They nodded readily. "We will lend you a hand!"

The help of highly skilled individuals was a great benefit in the search. Yan Jihuan wasn't found in her and Jin Renguang's house nor did she hide in her parents' house. There was no news from her friends either. That meant she fled alone without anyone's help. However, no matter how discreet she wanted to be, she couldn't have evaded every passerby's eyes.

After asking around for some time, some people stated they had seen the woman holding a bundle of clothes along the road. They followed people's directions and found a taxi driver who had picked Yan Jihuan up. The pitiful taxi driver had been bribed enormously to keep his mouth shut, but after Jin Renguang and his comrades brought out their army credentials, the taxi driver was so frightened that his knees weakened, thinking that he had helped a fugitive escape.

"She—She only told me to drop her off in front of Jianshan intersection!"

"Jianshan intersection?" Jin Renguang frowned.

The man behind him hurriedly typed the information on his laptop. He was the best technician in their team, codenamed RainbowBaby. Although his code name sounded childish and kind of chuunibyou, he was in fact a burly, robust and stern man that could rival a sumo fighter. 

He said with a gruff voice, "Jianshan Intersection is a newly built road just a year ago. There's an elite residence complex to the north and an abandoned construction site to the south. Aside from it is wilderness that's not suitable for people to step into."

After saying that, they looked at each other and saw the same apprehension in the other party's eyes. 

"Go to the construction site." They said in unison.

Jin Renguang and RainbowBaby dashed into the car. RainbowBaby informed the other who was still searching and together, they raced toward the abandoned construction site. 

The wide expanse of empty land was supposed to transform into a huge supermall with an amusement park nearby. However, the feasibility study stated that the soil wasn't suitable and there's a huge risk of recurring earthquakes. Thus, the construction had been left alone since then with no further development confirmed.

Jin Renguang and the team members arrived half an hour later. His eyes scanned the muddy soil and he crouched down to scrutinize a barely visible footprint. "It's Yan Jihuan." He confirmed. "Come on, she's definitely inside."

"I heard the sound of a baby crying!" The other member with the codename Immortal strained his ears and pointed. "Looks like it comes from the second floor…oh shit, the cries have stopped!"

Jin Renguang felt his heart squeezed, he almost couldn't breathe. It had been more than twenty five hours since Yan Jihuan brought the baby and escaped. The premature baby…who even needed the help of oxygen masks to survive. He shook his head and didn't dare to think any further.

RainbowBaby stayed behind to monitor the perimeter and he also called for an ambulance in passing. Meanwhile, Jin Renguang and Immortal separated when they ran up to the second floor, each sweeping through a huge area.

The construction site was only halfway done. The structure and pillar had been erected and the foundation had been covered in cement. The second floor's walls had even been painted in white, although there were still numerous messy heaps of steel beams, pipes and bags of cement on the corner of the floor. The air smelled like dust, mold had even flourished wildly on some edges of the white paint.

Jin Renguang saw the downcast sky from the frameless window and saw the rain pouring down harder, like a curtain separating the building from the outside world. He didn't call out for fear of alarming Yan Jihuan. The man's footsteps were light and brisk, almost soundless like an agile cat.

After searching over for a while, he finally found Yan Jihuan in a room where dim lights casted in from the floor to ceiling window. The window was only covered by a thin paper curtain and the rain had already rendered it useless. Water seeped into the room in huge droplets, drenching the floor and air with uncomfortable dampness.

Yan Jihuan was sitting on the floor with her back to Jin Renguang, a bundle of clothes in her arms. The woman was motionless, which made Jin Renguang put up his guard. "Yan Jihuan…"

She didn't react at all. Only the subtle motion of her breathing told Jin Renguang that the person in front of him was alive and not some life-like puppets. 

Jin Renguang approached her slowly with large steps. "Yan Jihuan, what are you doing there? Let's go back, your son is still very weak."

When Jin Renguang said the word 'son', only then did Yan Jihuan turn around. Jin Renguang was shocked to find her lifeless and wan appearance. Her hair was messy and her eyes stared at him blankly as if she didn't recognize him. 

After a while, she finally spoke, her voice so hoarse like sand grinding on paper. "Brother Jin…why? Why did my baby stop crying?"

Jin Renguang swallowed with difficulty and crept closer to the unstable Yan Jihuan. "We will bring him to the hospital right now. Okay?" He scanned the woman's thin body and found that she only covered herself with a thick coat. The hospital gown on her lower half had already been stained by blood. Jin Renguang's face turned somber. He was already an arm's away from them.

"No…" Yan Jihuan hugged the baby closer to her, mumbling. "No, you're going to take him away."

"I won't." He grabbed her thin wrist and when the woman struggled by reflex, he forcefully suppressed her movement and hauled the baby from her.

"NO, give him back to me! You're a bastard, Jin Renguang! You said you're going to be responsible for us!" Yan Jihuan struggled wildly and her instinct as an elite member of Special Forces kicked in, she twisted Jin Renguang's arms and kicked his waist with all of her strength yet the man was motionless. It was Yan Jihuan who felt like her ankle was going to be fractured by the sheer force radiating from his body. 

Yan Jihuan was terrified. She couldn't win, no one could win against Jin Renguang in a close combat. Left with no choice, she ran outside to grab a long, sharp metal beam.




A/N: Yan Jihuan you bisccch what do you want to do to your husband?! (ʘдʘ╬)

One more chappie, let's get it done asap, author is also impatient QAQ

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