My Enchanting System

Chapter 695 Glasya's Fortress Of Cubus.

Malbolg is the rotting domain of Asmodeus's daughter, Glasya. The goddess of all succubi had sculpted this accursed land to suit her twisted, burning desires. It isn't a place anyone would want to visit unless they have a mental problem.

"What the hell is that?" Alice gasped and pointed with her finger toward a strange, creepy forest. Both Sofia and Selena cringed upon seeing it, "EW!"

"That's called the hair forest. Some ancient texts say it's the remaining scalp of a long-dead god." Cain explained with a wry smile.

"What about that green lake in the distance?" Sofia asked, pointing at the massive lake at the mountains foot.

"The lake of bile, it's the combination of vile ponds and lakes, Alsot the wastes from the Ossiea." Cain explained, pointing at the distance, "See that copper fortress in the distance? That Ossiea, Glasya's palace."

"That's a fortress-nya?" Selena gasped, "It's the size of a city-nya!" She gasped.

"That's Glasya's playground. It's called the Garden of Delights." Cain sighed, "This place is a shit hole."

Alice stared at him, "Despite being creepy, this place doesn't look as intimidating as the other layers." She scratched her chin, remembering the burning inferno of Phlegethos, the frozen wastelands of Stygia, and the rotting bogs of Minauros.

Cain looked at her, "How do I say this nicely?" He scratched his head, "This is the place where people are forced to do it 24/7, and the layer makes sure they only feel pain and disgust. Nobody finds this place amusing except weirdos and the cubus." Cain then looked at the girls, "I take it back. Even the cubus hate this place sometimes,"

"I'm getting nervous," Sofia sighed, looking down as they were landing.

"Stay close to me. Tell me if what you are going to see bothers you. I can deal with it," THUD! They landed before the fortress.

Thud! Thud! Two spears hit the ground before them. Two incubi glared from the wall. "One beautiful man and a couple of bitches. Open the door and send them where they should go!" CREEEEK! The door opened, and six incubi walked out, "The girls go with us. You follow her." He pointed toward a succubus waving her hand behind the gate.

Cain was about to speak when Gracie glared at them, pointing her thumb at the forest, "Go!"

"What..." the incubi's eyes flashed purple as they gasped. "As you say," They mumbled, running toward the forest.

Cain smiled at Gracie, "Good job, your charm is getting stronger."

"You there, stop!" the succubus approached them, "What did you do to them?"

Cain looked at her with a smile, "I don't know what you are talking about,"

The succubi froze, feeling a hand clench down on her heart, "How can I help you?" She said with a shaking voice.

"That's more like it," Cain smiled. "Don't bother us, and go take care of your business," Cain let go of her heart as they walked ahead.

The succubus crawled to the back alleyway, pissing herself, "That was a god. What in the nine hells such a monster is doing here," Half crying, she ran away, "I need to find a place to hide,"

As Cain and the girls walked through the cursed streets, they slowly got closer to him, "Cain, what is this place," Sofia cried, seeing people going at it everywhere.

"This place is weird," Alice felt her stomach turn as she saw people pissing on each other in the corner, "Can we just burn it to ash,"

Selena closed her nose with both hands, "She's right-nya. This place smells like rot-nya,"

Gracie stared around, seeing people crucified in the middle of the plaza. Red hot iron rods pierced them from the back end to the throat like fishes on a grill. "Is this where succubi live?" She asked.

"No," Cain looked at her, "This is Glasya's domain. It's shaped by her twisted desires, not the people living in it."

He pointed toward the crucified people, "They are suffering, and Glasya enjoys listening to their screams."

Gracie tilted her head, "But she's dead,"

"They don't know about that yet," Cain replied, "We can change this place, but we need to find the agents governing the place on her behalf."

They walk across the street when an incubus cuts their way, confidently approaching Sofia, "You come with me!" He said with a grin, just for her to partially transform her head and bite his torso off.

