My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 304 - You Can Still Eat After This?

"Come on." One of the men sighed and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Cements stained his gloves and clothes. Irritated, he threw the shovel aside. "This should do it."

"Yeah, let's go. I want to go home soon and sleep."

Unbeknownst to them, the entire team of the police had entered the warehouse, captured the heavily injured Sui Chenyou and were currently observing them closely. Qin Weizhe gave the members a nod and pointed forward. Everyone nodded in return, hands tightening around the guns, tensing in preparation.

"Where's Old Two and the others? Why haven't I heard any sound for a while? Don't tell me. Is that Sui Chenyou really dead and they're escaping?"

"Damn it. Go and check it out ah! Drag them back! I have told them not to hit Sui Chenyou so hard. If he's really dead, they are going to get it from me!"

"Aye aye." The chosen man clicked his tongue and turned to walk outside, yawning. "I swear I will bury that old geezer someday. Hmph, who gave him the right to order people around—ugh!" He had just stepped into the shadows when a hand clamped his mouth shut and yanked him to the side. His eyes widened in shock as he saw rows of uniformed people hiding behind the cargo. W—What the hell?! Police?! "Hmm…hmm!"

"Noisy." Song Huo frowned.

The back of the man's head was chopped neatly and his eyes rolled backward, fainted.

Luo Ning was once again rendered speechless as the man's slack body was thrown to him. Song Huo whispered. "Little Ning, you can just take him outside and wait there. We will be done in a while."

"Ah…" Luo Ning's mouth opened to rebuke. Why did everyone want to leave him behind?! He intended to plead to stay but before he could say anything, the three men remaining stopped what they were doing, stunned.

"Where's he? Why does he take so long? It's just a few steps away right?"

"Come to think of it. I didn't even hear him calling out."

Their faces sank and the look they gave each other was full of apprehension and rising panic. "W—What happened? I have a bad feeling here…" Suddenly, the warehouse just seemed silent. Too silent, in fact. There wasn't any other sign of activity besides them.

"Go!" They made a split second decision. "We are ambushed!"

Alas, they had the thought but not the capability. Just as they dropped everything and wanted to flee, men in bulletproof vests and black helmets jumped out from all corners, carrying with them guns whose muzzles were pointed toward the three.

"Freeze!" Qin Weizhe shouted. "This is the police! Put your hand behind your back and kneel down or else we will shoot!"

They cursed and carefully lifted both arms. One of the men that was acting like the leader, glanced around in panic and saw the back door that was only a few meters away from him! No one was guarding him and the police were too busy checking for the cargo. He gritted his teeth, pushed his teammate toward the police officer and made his run toward the back door!


Ru Meiqi gasped, her head snapped up. "Is that…gunshot?"

Jin Renguang peered over and hummed. "It is."

"Have they started a gunfight? What should we do? Who has been shot? It couldn't be our side, right?" Ru Meiqi shot off a barrage of questions in anxiety.

Jin Renguang chuckled. "Listen, there's only one gunshot. It means that they are almost done with the job."

Just as he said that, the walkie talkie buzzed and Qin Weizhe's voice came through. "This is Qin Weizhe. The operation has succeeded. Number of casualties and injured from our side: none. However, there's someone from the other side who has been shot on his legs. We have applied emergency first aid. Requesting the assistance of the medical team. Over."

"See?" Jin Renguang raised a brow, the corner of his lips curled into a smirk, taunting. It looked so annoying that Ru Meiqi got the urge to stuff her high heels into his mouth. Still, she endured it though.

Jin Renguang grabbed the walkie talkie. "Received. I and Miss Ru are going up now. Over."

The eight mafia men that were tasked with burying Sui Chenyou that night were captured successfully and the police directly took over the warehouse. It seemed like the Goddess of Luck was still siding with him at the last moment. He was directly sent to the hospital and pushed into the emergency room for multiple operations.

That night, over half of the police officers in the station—whether they were interns or not—were summoned to help with the mass excavation.

