My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 315 - Someone Stop The Music!!!

"Hmm, that's interesting…" The corner of Xu Binchen's lips curled into a slight smile. "Give me a moment to think. If I ponder it through, you should keep your words."

"Yes!" Lei Liqiu sighed in relief. As long as she had told Xu Binchen, it meant one less burden on her shoulder. "You can take your time, Young Master."

They spent the next moment casually chatting. Yu Li'er slowly relaxed, seemingly realizing that Director Wang wasn't quite the same as the previous patrons who came to Dreamscape Bar. She slowly let loose and even became quite close with the chubby Director, chatting and laughing like long lost buddies.

Lei Liqiu smiled. She hadn't seen Yu Li'er so energetic since she got on the limousine earlier.

They didn't need to wait long before the speaker around the yacht buzzed. Manager Si's voice came through it. "Good evening, honored ladies and gentlemen. This is Si Yusheng from Dreamscape Bar. Let me remind you that there's only one rule in this place; whatever you see or hear, it shall remain here and only here. Every offender shall receive punishment depending on their crime. Don't forget, you do not wish to cross us. Now, let the party begin and I hope you have a pleasant night here!"

Si Yusheng's gentle voice could be heard throughout the yacht, coupled with the subtle threat in his words, it was as if he could see through every gesture and word no matter where they were. It caused goosebumps to crawl all over Lei Liqiu's skin. She hugged her arms and shivered, then a warm clothing carrying a subtle scent of cologne was draped over her shoulder all of a sudden.

She turned around in shock to find Xu Binchen left with only a thin white shirt and tie.

"Wear it." Xu Binchen said offhandedly. "Just looking at you makes me feel cold."

Lei Liqiu gathered his suit jacket closer and lowered her head to hide the smile. She watched as Xu Binchen beckoned the guard to come. "Do you need something, Sir?"

"There's something I want to ask," He drawled in a lazy tone. "The punishment Manager Si is talking about, what kind of punishment is it?"

"You'd better not know about it, Sir." The bodyguard smiled mysteriously. "All I can say is that every single person who has broken the rules ended up regretting it."

"Huh?" Xu Binchen feigned interest. "So, what if I disclose the content of our trading with a friend of mine? Will Manager Si drop my body in the ocean? Anyway, can he even monitor everyone closely? What if there's an unknown slip?"

"Err…" The guard hesitated. 

"If you have any questions, then you should have asked me, Mr. Xander." Manager Si arrived in a timely manner, smiling. He dismissed the guards and waiters. "They don't know anything."

Xu Binchen gestured for him to go ahead.

Instead of answering, Manager Si asked in return. "Why are you asking that kind of question? Do you have any plan to break the rule?"

The man shrugged casually. "What if I'm drunk and blurted it out by mistake? Will I also be punished?"

"Don't worry." Manager Si smiled but somehow, there's something in that smile that made Lei Liqiu's skin crawl. It was terrifying and disgusting. "We have wider networks than you can imagine us to be. On account that you haven't made any detrimental mistakes, then we are willing to overlook it, but…" 

He didn't clearly explain it but everyone could understand his underlying meaning. If anything about today's trading got out, then Xu Binchen would be the prime suspect.

This was a blatant threat!

Director Wang couldn't help but burst out into another bout of Spanish curses. It amused Si Yusheng to the point where he chuckled. "Don't worry, Director Wang. Because we accepted your presence on accord of our long-time VVIP client's wish, I believe that he will be able tell you more about our rule."

Wang Chengbing couldn't help but curse Si Yusheng for his shamelessness. Of course, his entry was an illegal and unexpected one. He had hacked into the account of one of Dreamscape Bar's VVIP clients and stole that person's identity, posing as his curious yet naive nephew who had just returned from abroad. It took a huge amount of work to forge some paperworks and documents to pass Si Yusheng's background check. 

But who was Wang Chengbing? He was hacker WANG for God's sake! This kind of work, he could complete it even with his eyes closed!

