking already as if they are going to strike the iron while it’s still hot .

“What are you doing, Yato? Hurry up!!”

“C’mon, move already!!”

All I get is bad feeling from this situation, honestly . Urged by both of them, I moved my heavy legs towards them and walked with a gloomy mood .



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Leaving a letter behind .

“Hm? I wonder where Scala-sama has gone . ” ⇐ Lina

“Apparently she left somewhere . ”

“Where did she go?”

“She left this letter behind for you . ”

I’m going to play with Yato .

“Eh? Does that mean she’s on Earth now...?”

“Yes . ”

“......” ⇐ Lina had fainted .

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