For six hours straight, they worked to evacuate the area and thoroughly disassembled the tunnel walls.

In the end, they managed to dig out eighteen corpses. Three of them were even left with only skeletons while some were half decayed with worms, centipedes and maggots running through the flesh. Luo Ning and a few weak hearted policemen instantly retched and threw the contents of their stomach up. Eventually, they were shooed out of the scene.

Based on the initial analysis, it was estimated that the earliest the mafia had done this kind of heinous thing went as far as two to three years ago. It coincided with the time when the anonymous report was sent to the police station. However at that time they couldn't find any evidence at all thus the case was suspended just like that. 

Who could it be? Was there a spy in the mafia? Everything was still vague and unclear in some parts. But at least...they got a lead to chase for after this.

The newest corpse, as the lab results stated, was Shin Dong, the guy who could be considered an old acquaintance. He only died a few days ago and livor mortis[1] had started to appear all over his skin. However, compared to the other corpses, his body was still considered fresh and intact.

Qin Weizhe laid him in the body bag[2] and sighed as he closed Shin Dong's eyes that were still wide open even after his death. His face was twisted with fear, hatred and unwillingness. It would definitely haunt the police officer's nightmares for a few days straight.

When they were done, it was already 3 am in the morning. The mountain was officially sealed with yellow police lines and everyone dragged their legs back to the car, carrying with them grime, mud, sweat and the thick scent of death. As exhausted as a dog.

Jin Renguang obtrusively put some distance between him and his team members, grimacing. He only left a short "Good work, now we can leave the identification for the technical team. Go home and rest well." Then he left in his car, dragging Ru Meiqi together with him.

Qin Weizhe took off the bulletproof vest, revealing a plain shirt that was soaked in sweat. His well defined muscles, broad shoulders and slender waist was highlighted. Well, everyone was dressed similarly but somehow, Luo Ning couldn't take his eyes off him. He had such a nice and perfect body. Luo Ning looked down at his own flat stomach and deflated like a balloon.

The man received a bottle of mineral water from Luo Ning and poured it over his head before washing his hands with the rest. He lifted his eyes and saw Luo Ning's hesitating look. "What's wrong?" He asked, smiling. "Scared?"

"No, I mean, yes…a bit." Luo Ning sighed. "Are you…okay? I saw that your complexion didn't look so good."

Qin Weizhe was stunned for a moment and laughed. "Whoever saw this kind of scene will not feel comfortable." His laughter gradually faded into a sigh. "I need a bowl of delicious, piping hot ramen after going back."

Luo Ning revealed a repulsed expression. "You can still eat after this?"

"Why not?" He shrugged and slung his arm over Luo Ning's shoulder, droplets of water splashed onto the latter's face and clothes. "Good food, a long comfortable warm bath, or even one or two comedy movies will do the job. Come on!"

"Old Qin, Luo Ning, are you two going back together?" The other member asked.

"Yeah!" Qin Weizhe waved casually. "Good work. Drive safely and have a good sleep."

His last sentence instantly got him some curses and playful kicks. Luo Ning's dull eyes lightened up bit by bit and he finally gave a faint laughter. His tense shoulders loosened after hours of nervousness.

Catching that sight, Qin Weizhe's lips curled up into a slight smile.



[1] livor mortis = purplish-blue discoloration of the skin in the dependent parts of the body due to the collection of blood in skin vessels caused by gravitational pull. Appeared within half to two hours after death.

[2] body bag = a large zippered bag (as of rubber or vinyl) in which a human corpse is placed especially for transportation.


A/N: Ugh, I swear Qin Weizhe is just so sweet ~(>_<~)

With this, the overall progress until the serial killer is revealed has reached 85% hahaha. I am sad and happy to tell you that MDG's main story will end this month (aka December) or it will be dragged until the beginning of January due to the side stories and epilogues. I am not ready at all to part with them and all of you QAQ

Mass release [5/7]

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