My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 452: The Holy Land

Chapter 452: The Holy Land

Under the nourishment of source qi, the mountains and the earth may also change. Still, Tang Yu estimated that the process is relatively long - as for the current source crystal mine, the transcendent metal mine, because of the influence of a specific mutation factor when the two transformed or leveled up, the transformation effect on the territory was more obvious.

The battle of the transcendent could easily destroy a town. Tang Yu used to worry that as the enemy around the territory gets stronger and stronger, sooner or later, the landscape around the territory might get destroyed. He did not have the means to restore everything when that happened.

The place where the two races of transcendents came and rounded up a few alien transcendents still retains many deep pits!

The few battle traces did not affect the surroundings of the territory, Tang Yu thought, perhaps these battle traces could also be used as attractions so that the territory’s survivors get a more intuitive understanding of the transcendental battle - and use this to carry out a wave of ideological education, to enhance the cohesion of the territory’s survivors, and furthermore, to enhance the daily production of the territory’s Nen energy - although his territory was far from ascending to level seven, that did not prevent him from accumulating some necessary resources first.

Tang Yu did not forget the purpose of his visit to the back of the mountain was to get a hint of what kind of space the space behind the Gate of Light was.

“Do you think that space is a secret realm left behind by a civilization before the third era?”

The second era was the most glorious era of the planet of origin, but in today’s earth, the traces left by previous eras are few and far between.

The secret realms discovered so far were all fourth-era secret realms. What he discovered were trivial, such as ship technology, airplane manufacturing technology, secret realm manufacturing technology, and some other high-end means, which were passed down from the third era.

Exactly how it came about might be recorded by the Mage Alliance.

The only “station” directly related to that glorious civilization, according to Zhen, was located in the star road, but the star road no longer belongs to the origin star.

It was impossible for a glorious civilization to disappear all at once.

Zhen frowned. “It’s not a secret realm, the secret realm is like a bubble attached to the star of origin, bubbles have big and small, but too big of a bubble would mean that it is easy to break, that space, just the explored area alone is as big as a province, I guess the total area may be more than ten times of the initial exploration range which has exceeded the normal specifications of the secret realm.”

Tang Yu thought he couldn’t find a clue here, but then he heard Zhen continue.

“However, in the second era, legend has it that there is a core area on the Origin Star called the Holy Land “.

“It was the real hub of Origin Star, but very mysterious, and it was said that only the senior, elite, geniuses of the human race had the qualification to go into the “Holy Land”, I remembered that in the past, there was some selection of genius tournaments, from which people who stood out, often disappear for a period of time, when those people reappear, they had become a party of experts.”

“So, the “Holy Land” is a sacred place of cultivation? But that space, except for the entrance and exit pillars, there is nothing else.”

Zhen shook his head, “No, the place you found should not be the real “Holy Land”, but only the periphery.

It was said that the “Holy Land” is endlessly rich in source energy and has countless treasures, even for rare abilities, you can find a lot of corresponding inheritance there, there are also saints preaching, it is a place everyone aspires to.”

Tang Yu pondered for a while and suddenly said, “Then why didn’t you go to the “Holy Land”?”

Zhen was baffled, silenced for a few seconds, “I’m a spirit, not a human!”

Tang Yu wanted to say that it was a failure for a spirit to do what you did, but considering that Zhen was his only source of information about the Third Age, he still, well, couldn’t mess with him.

‘Should I ask Zhen how to enter the Holy Land?’

After thinking about it, Tang Yu decided to ask, “Do you think that in the “Holy Land”, there will be an artifact left by the saints?”

This was not only a question to Zhen but also to himself.

The second era was known as the glorious era. That era even had the ability to resist the strong enemy “devil race”, even if later defeated. It was impossible that not even a small remains of it left, right?

Tang Yu’s mood was somewhat conflicted.

After discussing with Zhen, he thought that one of the portals in the “Holy Land” should have appeared only recently, and if the second and third era saints left a remnant, it would most likely be in the “Holy Land”.

Perhaps one day, the “Holy Land” will really open, and only then can he enter the interior.


Time flew by.

The demonic beasts could not pose a threat to the territory, and within the Tiannan province, there was no more sign of the foreigners, so Tang Yu set his eyes on the development of the territory.

Imitating the Northern Court defense perimeter, he prepared to construct a real territory with the Tree Shade as the center.

The initial plan was one city, eight towns, and countless staging posts and outposts.

The first step was to suppress all the abyssal rifts in the areas around Tree Shade, such as Lincheng, Shuohu, and Hengcheng.

That was the only way to create a dense railroad network without the need to build a tower around the railway line - the cost was too high, a few dozen kilometers of the Tree Shade, the construction of defensive buildings would cost more than a million - he originally planned to build a railroad line connecting five large adjacent shelters, but he canceled his idea after building two of them.

On the contrary, the suppression of the abyssal rift only needs a high initial investment.

Over time it could generate stable income.


Red fog filled the dark red ground, covered with dense black mesh cracks.

Symbolic of death.

All over the earth, large and small abyssal rifts were like a scar, and demonic beasts were the pus flowing from within the wound, constantly squeezing the space for human survival.

The existence of abyssal rifts in the region, within 20 kilometers of human settlement, was rare. Only experienced and strong hunters dared to go deep into these high-risk areas to explore, and 10 kilometers of it was the forbidden area for human beings.

Most shelters were established in areas far from the abyssal rift.

