Night at the hospital was eerily quiet. Every single sound, no matter how small it was, would be magnified indefinitely. The hushed voices, soft footsteps, crackling light bulbs, the door opening and closing.

In the empty hallway of the fifth floor, once again, there was a series of light footsteps that were getting closer and closer to Shi Nian's room.

Shi Nian had been sleeping soundly, but maybe because it was a conditional response, once she heard those footsteps, her eyes snapped open amidst the dark and the first thing she saw was the clock on the wall.

1:55 am.

She looked over and was instantly met with a pair of sharp, deep eyes, staring intently at her. Her breath hitched on her throat and her heart stopped. She widened her eyes in fright and it took a few seconds for her to realize that it was Xu Binchen's eyes.

...Really, she forgot Xu Binchen was here and almost got a heart attack.

The man put his fingers on his lips and gestured for her to not move.

Shi Nian's fingers grasped her blanket so tight that her knuckles turned white. Loud and violent heartbeats thundered in her ears and she slowly, fearfully let out a shaking breath. Her back broke out in cold sweat and her fingertips trembled ever so slightly.

Xu Binchen was still in his position, lying horizontally on the couch with his feet dangled in the air. His sharp eyes shone in the dark, not even a hint of sleepiness could be seen. Shi Nian doubted whether he had slept all these while.

The footsteps came closer and closer and then stopped not far from her room.

It was like the nightmare from last night was replaying all over again. Shi Nian stared at Xu Binchen with horror in her eyes, but different from last night, she wasn't alone. Just this fact alone enabled her to calm herself down and smoothed her breathing as if she was in a deep sleep.

Xu Binchen could just stretch out his neck and he would be able to see the situation on the door. From their position, Shi Nian's sight was blocked by the couch and she could only see the half top of the door. Meanwhile, if one peeked in from outside, then they would only be able to see the back of the couch with Xu Binchen's long legs in the air, Shi Nian was completely blocked out of sight.

Xu Binchen rolled soundlessly to the floor.

Shi Nian stared wide eyed, astonished as to how he was able to move steadily and made his way to the area beside the door. This way, no matter who came in later, they wouldn't be able to discover Xu Binchen.

He gave her a reassuring glance and Shi Nian nodded. Even though her face was still a little pale with fright, she didn't feel so terrified anymore.

The footsteps stopped and Xu Binchen held his breath.

The light that poured out from the gaps between the door and floor was obstructed with a long shadow and slowly…soundlessly…Shi Nian's hospital door slid open, only by an inch.

An eye poked out between the gaps of the door and was instantly met with Xu Binchen's chilly eyes which were slightly bloodshot because of the lack of sleep. He was like a vengeful spirit with red eyes that was full of malice. The suspense and shock was enough to cause someone's life.


The long, shrill scream was so loud, so heartrending and so miserable that it could be heard from miles away. Shi Nian shot up from her bed and Xu Binchen slammed the door open, and in the next second, the whole room was blinded with the lights on.

The nurses and doctors in shift had learned from their previous experience, moreover, they had been lectured by Detective Xu just like a bunch of misbehaving children. Now that an accident happened once again, they instantly reacted and ran toward Shi Nian's room!

"W—What happened?!"

"Shi Nian?! Is Shi Nian okay?"

Shi Nian widened her eyes in shock. Not because of the person sneaking around, but because that exact person, who met Xu Binchen's eyes, was the one who screamed like a pig in slaughter.

And that scream was even familiar to her.

The nurses and doctors skidded in shock. Crowded in a circle in front of Shi Nian's room, they saw the youth who fell on his butt due to shock as well as the main culprit whose scream was enough to make the glass windows crack.

Xu Binchen looked down coldly like a God. The light from the room shone behind him, shrouding his face and illuminated his profile, making him look more domineering and awe inspiring. "What are you doing here, Young Master Nan?"

Yes, the person who sneakily opened Shi Nian's door was exactly Young Master Nan, Nan Xukun.

The youth's mouth gaped open in shock and his eyes reflected horror. Only after Xu Binchen talked did he realize that the eyes who met him was just Xu Binchen's. Patting his chest in relief, the youth whose hair was rainbow in color complained in an aggrieved tone. "Can you not scare me like that?! I almost got a heart attack!"

"Aiyoh, Young Master Nan?"

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Did your butt injured?"

Nan Xukun's face blushed crimson and he stood up shakily. "I—Injured your ass! Why should I be injured?! I am okay, ah. Stop! Don't crowd around me!"

The nurses and doctors confirmed that there was nothing wrong and finally went back in relief.

Shi Nian walked toward Xu Binchen and Nan Xukun, confused. What was he doing here, coming to her room in the middle of the night?

Xu Binchen hadn't slept, and he had accumulated anger in his belly due to having not caught the serial killer yet. His face was awfully dark as he scowled. "What are you doing here?"

"I—" Nan Xukun glanced at Xu Binchen in fear and finally turned to Shi Nian, his gaze pleading. "I am scared to sleep alone…Can you take me in for one night? Please?" He widened his eyes, fully displaying his beautiful greyish green pupils. His entire body was trembling, maybe because he hadn't gotten out of the shock of facing Xu Binchen's bloodshot eyes in the dark.

Even though Young Master Nan was almost as tall as Xu Binchen, when he was cowering like this, he really looked like a shivering little animal.

Shi Nian: "…"

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