Of course, Guan Xiaoxiao wasn't originally like this, nor did her family have any heredetic mental disease. Guan Xiaoxiao was the only daughter of the Guan Family. Back then, fifty years ago, Guan Family was one of the most prestigious families in China. Its wealth and power was immeasurable and both Sir Guan and Madam Guan was the picture of a perfect couple, even when they were already in their thirties, they still loved each other the same way as when they first met, everyday was soaked in honey and rainbow.

That's why, their daughter, Guan Xiaoxiao grew up as a cherished little princess. She was pure, simple minded and very beautiful. When she turned sixteen, the line of men who wanted to propose to her could circle the Earth twice.

Alas, in the end, she fell for Jiang Huocheng, a startup entrepreneur who came from an average family.

The reason for it was a bit silly, but very much like Guan Xiaoxiao; because Jiang Huocheng looked very much like a prince in the story that she liked the most. In that story, there was a girl who was imprisoned in the ivory tower, overwhelmed with loneliness and sadness, waiting for someone who would come to pick her up. Like every other fairy tale, she encountered a knight kneeling under her window, asking for her hand. "My Princess, I have come to take you away."

The girl was moved and fell in love with the knight who was handsome, gallant and gentle. He was the picture perfect of the husband she was yearning for. The two were like lock and key, fitted perfectly with each other. The knight turned out to be a Prince from the neighboring kingdom and he was here for a visit only to find an abandoned princess in a tower.

If there was a prince, then there would always be villains. Evil stepmother and stepsisters, love rivals etcetera. Together with the Prince, they held hands and defeated it all with the power of love, finally gaining everyone's acknowledgment.

The abandoned princess was crowned as a queen and finally, they lived happily ever after.

Guan Xiaoxiao's favorite part was when the knight pretended to be a wanderer. Upon finding out that she was a princess, he said sadly. "You are a Princess, but I am just a commoner. How can we be together?"

Then, the Princess replied. "Then, I am willing to be a commoner together with you."

During the wedding, when the Prince put on the ring on her fingers, she whispered, shedding tears of joy. "Whether it's a princess or a commoner, I am willing to be anything as long as I can be with you. But in the end, you make me a queen."

Guan Xiaoxiao would dream of it every night, imagining that she was a princess in an ivory tower, waiting for the prince who pretended to be a wanderer. Subsequently, it was unknown whether it was fate play or not, one day, when Guan Xiaoxiao opened her window from her room which was on the third floor, the twenty two years old Jiang Huocheng stood under it, looking up in shock.

Then, he recovered quickly and chuckled, two dimples appearing on his cheeks. "What are you, a princess?"

The universe seemed to work together hand in hand with destiny. The flower was blooming behind him, the sun shone on his hair and his curved eyes reflected smiles. The scent of rose floated in the air and the sky was clear blue. Between the picturesque and dreamy scenery, Jiang Huocheng stood in the middle, complimenting it perfectly.

…very charming and handsome like a prince.

Guan Empire's princess fell in love, just like that.

At that time, she was only sixteen and her head was full of rainbow and cotton candy. She hurried on to Madam Guan, bashfully saying that she had found her future husband. It wasn't like Madam Guan and Sir Guan were prejudiced against Jiang Huocheng, this bright and smart youth, but other than Jiang Huocheng, there were still many others who were far better.

Madam Guan and Sir Guan wanted nothing but the best for Guan Xiaoxiao, but their daughter was adamant to marry Jiang Huocheng. Helpless, they had no choice but to probe Jiang Huocheng's intention.

How could Jiang Huocheng ever refuse? The two smoothly got engaged when Guan Xiaoxiao came of age and planned to marry the year after. The happily ever after in her dream was right in front of her eyes and Guan Xiaoxiao felt like she was the luckiest woman on earth.

Unfortunately, everything changed when she was nineteen. Sir Guan and Madam Guan died in a plane accident which exploded in the middle of the ocean. Not even their corpse returned. Guan Xiaoxiao received a huge blow from it and she fell into a mild depression.

Nonetheless, Jiang Huocheng was always there with her. Just like in her favorite story, struggles and difficulties came one after another, but love would always prevail. Under Jiang Huocheng's gentle and affectionate care, Guan Xiaoxiao slowly recovered and they became more lovey dovey each day.

Guan Xiaoxiao always wanted to bear Jiang Huocheng's child, but the man gently held her hands and said, "Baby, you're still too young. Let us wait for two more years okay? When you're twenty two, we will have a child together."

Guan Xiaoxiao's heart melted at his words and she agreed.

Fast forward, because Guan Empire had been solely founded by Sir Guan with Guan Xiaoxiao being the only heir, now that Sir Guan had passed away, all of his wealth and properties fell into his daughter's hands.

She was the baby who was always spoiled and pampered, cupped in their palms and cherished on the tip of their heart. When would she learn how to operate such a gigantic company like Guan Empire? Thus, the responsibility fell into Jiang Huocheng's hands.

Jiang Huocheng was just an ordinary man with sufficient knowledge but he was born to be a tycoon in the business world. The Guan Empire was shaken hard because of the news of the chairman's death, but Jiang Huocheng—with his tenacity, forbearance and insight—single handedly held Guan Empire up with both of his hands and the company finally prospered again.

One year, two years…the time he promised finally arrived and yes, Guan Xiaoxiao was finally pregnant with a baby boy. Her first pregnancy was very hard; morning sickness, mood swings, pain and soreness, moreover, there wasn't a mother by her side and her husband was always busy with the company.

She wanted his time, but time was what he didn't have the most.

She wanted his company, but he had a huge responsibility to shoulder which concerns the lives of thousands.

Jiang Huocheng was Guan Xiaoxiao's everything but to Jiang Huocheng…Guan Xiaoxiao was just one of many things which he had to care for.

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