Three weeks later.

The newscaster on the national TV channel announced in a solemn tone. The background showed the conference hall of the police station and the still empty podium. 

"One of the leading entrepreneurs and successful businessmen in the country, Nan Cheng, was arrested three days ago in his company, Henan Corporation. The reasons are currently unknown as of now, but reliable resources have stated that CEO Nan is involved in the case of human trafficking, drug distribution, homicides as well as severe abuse toward minors for years."

"The case has become the most widely discussed topic in Weib8. Majority of the citizens stated that they couldn't believe that CEO Nan was such a person. Even a petition has spread everywhere to plead for Nan Cheng's innocence. On the other hand, there have been no less people who started to speak out regarding the incident that harmed them due to Nan Cheng's cynical behaviour, accusing him for being a fake. The two contrasting public opinions have earned the attention from all sectors in the country. However, there has been no official statement from the police themselves up until now. The whole case is shrouded in mystery. One thing for certain is, the popularity Nan Cheng received lately due to the charges against him certainly doesn't lose out to the serial killer. Today, we will finally receive a press conference from the police."

Right as the words fell, ruckus erupted behind and all the reporters stood up. Camera lights flashed rapidly, blinding the whole room as enthusiastic welcomed escorted the representative up to the podium.

The man on the screen donned a dark blue police uniform that hugged his proportional body. He stepped into the podium and took off his hat, revealing an elegant, attractive face that could definitely make girls swoon. Under the blinding flickering lights, he gave his signature smile. "Hello, fellow reporters and everyone behind the screen. I am Qin Weizhe, the temporary leader in place of Captain Jin Renguang who is currently inactive for duty due to some mishaps. Until Captain Jin returns, I will be the one in charge so you will be meeting me a lot in the future. Now, let's begin the press conference. You may ask your questions."

The atmosphere heated in an instant.

"Captain Qin!" A reporter shouted loudly. "As we have all known, Captain Jin Renguang is the lead investigator for the serial killer case. You said that he was met with an accident, does it have something to do with the case?"

Qin Weizhe maintained his smile which didn't give anything away yet also seemed like it was hinting on something. The camera flashed rapidly in response. "About that," He gave a wink, making the female reporter blush furiously. "Please wait for our official news."

"...Miss Shi?"

The call tore Shi Nian's attention away from the TV and she stood up, bowing politely. "Good evening, Detective Ke. Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year to you too. Sorry to keep you waiting. It's been chaotic lately especially after the press conference, you know." Ke Shao grinned. "Speaking of it, how are you? I heard from Senior Ru that you're having your university entrance examination today. Did it go well?"

"Yes, thank you for asking." A smile bloomed on Shi Nian's face. "Everything is going well."

"Good, that's good. Then, shall we?" Ke Shao gestured ahead.

Shi Nian nodded and followed the man to the interrogation room she had gotten quite familiar with. Sitting down, she took a deep breath.

Ke Shao took a seat opposite her and opened the laptop. "Don't be nervous." He tried to offer a few comforting words. "You only need to tell me everything you have remembered. I know that you and him used to be childhood friends, but this is another matter altogether okay? He's a criminal who has killed thirteen people. Well, it almost turned fourteen if we had arrived a bit later."

Shi Nian lowered her head, hands clenched tightly above her knees. "I know." She murmured quietly. "Every action has its retribution. My past relationships with him doesn't justify the crime he has committed."

They spent two full hours inside the room. 

When Shi Nian stepped out of the police station, the sun had begun to set and the sky splashed with sparkling golden rays. She looked up to the beautiful sky and sighed tiredly, white mists puffing up her mouth. The temperature still hadn't risen and Shi Nian tugged the scarf higher to cover her reddened nose. Her lone figure merged with the throng of crowd whose atmosphere was still soaked in the exuberance of Christmas and Gregorian New Year. The contrast made her look especially lonesome and forlorn.

Walking to and fro hospital had been a habit for the last three weeks. It had gotten to the point where Shi Nian started to get acquainted with the doctors and nurses there. After exchanging a few Christmas and New Year's greetings, she made her way toward one of the rooms in the VIP ward.

