Jiang Jinyan's phone was found on the road along Jianshan Intersection, possibly run over by a vehicle. And for the next twelve hours, the person himself didn't show up. 

Since dawn, Shi Nian had been sending him messages once an hour. 

[Ten Years]: Where are you, Jinyan?

[Ten Years]: Are you okay?

[Ten Years]: If you see this message, call me as soon as possible okay?

[Ten Years]: Jinyan, you're making me scared…

[Ten Years]: Please reply, okay? Even one word is fine.

Her messages were akin to stones sinking into the ocean. No response at all. By now, Shi Nian was 90% sure that something must have happened to him. As soon as the sun began to rise, Shi Nian filed a missing person report to the police. She thought that her report would be transferred to the Public Security Division but when she arrived at the police station and found Xu Binchen waiting for her, only then did she know that the man had personally taken over the case.

"Binchen gege." She approached him, her eyes slightly swollen from crying herself to sleep last night. "Sorry, you must have been so busy."

Xu Binchen looked at her for a while and sighed. "What's with this sudden politeness? I can be considered as your guardian and Jiang Jinyan isn't someone unfamiliar either. Come with me."

Shi Nian took a deep breath and nodded.

As they walked down the hallway, he gave her a sideway glance. "...Are you okay?"

Just in one glance, it was quite difficult to tell how anxious she was if not for her slightly reddened eyes. This girl…she really hadn't changed a bit, always piling every single thing inside and brood over it herself, Xu Binchen sighed. 

"Hmm, I'm okay." She forced out a smile, which he'd rather not see.

How could she be okay? Her three hours sleep was plagued by nightmares and multiple unfamiliar memories kept popping up one after another. The moldy room without window, dark winding hallway, screams and cries of agony.

Then, it all ended with the same scene. After running for so long, Shi Nian finally pushed open the door she thought was the exit but what she found inside was Jiang Jinyan on the ground, blood pooling underneath him. Warmth slowly left the man's body until the end, when she managed to touch him, what was left behind was only the cold stiffness of a corpse.

The image kept on repeating in her mind, so much that she couldn't concentrate on her class. She was told off by Teacher Yao, even got Chen Jiawei and Mo Ling to worry about her. Today was such a mess. Shi Nian didn't even know how she managed to pass it and get to the police station with her own feet.

"Have you found something, Binchen gege?" She asked quietly. "How about Uncle Jiang? Have you gotten hold of him and asked whether he has seen Jinyan?"

"Yes, we're trying to get a hold of him." Xu Binchen said shortly. He proceeded to take into an empty lounge. Shi Nian sat on the couch opposite him and wrung her fingers nervously. 

"Last night, we tracked his phone's GPS and found it on Jianshan Intersection." He pulled out a stack of photographs, lining it up in front of Shi Nian. "Wang Chengbing hacked the CCTV system and found that the phone was thrown out of a black sedan. The window was tinted black so we couldn't ascertain whether it was Jiang Jinyan himself or not. Here, have you seen this car before?"

Shi Nian brought the photograph closer and scrutinized it deeply. Shaking her head, she mumbled. "I have no idea…"

Xu Binchen raked his fingers through his hair, sighing. "I expect so. I have checked its plate number but turns out, it's an unregistered one. The only thing we can do right now is to monitor the traffic CCTV to see where the car headed to. Yesterday at around 5 pm, the car went from Jianshan Intersection toward the direction of National Highways. The black sedan is a very common one so after it merged with the busy traffic, it was difficult for us to confirm where it went. We have to wait a little longer for the result."

Shi Nian nodded slowly. "Thank you and…sorry to inconvenience you."

Xu Binchen clicked his tongue. "One more word and I will kick you out."

A short laugh escaped her lips before it soon subsided. "I'm seriously asking, when was the last time you slept? Your eyebags are so dark and heavy, your eyes are bloodshot too."

Xu Binchen stood up and rummaged through his pocket for a cigarette. "I have gotten used to it." He said curtly. "If you have nothing else to do, go home first. If he's still missing for the next twelve hours, we will take drastic measures."

Shi Nian hummed. "Okay, go and do your job. I will leave soon."

Xu Binchen stared at the crown of her head for a moment. His hand reached out, seemingly wanting to pat her head but it halted midway and he lowered it back in the end. "Text me if you have arrived safely."

Shi Nian nodded with a smile and maintained it until Xu Binchen's back disappeared from her sight.

She sat there for a short while, her head hung low and hands pressed together tightly. "It's okay, it's okay Shi Nian. Don't panic. Nothing will happen to him. You have to believe in General Jiang. He's undefeatable, he will definitely be okay…" She murmured under her breath again and again as if only that way would she be able to stand up again.


When Jiang Jinyan came to, vertigo attacked his head and for a while, he couldn't remember what happened before he lost consciousness. It seemed like he was sinking into a deep sleep, one where he dreamt of Shi Nian. A skinnier, shorter and timid Shi Nian in strange traditional clothing who trailed behind him. In that dream, Shi Nian went back to being a mute and everytime she wanted to say something, he would offer his arm for her to scribble on.

She would steal some glances at him with those round, golden eyes and when their eyes met, she would hastily lower her sight, her fair cheek reddened ever so slightly.

It was such a weird and vivid dream. But when he opened his eyes, he couldn't recall it clearly anymore as every single scene turned into a blur.

A dirty, yellow spotted ceiling welcomed his sight and he let out a groan. His whole body felt as heavy as lead. It reminded him of when he woke up for the first time after the car accident. 

When his mind gathered a little bit of clarity, the memories rushed to his brain and his eyes snapped open instantly, awake and sober. He struggled to sit up and found his legs and arms tied up, his tongue still numb from the effect of the drug.

In the corner of the moldy, cramped room, a man sat in poise. His elegant suit and polished shoes contrasted immensely with the shabby area. "You're awake?" He asked in a calm tone.

Jiang Jinyan's eyes grew sharp and wary. He gritted his teeth. "What do you want?!"

"Please cooperate with me, Young Master Jiang. That is…" The corner of his lips curled into a cold, chilling smile. "...if you don't want to die."

"Si Zhening, you bastard!" Jiang Jinyan snarled and struggled to no avail. The ropes were so tight that the effort only caused his skin to be chaffed. Gradually, he calmed down albeit his chest was still undulating rapidly. "Are you going to torture me slowly, cut my limbs off one by one and throw it in public places?"

"Who knows?" Si Zhening stood up and approached him. In his hand was a black cloth. Jiang Jinyan scrambled back in reflex yet his back bumped against the wall. There was nowhere to hide in this narrow space. Si Zhening suddenly pounced forward and strangled his neck, his fingers exerting strength. When Jiang Jinyan gasped in response, he shoved the black cloth into his mouth. 

Leaning forward, he stared down at the furious man with cold-blooded, inhuman eyes. "I'm tired of playing anymore. Before you die, let me tell you the truth."

"Yes, I lured you out on purpose and yes…" He chuckled grimly. "I am the serial killer who kidnapped your little Shi Nian."

Out of nowhere, he pulled out an ax from behind his back and under Jiang Jinyan's widened eyes, swung it down forcefully.




A/N: How many of you get your guess right? (`∀´)Ψ

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