And today,

“Kill them, reclaim the lost land!”

“Slaughter the demonic beasts and feasts!”

“Under the leadership of the great Director Tang, we’ll win a hundred battles!”

Several blazing red “Inferno Dragon Roar” descended from the sky, clearing a large area of the demonic beasts as dense as black waves.

In the sky, countless Hunters of the Investigation Corps rode on crane puppets, armed with rune guns, continuously shot down the demonic flying beasts.

On the earth, the Flaming Horse Cavalry Regiment, the Zebra Cavalry Regiment, and several other regiments launched a charge.

Farther away, there was also a rhinoceros chariot, rampaging, constantly trampling everything on their path, and 5,000 legions of fighter golems located at the very end, clearing the remnants of demonized beasts, constantly advancing.


A mountain-like stone giant appeared from the abyssal crack, roaring, a slap swept through, whipping up a fierce storm, shaking the Flying Cavalry ranks.

At that moment…

Thick blue and purple light fell from the sky, pierced through the stone giant, and shattered it into million pieces.

Several airplanes in the sky descended a little bit to increase the effectiveness of their concentrator cannon and opened fire.

In just half an hour, several cavalry regiments burst in next to the rift, and the members of the investigation corps, who were erected with flying crane puppets, also began to land. They quickly took out the parts from their space packs and combined them.

The base inscribed with the array of runes, piece by piece, put together, enclosing the abyssal rift. When all the runes were connected into one, the demonic beasts in the sky began to fall one by one.

Then not long after, a different type of concentrator cannon was quickly set up.

There was a new generation of energy cannon developed by the territory itself, which combined the technology of several major shelters. There were also blueprints of war instruments that Tang Yu had purchased from the market.

“Cloud Roar (basic type)”: medium-sized war equipment, operated by two controllers, can shoot rune arrows made of solidified energy, enough to penetrate any magical beast of the Awakening class that has no protective barrier.”

“Cloud Roar (chain type)”: a high-quality enhanced version, can shoot energy chains that bind the target, suitable for dealing with large creatures.

And as soon as a construction team arrived, the runesmiths cooperated to build the arrow towers and artillery.

-The team was able to build the towers and artillery, which were not comparable to the genuine ones, but it was not difficult to set up many aspects to guard an abyssal rift.

This kind of methodical strategy needed an amazing strategist, and Tang Yu himself only needed to wait for the legion triumph and browse the battle report.

This is just another day for a territory director.

Tang Yu was full of relief when he thought that the territory he had worked for so long had finally grown up.

“Abyssal rift number five, suppression complete, please instruct!”

Lu Xiaopeng saluted.

The B-rank qualified follower, who had no name, nodded his head.

Next, they needed to wait here for a while, and after handing over with the members of the guard corps, they could return to the territory and enjoy the rich nightlife.

Not far away, a light green pillar of light shot up into the sky…

Some of the members of the investigation corps present, seeing the familiar pillar of light, looked surprised, “That’s not ……”

“Look over there!”

Extremely far away, a few mountains away, you can also see the light green pillar of light rushing up into the sky, straight into the clouds.

The moment they saw the pillar of light, everyone’s mind suddenly remembered the same thing.

“Holy Land Qualification Selection”

“You can get equipment, inheritance, and heavenly treasures ……”

“Countdown to opening: 71:59:59


The Territory.

Tang Yu stood on the castle rooftop and looked at the pillar of light closest to the Tree Shade.

Some of the corps members who were permanently stationed in that space immediately returned to the city and passed on the information.

In the second minute of the appearance of the “Holy Land” pillar of light, they saw someone enter through the pillar of light, and it could be expected that there would be more Hunters pouring into that space in the future.

The first step to participate in the “Holy Land Qualification Selection” was to enter that space within three days.

“The inheritance left by the saints…has it begun?”


Ancient Spirit, the imperial capital.

Deep in the palace, an old man in closed-door cultivation seemed to sense something and suddenly rushed out of the cultivation room, standing in mid-air and looking at the light green pillar of light in the distance.

The next moment, the old man’s figure flashed and appeared in the palace hall.

At this moment, several extremely strong auras were flying this way.

The old man looked at the first middle-aged man to arrive, “The “Holy Land” has opened, the opportunity must not be missed, Gu Yi, gather our royal family’s geniuses of all ages, we must get the “Holy Land” inheritance! This is related to the future of our ancient spirits!”


United States Empire, New York Times Square.

A human transcendent whose body was glittering with lightning, and was tearing an alien transcendent in half with his bare hands, licked his lips.

“Holy Land Qualification Selection”? Interesting, I was worried about having nothing to do!”


Europe, an ancient castle.

An old man wearing a spiked mage hat and a long beard was in the clutch of experimentation, “Quickly, quickly, add blue water ……”


Suddenly the door of the room was knocked open, the old man’s hand shivered, the experiment turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

The old man turned around and looked at his own furtive student with an unpleasant face.

The student seemed not to notice and said excitedly, “Teacher, the “Holy Land” has appeared! And we can gain access!”

The old man was stunned, his anger dissipated, replaced by incomparable excitement, and his mouth kept chanting, “Floating City, Hanging Mountain, here I come!”


The red fog filled the space with people.

“The “Holy Land” has appeared, and some of our arrangements can begin.”

A hoarse voice echoed, “The messenger will descend to the Origin Star soon, and I hope to take down the “Holy Land” before then.”

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