Everyone froze mid-action. That simple action released her aura for a brief moment, and everyone felt it. Tiamat is in the middle of the city.

Cain looked around the scared cubus and smiled, flicking his finger and hiding the body, "Don't mind us, keep doing what you were doing," He smiled, waving his hand, "But remember your place, and don't make moves on us."

After that incident, it didn't take them long to be confronted by Glasya's royal guards. "You majesty, Tiamat." A succubus landed in front of them, bowing down as a dozen armed soldiers followed her. "Sadly, Mistress Glasya is absent at the moment. Can you please tend to your needs?"

Sofia nodded, "You're speaking to the wrong person," She pointed toward Cain.

-n0ve1、com Cain smiled, lifting his hands and creating a small wooden box, "Here is a gift. Can we talk in keeping?"

The succubus peeked inside the body, seeing Glasya's severed head inside. That thing wasn't fake. Cain left from when consumed Glasya, just in case.

The succubus stared at him, terrified, "Let's head to the keep," She said, turning around with her knees shaking. Cain and the girls walked beside her.

"Say, how are you guys doing here?" Cain asked, walking beside the terrified succubus.

"We..we're doing nicely...sir, master...lord..." She bit her tongue several times, barely able to construct a sentence.

Cain smiled, at her, "I'm glad to hear that." He patted her should, and his touch caused her to piss herself, which he immediately noticed.

"Are you okay?" Cain asked.

She couldn't find words to answer with, ""

Cain stared into her eyes, "Calm down, I'm not going to blow this place. Yet." He patted her head, "You might even stop me from doing it by being nice,"

The succubus took a deep breath, gulping down as she glared at her.

Cain smiled at her, "I can see through lies. I promise not to hurt you if you spoke only the truth. How are you feeling."

The succubus gulped down, "I'm scared. I can't tell help but feel my life slipping away,"

"I won't kill you. You won't even know it if I did," He sighed, patting her back.

Sofia walked beside him, "He won't do anything crazy unless you provoke him."

Hearing those words from Tiamat wasn't reassuring one bit, "Can I please ask what count as provoking?"

Sofia looked at her, smiling with an evil grin, "Anything that you weren't asked to do can be provocative."

The succubus felt even more terrified.

As they reached the keep, the succubus led them to a large gust room where all the cubus of the building bowed with their heads on the ground.

Cain sat on a chair with the girls beside him, "As you can see, Glasya is dead." He smiled, "What do you think?"

"We're glad she died, Lord Cain." SPLAT! Cain blasted his head immediately, "Here is the first liar. Anyone of you has the courage to say what they want?" He looked around, and one of the cubus crawled forward, never lifting its head.

"This place is a hellish land of suffering for sinners, but to us who served under Glasay directly, it was a heaven where we could do whatever we like." It said, "With her death and your rule, I'm worried that will end,"

Cain smiled, "See, one of you can speak the truth." Flicking his finger, the cubus he just killed returned to life.

"The main people suffering here are sinners, I don't intend on stopping you from punishing them." Cain stared at them with a smile, "But I won't take against anyone else." They then looked at the girls, "Anything else to say?"

Gracie stepped forward, "Meliliana Darnopoius, do you know it?" She glared at them.

The succubus from earlier took a step forward, "The cubus you talk about is currently working on the legislation department, recording everything in the keep,"

Gracie glared at her, "Bring it here,"

Cain looked at her, "Are you okay with that?"

Gracie smiled, "I already killed it once. I want to see if I actually got over it,"

After a while, the succubus returned with Meliliana.

The moment Meliliana saw Cain and the girls, it froze in place. "It's been a while!" Cain waved his hand at it with a smile.

Gracie stared at it, "Get into a succubus form, now,"

Meliliana quickly transformed into her red-haired, pink eyes succubus and bowed down, unable to say a word.

Gracie walked toward her, "Melissa," she said, and Meliliana got shocked, seeing her mother appear behind Gracie's shadow.

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