Chapter 2376

He turned over in depression.

Xiaojun turned over and thought that he could finally play chess with Duke Zhou.

Mu Zhi thought that he turned over and ignored Xiaojun. Xiaojun would worry that he was angry with her, and then he would let go of his family. However, Xiaojun also turned over, regardless of whether he was angry or not.

A few minutes later, Cheng Xiaojun has gone to sleep.

Mu Zhi turns over and tries to push her twice. He finds that she is asleep. Mu Zhi can't help but reach out to pinch her face. However, when his hand falls on her face, his strength is lightened a lot. He just pinches it gently. Xiaojun is very sleepy. He pinches it gently like an itch, so he can't wake her up.

"In your heart, am I not important at all? I'm your husband. You don't love me. Who do you love? Alan? " Moki said to himself that he never envied Alan. No matter how many years he and Xiaojun have known each other, Xiaojun married him last.

Ellen, I can only watch him and Xiaojun love each other.

In front of Allen, he must show his love to Xiaojun!

The third young master Mu realized later that he had to guard his marriage well. His wife, the man who made Xiao miss his wife, died.

"My mother runs after my father all day long. She would rather leave her newborn son, but she doesn't. Maybe other people don't think she enjoys the happiness of marrying into Mu's family, but she and my father are together every day, which is more important than material. "

Mu Zhi whispered in Xiaojun's ear: "Xiaojun, I want you to value me as much as my mother values my father, and I don't want to run around the world with you. It's too dangerous. It's a contradiction."

Only when he knew her could he have all sorts of contradictions.

She did it all.

Give her another pinch.

In general, Mu Zhi pinches Xiaojun's face twice. This time, Xiaojun's strength is very strong. Xiaojun sleeps so well that he pinches it like this. He slaps it with his hands raised.

Muzhi was so close to her that she slapped him in the face.

Admiration for wisdom:

Cheng Xiaojun thought that fly was too hateful. It was always buzzing in her ear and biting her face. He had to slap it to death!

Cloud City at the other end.

Mr. Yun asked fengbatian to climb the mountain. He went out yesterday, but still hasn't come back. Last night, he received a call from his old man saying that the mountain is too high. The two old men climbed to the hillside for a day, but they didn't want to give up halfway. They had to climb to the top of the mountain. Therefore, the two old people stayed in the wooden house hotel on the hillside last night.

When the old man is not at home, Yunjing goes to work everyday as usual, taking care of the business of Yunshi group.

Cloud Zheng is drenched in flowers at home, making delicious food, playing piano and painting in leisure time, living a peaceful life, of course, ignoring the "pressure" from Ning Chengxuan.

Other brothers and sisters have their own business to be busy, but Qinglong is at home these two days. Maybe he drank too much the night before yesterday.

At noon, Yunjing goes home to eat.


Yun Zheng comes out of the house when her sister's car enters the mansion. As soon as her sister's car stops, she laughs and helps her sister open the door.

From a distance, Qinglong looks at the cloud Zheng in a white dress. Her hair is all over her head and waist. Her skin is as white as snow. She looks like a fairy. Even if she wears a simple and elegant skirt, she looks out of the world.

Green dragon is going crazy.

Soon, he came over and said, "Yunjing, Zheng."

"Thirteen brothers." Yun Zheng smiles and responds. Yun Jing just looks at him coldly. Qinglong is used to Yun Jing's indifference. Let alone he and Yun Jing are fighting openly and secretly. When he didn't fight with Yun Jing for power and profit before, Yun Jing is cold every time he sees him.

"It's sunny and hot outside. Go inside." Yunjing is indifferent to others, but gentle to her only sister. She takes up the hand of Yunzheng, and the two sisters come into the room. Qinglong smiles and follows her. She also asks Yunzheng, "Zheng son, can brother 13 have a meal?"


"Thank you Zheng."

Yunjing glances at him again. Qinglong doesn't care.


Yunjing's mobile phone rings. She takes out her mobile phone and looks at the caller ID. she says to her sister, "it's grandpa Feng."

"Cloud Zheng curiously said:" how is the Phoenix grandfather call

Blue Dragon's black eyes twinkled. Was his plan successful? Grandpa has had an accident, so fengba genius will call Yunjing?

He listened attentively to Yunjing and fengbatian.

Feng batian's voice on the phone was not loud, but Qinglong couldn't hear him clearly, but Yunjing suddenly changed his face and asked coldly: "how can he roll down the mountain? Step on the stone, does it slip? Seriously hurt? "

The blue dragon's black eyes twinkled even more.

Sure enough, his plan succeeded.

Grandpa stepped on the slippery stone and rolled down the mountain.

Grandpa's age, let alone roll down from the mountain, even if he falls, he has to lie down for a while. In this way, if grandpa died, he would still die in an accident. It has nothing to do with his green dragon.

After Yunjing hung up the phone, Yunzheng asked with concern: "sister, what's the matter? What happened to Grandpa? Rolling down the mountain? Is the injury serious? "

"It's grandpa's Alas, the fall is very serious, the head is broken, the blood is broken, the fracture has been sent to the doctor, and I don't know if it can be saved. ZHENG'ER, I'm not going to eat. When this happens, Grandpa must be very sad. I'm going to hurry up. "

Yunjing finished, turned around and left.

"Sister, I'll go too."


Yunjing did not refuse her sister's follow.

The two sisters completely ignored the green dragon who followed them into the house and hurried out. In just a few minutes, Yunjing's car disappeared in Yunjia mansion.

Green Dragon chased out, but also just stood at the door of the house to watch, did not catch up with the past.

His plan was successful. When Grandpa had an accident, both of Yunjing's sisters rushed through.

At this time, of course, he can't fall behind. He needs to carry out the second step plan to kill those brothers and sisters who are loyal to Yunjing. These are done by his other allies. He has to take people with him to kill Yunjing.

Qinglong hurried back to his hut. A few minutes later, Qinglong also drove away from the mansion.

After staying away from the mansion, he contacted Chuxiong and waited for Chuxiong to answer the phone. He said, "Mr. Chu, my plan is successful. Is it convenient for you to come here now? Yunjing will give it to you." The zither belongs to him.

But Molly is pregnant now. He has to find another place to hide the zither. It's not only to prevent Molly from attacking the zither, but also to prevent Ning Chengxuan from coming to ask for someone.

Chuxiong's plan of picking eyebrows and Qinglong is unknown to Chuxiong, but he can guess that after all, he told Qinglong in advance that the two old masters were going to climb the mountain, suggesting that Qinglong should seize the opportunity to set up a bureau in the field and kill yunlao.

"It's inconvenient for me to pass now, Yunjing. If you hurt her, I won't let you go. Remember, our partnership, you promised me. "

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