Yet despite his clean record, he still couldn't shake Si Yusheng's suspicion off. He had to admit that Manager Si was such a sly fox but Wang Chengbing wasn't disheartened. The man couldn't even trust Xu Binchen, this gigantic cash cow, let alone him.

"Alright, alright, I got it." Wang Chengbing raised two hands in surrender. "Anyway I only tagged along because my uncle is unable to make it. I have no interest in your business."

Si Yusheng nodded in understanding and beckoned to the guard. "Then, let them take you around to enjoy the merriment. How about it?"

Wang Chengbing snapped his fingers with a wide grin. "Just what I want! Come on, let's go!" He pulled Yu Li'er along and left with the guards, leaving the three behind with the guards.

Xu Binchen was calculating the time and felt like it was barely enough. Well, he could always stall for time. "Should we proceed with the deal?"

"Are you sure? You don't want to mingle at the party first?" Manager Si asked. "It's not often you can see many powerful figures of the country crowding in one place."

Xu Binchen revealed a disgusted expression as if he couldn't believe such an offer could come out of Si Yusheng's mouth.

Si Yusheng blinked and laughed. "My apologies, I actually forget that Young Master doesn't need them at all. Being in this kind of environment for a long period of time," He pointed at his temple jokingly. "It messes with your head."

"Yeah, it sure is right." Xu Binchen sincerely agreed.

The two continued to banter back and forth, their tone casual but one could feel the hidden swords and gunpowder hiding beneath. Lei Liqiu gulped and held onto Xu Binchen's arms as Si Yusheng guided them to the bottom storage. They descended the stairs and passed through the empty quarterdeck. The more they walked, the more desolate it became to the point where nobody could be found except them.

Their footsteps created creaking sounds on the wooden board. It actually sounded kind of eerie and terrifying plus the swaying lightbulb above their heads. Si Yusheng stopped on a small door that's guarded by two bodyguards with guns holstered on their waists. He nodded in greeting. "Good job. I have Mr. Xander here with me. Please make sure that nobody disturbs us."

"Yes, sir." The guards saluted.

Si Yusheng had just opened the door when suddenly, the speaker buzzed. Xu Binchen's eyes sharpened and before anyone could react, he tackled one of the guards and robbed his gun. The other guard alertly reached for his gun. "Halt—" Xu Binchen swiveled and directed a flying kick toward the man's jaw, knocking him cold in an instant. His momentum didn't stop there as his feet moved to Si Yusheng's body.

Si Yusheng's pupils dilated and a split second before the kick could connect with his chest, he raised his arms in reflex to block the attack, causing him to stagger against the door. 

Xu Binchen yanked the dumbfounded Lei Liqiu forward and threw her into the storage. After that, with his palm tightened around Si Yusheng's neck, he also dragged the man in. The whole movement was completed in less than ten seconds. The door slammed shut at the same time when the speaker suddenly blared out a classic English song from Pitbull, Hotel Room Service. 

The Hip Hop and singer Pitbull's husky rap echoed on the entire yacht as the chandelier was replaced with a dazzling disco ball.

      I want everybody to stop what they're doin'

      Make some nooiseee!

      Forget about your boyfriend and meet me in the hotel room

      You can bring your girlfriends at meet me in the hotel room

The guests were shocked by the sudden change in development. Where was the elegant piano and violin accompaniment? Where was the high class gathering? This...This was just like a vulgar party!

"What the hell is Manager Si thinking?!" Chaos ensued in the party hall and the bodyguards became disorderly as they couldn't reach Si Yusheng or the person in charge of the cockpit. 

"Someone stop the music!!!"




A/N: lol Wang Chengbing (ノ≧∀≦)ノ I almost laughed my head off writing the end of the chapter. Imagine the party filled with numerous influential figures in the country suddenly played Hip Hop song plus disco ball with colorful lights.

Pitbull is classic! I love him hahaha 

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