The dining hall was strangely silent. Rows of bodyguards stood on the corner, overlooking the single large table that was occupied only by two people. Jiang Huocheng sat on the head of the table on one side and Ru Meiqi on the other side directly opposite him, the two were separated by ten chairs; five on each side.

Jiang Huocheng had a perpetual frown on his face. "So, Miss Ru, you're the one who arrived on the private plane yesterday evening?"

"Yes, it's me and Shi Nian, to be exact. And the private plane isn't mine, it goes to a man surnamed Xu."

"Xu…?" Jiang Huocheng scanned his memory of any wealthy businessman or powerful mogul surnamed Xu but couldn't match any of it with someone who was rich enough to own a private plane.

As if sensing his thoughts, Ru Meiqi smiled and added. "He's a police officer. Look at me, I have only introduced my name, haven't I? I worked as a criminal psychologist in Police HQ. It's a pleasure to meet you, CEO Jiang."

"Police officer?" He frowned deeper. "Do you have something to do with Jinyan?"

"No, no, rest assured. I am only here to accompany a child in my care. It's Shi Nian whom I talked about before."

"And who might this lady be?"

Ru Meiqi had just opened her mouth when her gaze flew past Jiang Huocheng toward the door. "Oh, here they are!" She gave a wide, teasing smile and greeted, "Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?"

Jiang Jinyan and Shi Nian came through the door. The former was sitting on the wheelchair and the latter was pushing him. Hearing the underlying meaning in Ru Meiqi's tone, Shi Nian's face, which she had managed to cool down with difficulty, started to burn up again.

The man with his back facing them turned around, showing a feature that was extremely similar to Jiang Jinyan. It was hard not to recognize who he was. 

"Jinyan," he frowned, displeased. "Look at how late it is now. How can you just wake up now?"

Jiang Jinyan ignored his remark and quietly greeted, "Good morning, Father."

It was rare for Jiang Huocheng to see such a calm and obedient Jiang Jinyan. He was ready to lecture him about the importance of waking up early and exercising even though his leg was like that so that he didn't have to suffer from heart attack just like Jiang Huocheng did. But when he heard Jiang Jinyan's greeting, all of his anger was dispelled in an instant.

He cleared his throat softly, "…Morning." His eyes then trailed toward the young girl behind Jiang Jinyan. "And this lady here is Miss Shi Nian?"

"Yes," Jiang Jinyan had thought about how he should introduce Shi Nian. Jiang Huocheng shouldn't have known about the matter of him breaking up with Wei Xiameng. He didn't want Shi Nian to be subjected to inquisitive or even derogatory gaze—he couldn't bear to see it happen. He should let his father be used to Shi Nian's presence first. "Let me introduce you. This is Shi Nian, a junior—"

Jiang Jinyan's words trailed off when Shi Nian suddenly stepped forward and bowed ninety degrees. Her voice trembled due to the nervousness but still loud and clear nonetheless. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Uncle Jiang! My name is Shi Nian, I am Jinyan's g—girlfriend!"

Jiang Jinyan: "…"

Clang! The spoon Jiang Huocheng had just picked up fell back down again.

Ru Meiqi covered her mouth and let out a cough that sounded awfully like a laugh.

The bodyguards—albeit their eyes were covered in black glasses—turned their sights toward Shi Nian, gobsmacked.

One thought echoed in their minds; Oh God, this is the first time Young Master Jiang has come here and he brought a girlfriend with him already? Is this a meeting-father-in-law scene?!

Shi Nian turned to Jiang Jinyan, eyes sparkling. Her entire body radiated glow as if she had completed an enormous task and was now asking for a reward. Jiang Jinyan could almost see a tail wagging behind her. Only after seeing Jiang Jinyan's speechless face did she snap out of her senses and a foreboding filled her heart. Scooting closer, she tugged on his sleeve and whispered, "Did I do something wrong?"

