My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 224 - Detective Qin, We're Wrong

In the Capital's Police Bureau HQ, because the SCI squad arrived all of a sudden without even Chief Song knowing, there wasn't an office prepared for them. Thus, they had to squeeze in with their fellow comrades from the General Crime Division. It was easy in the first few days because they had to cooperate in a lot of area, such as the serial murder case and Li Qing's case, but as time went by, Jin Renguang couldn't bear it anymore.

In City A, he had a personal office, clean without a speck of dust, with his things inside arranged properly to the point of maniacal. Here, he had to cram together with a bunch of smelly, messy old men whose socks smelled of sour odor. The air was mixed with all kinds of scents; foul armpit smell, sweat from the body which hadn't taken a bath for days, heavy pig trotters smell, and sometimes, they even went as far as to boil noodle cups and eat it on their desks.

Who could live in such a pigsty?!

Jin Renguang, for the first time in his life, wrote a petition with utmost seriousness. "The Need of an Office for Special Crime Investigation Squad". On it was written a long list of reasons, both analytical and logical, of how SCI squad had a lot of confidential meetings which even some of their members had no idea of and how they were in a dire need of a separate space for the development of the investigation.

Wang Chengbing, who was gnawing on pig trotters in the corner with his neck supported by a neck pillow bought by Ru Meiqi, suddenly exclaimed. "I found it! I found the signal of Nan Xukun's lost phone!"

Instantly, a huge crowd of people swarmed to him. "Where? Where is it?"

On his screen was a map of Capital City with a few red dots which was disappearing one by one, leaving one glaring dot in the middle of a building. Tang Wei pushed up his glasses, narrowed his eyes and read out the address out loud.

Jin Renguang's typing motion stopped.

"Where is it?" They pondered deeply. "Why does this address sound so familiar?"

"It's the address of someone named Qu Nanchi." Jin Renguang's voice sounded low and clear, piercing through the fog of confusion among the detectives. "One of the girls in Ruo Tingran's group."

"Fuck!" Wang Chengbing cursed. "Then, isn't she the real NanNan?!"

"Captain, you're awesome!" Ke Shao gushed shamelessly. "How can you remember everyone's name and address easily just like that?"

Someone from the analytical lab knocked on their door, pulling everyone's attention to him. "Hello, I have the test result you're waiting for."

"Give it to me!" Luo Ning snatched it from a group of rowdy men and bowed politely. "Thank you very much!"

The analyst waved his hand and strode away. Luo Ning flicked through the papers. The more he read it, the more dumbfounded he became. The result was…contrary to his and Detective Qin's speculation.

"What's wrong, Little Ning? Why is your face like that? Come on, what's the result? Say it out loud!"

Luo Ning gulped and coincidentally, Qin Weizhe entered the office and met his eyes. Upon seeing his expression, Qin Weizhe raised a brow, inquiring. Luo Ning took a deep breath and although he was saying it to everyone in the room, his eyes were trained onto Qin Weizhe.

"Everyone in Ruo Tingran's group, except for Ruo Tingran herself…were tested positive." He said in bewilderment. "Detective Qin, we're wrong. Ruo Tingran didn't take drugs."


Qu Nanchi had been terrified these past few days. It all started the day after she accidentally picked up Young Master Nan's phone. She was beside herself with joy, thinking that Nan Xukun would come and find her soon for his phone, then she would slowly find a way to approach him after that. Who didn't want to have such a cool and rich boyfriend like Young Master Nan?

However, she waited for days yet no news came from him. There wasn't even any talk about his missing phone.

After pondering for a while, Qu Nanchi thought it through. He was a young master. How could he care for a mere phone? This must not be his personal phone! She had searched through the phone thoroughly but didn't find any important data or photos except for WeChat which had hundreds of incoming messages everyday!

So, all these times, the WeChat ID Young Master Nan gave them was fake?

Qu Nanchi was disheartened, sad and enraged. She wasn't reconciled to let everything end just like this! 

Thus, in a spur of a moment, she thought of Li Qing, the disgusting fatty next class who looked at Young Master Nan with undisguised longing and admiration.

Did she not know how repulsive her gaze was?

Young Master Nan didn't even look at Qu Nanchi, so how could he look at someone like Li Qing?

Qu Nanchi didn't want to be the only one who suffered from heartbreak. Thus, came the foul plan to deceive Li Qing. The latter's WeChat was also included in the phone in Qu Nanchi's hands and once in a while, Li Qing would send a message.

[Good morning. Have a nice day.]

[Good evening. Looks like a storm is coming. It's better to stay home for a few days.]

[Hello, Young Master Nan. I am Li Qing. We have met a few times in Dreamscape Bar before. Do you…remember me?]

Disgusting. Listen to that! It was so disgusting that Qu Nanchi wanted to puke.

Before her brain could catch up to her action, she had typed in reply. [I remember you smile.jpg]

From that day onward, they would exchange messages once in a while. But Li Qing was too boring. After playing for a few days, Qu Nanchi got tired of this and planned to expose everything after the monthly exam ended. She could also use this chance to humiliate and mock Li Qing. Oh, such a great plan she had! Thinking of that ugly face, flushed in tears full of shame and mortification exhilarated Qu Nanchi to no end.


Who knew that…Li Qing would commit suicide before she could even do anything!

Qu Nanchi was dumbfounded, but after the truth seeped in, she had no remorse at all. She even thought that it suited the disgusting coward to die in such an ugly way. However, after a few days, she became afraid.

Li Qing's phone…still had their conversation history, right? Of course, Li Qing's death had nothing to do with her. However, what if the police found the evidence and accused her, saying that Li Qing committed suicide due to heartbreak of being lied to, how could she escape?!

Qu Nanchi bit her nails, anxious. She had only let out this secret to Ruo Tingran alone, but she trusted that Ruo Tingran wouldn't expose her because it did nothing good for her either. Alas, the more Qu Nanchi thought about it, the more afraid she was.

She was so jittery that she couldn't focus on the exam and had to take a few more pills to boost her brain.

After coming home from the exam, she made a decision. Tomorrow—no, tonight, she had to get rid of the phone once and for all! Then, no one could find the evidence against her anymore!

She clutched the phone and after deleting everything inside and flushing the sim card down the toilet, she put it into her bag and dressed up to the nine. Her parents often didn't come home, thus she had no qualms of going out in the middle of the night. She had gotten used to it.

Qu Nanchi chose her favorite pink Lamborghini and strode to the garage. She threw her bag inside and was ready to get in when a maid approached her. "Y—Young Miss…"

Qu Nanchi was already anxious to begin with and now with this interruption, she snapped. "What?! Can't you see that I'm busy?!"

"That…" The maid stammered fearfully. "The police…The police are here for you…"




A/N: Been feeling burnout recently and I don't really know what I'm writing fortunately I have a few stockpile lol, idk what to say so no a/n :'(

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