Coincidentally, it was time for dinner to be served.

Shi Nian knocked on the door, drawing the attention of two people inside. 

"Oh, your daughter is here, Madam!" The nurse put on a wide smile. "Then I will leave you two alone. Please enjoy your meal."

"Niannian." Qiang Fei beamed and opened her arms. "How is your exam?"

Shi Nian flew to her embrace and nudged her head closer to the woman's shoulder, careful not to put too much pressure on her waist. "Everything is fine. I will surely be able to pass!"

Qiang Fei chuckled. "Some confidence you have there." Her eyes turned worried in the next moment. "You came here from the police station, right?"

Shi Nian hummed and put down her backpack. "Don't worry, it's the last time. My statement has been recorded and now…all we have to wait for is the trial." She looked at Qiang Fei's troubled look and changed the topic with a carefree tone. "What are you eating for dinner? Woah, it's braised pork, stir fry vegetables and mapo tofu! You live a comfortable life here huh, Madam Shi?" She offered a teasing smile.

"Of course." Qiang Fei harrumphed smugly and started to wolf down the food. "I don't have to work and I can sleep as long as I want. Most importantly, the food is soo delicious! I can't ask for more!"

Shi Nian burst in laughter. 

"That's why," Qiang Fei continued, her eyes inadvertently glimpsed upon Shi Nian's neck that wasn't covered by the scarf. The purplish blue mark of chains still lingered. It looked horrendous against her fair skin. She withdrew her gaze instantly and pretended to be engrossed in her food so Shi Nian wouldn't realize how her eyes watered again. "You have to thank Uncle Jiang later, okay?"

Suddenly hearing that name, Shi Nian's smile faltered for a split second before she nodded firmly. "I will."

"Niannian." Qiang Fei put down the spoon and turned to her, smiling gently. "It's been hard on you."

The rims of Shi Nian's eyes reddened and she lowered her head to hide the tears springing up her eyes. "What are you talking about now, Mama? The one who's hospitalized is you, not me."

"Mama is totally fine. It doesn't even hurt anymore when I walk around." She patted Shi Nian's head gently. "So don't torture yourself anymore with guilt, enjoy your holiday, go out with your friends and eat delicious food, okay? Everything will be okay. He will wake up soon."

Shi Nian pinched her thigh discreetly so as to not bawl her eyes out then and there. Sniffling, she gave an annoyed harrumph. "Aiyah...even if you don't tell me, I will definitely do that." She lifted her head, revealing nothing but her usual cheerful smile. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Qiang Fei stared at her face for a while as if searching for something. In the end, she gave up, sighing. "Fine. You can go now. Mama will continue to enjoy her meal." She even put on a blissful expression every time she took a bite of the food, prompting a more genuine smile on Shi Nian's face.

"Alright." Shi Nian stood up and grabbed her backpack. "I will visit again tomorrow."

Qiang Fei waved offhandedly in response. Giving the woman one last glance, Shi Nian shook her head helplessly and left the room. 

Walking down the hallway, she turned into a corner and entered the area that was guarded by a few black suit bodyguards. Those people seemed to be familiar with her as they gave a curt nod when she passed, even stepping aside to give way for her. Eventually, she stopped in front of a firmly shut door. From the glass panel, she could see the silhouette of the person inside. 

Shi Nian took a deep breath and slid the door open gently as if afraid she would wake the person inside up. This was ridiculous. She had clearly done this act almost every single day but why was she still feeling so nervous?

Sunset poured into the room, enveloping the man laying on the bed in golden glow. His body was connected with multiple apparatus, an oxygen mask covering his face. The rhythmic beep of the heartbeat monitor echoed with Shi Nian's careful steps as she approached him. 

…He looked as peaceful as ever, immersed in his slumber like a Sleeping Beauty.

The thought came to her mind out of nowhere and she chuckled. 

"Jinyan..." She uttered his name gently, her eyes softened with affection tinged with a hint of sadness. "I'm here again. How are you today?"




A/N: It's been three weeks and Jiang Jinyan hasn't woken up yet QAQ how about Nan Xukun then? Let's see....

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