Jiang Jinyan was half-exasperated and half-amused. He offered a smile and patted her hand. "No." Turning to the blank faced Jiang Huocheng, he nodded. "That's right, this is Shi Nian, my girlfriend."

Jiang Huocheng finally recomposed himself after much difficulty. Looking at his son and Shi Nian back and forth, he suddenly dropped a bomb. "…Is Miss Shi pregnant with your child?"

"What?!" Jiang Jinyan and Shi Nian simultaneously exclaimed in shock.

"P—P—Pregnant?!" It was as if steam was blowing out of Shi Nian's head. Her face turned deep crimson, and the color spread down to her neck and disappeared beyond her collar. "I—I am not, Sir!"

"Calm down…" Jiang Jinyan patted her back. "It's okay, he's only joking. Right?" The last word was directed to Jiang Huocheng with a sharp, threatening gaze that was saying 'if you spout out nonsense once again then you're going to get it from me'.

Jiang Huocheng raised a brow. "It's not? So, what's with this formal introduction?"

One couldn't blame Jiang Huocheng for thinking like that. Even with Wei Xiameng, if it wasn't for him accidentally finding out about it, Jiang Jinyan wouldn't have introduced both of them at all. For Jiang Jinyan to bring a girl to him, this was the first time. Jiang Huocheng couldn't help but imagine the worst case scenario.

Why did Jiang Jinyan introduce them? He was serious with the girl and intended to marry her.

Why so urgent? There was an unexpected incident.

What kind of incident could offset this? His bastard son accidentally knocked the girl up.

Conclusion: possibility of pregnancy was huge.



Short cut scene: Jiang Jinyan's lament early in the morning.

The following scene happened after Si Zhening left the room and closed the door behind him.

Jiang Jinyan stared adoringly at Shi Nian's face for a while and brushed the strands of hair covering her face away. After that, he gently peppered kisses onto her eyelids. The disturbed girl slowly roused awake and her eyes fluttered open, still dazed and misty with sleepiness. It made Jiang Jinyan's throat tighten, he couldn't help but give her a peck on her lips.

"Good morning, girlfriend." He said in a slightly hoarse and deep voice.

Shi Nian looked at him in daze. The morning sun fell on him, wrapping his entire body in a golden glow. His hair was slightly messy yet it fitted him nicely, he looked wild and sexy. Especially with those dark eyes that were oozing with tenderness, affection and...something else. Something dark and dangerous that made alarms go off in her brain.

Shi Nian sobered up in an instant and her whole face burned as she realized where she was now. "M-Morning." She didn't dare to breathe out loud for fear that her morning breath was smelly. 

Scrambled up from the bed, Shi Nian intended to rush to her room and wash herself up first when Jiang Jinyan pulled her back. She stumbled, gasping when her back crashed onto his chest. So warm, broad and unexpectedly hard with muscles. Not even a sheet of paper could come between them.

His strong heartbeat was transmitted to her back. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. It was so fast that Shi Nian had difficulty discerning whether it was truly his or hers.

Jiang Jinyan wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned forward, his lips plastered onto her ears, his breath hot and tingly. Strands of hair fell onto her neck, it was both ticklish and electrifying that goosebumps formed along her arms. "Where's my official title?"

Shi Nian's poor heart couldn't take this kind of teasing early in the morning. She already had a hard time falling asleep due to Jiang Jinyan's abrupt statement. Coupled with lack of oxygen into her brain, she got dizzy in an instant.

"Hmm?" He drawled. "Or...did you forget?"

H-How could she forget this kind of thing?!

Rattled, she shook him off with all of her strength, stood up and shouted. "G-G-Good morning, b-boyfriend!" Shi Nian bit her tongue in the end. Mortified, she covered her face and hastily rushed next door, leaving the stunned Jiang Jinyan behind.

In the end, he didn't get a morning kiss because she was too shy.

Jiang Jinyan chuckled helplessly.

What to do? His girlfriend was just so adorable....(/ε\*)

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