My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 210 - Let's Play A Simple Dare, Shall We?

Emergency meetings in the middle of the night or early hours in the morning wasn't a rare occurrence anymore for them. Once the summon was sent out, every member arrived at the police station in less than half an hour. However, there were three people whose faces were extremely dark.

First, it was Wang Chengbing. He felt like he was the most miserable person in the squad. He was obviously the King of Hackers, one who was respected and feared in the cyberworld. But here, he was akin to a horse and dog, working nonstop without even getting the pay proportional to it.

He was already busy enough trying to organize the surveillance record around the apartment where Granny Kong and the fake Shi Nian lived in. Jin Renguang kept on insisting that there must be something that gave them away. And then, the job was dumped to him just like that.

Not only that, he was also in the middle of investigating Haishang Technology, the company where the guy Shin Dong, who disguised as Cui Qiqiang in Wu Wengen's case, worked in. The company which produced the human skin mask that the suspect wore when he came to the hospital..

He had just slept for no more than three hours when the call arrived.

The second person was Ru Meiqi. Even though she acted like usual, today there were gold rimmed glasses hanging on her nose. If one looked closer, then they would be able to discover that her eyes were slightly swollen.

Last but not least, their beloved and darling Captain, Jin Renguang. Well, he used to have bouts of mood swings once in a while so no one really felt it was weird anymore. But when it was paired with Ru Meiqi, then it was another matter altogether.

The members of the SCI squad crowded in the meeting room, looking at each other with eyes full of interest in gossip.

Xu Binchen stood up and concisely explained the incident and Feng Chenghan's involvement.

In the room, only his voice and the sound of Tang Wei and Wang Chengbing typing on the keyboard could be heard. "So, what do you have to say about that, Wang Chengbing?"

"It's my negligence." Wang Chengbing rubbed his hair which was sticking up in all directions. "I have monitored it for a few months and only slack off these past few days and it comes back to bite me on the ass right at this time!"

The projector on the wall was connected to his laptop and everyone could see the so-called suspicious forum. In the country, there were already tons of different forums, like in Weib8, there's Super Topic or some which was created for certain reasons like eSports forum, Anime Forum, Drama Forum. In short, no one would care about this small, insignificant forum which only consisted of random dissing at a glance.

The number of members wasn't large and if you scroll through two pages, then you would find four or five same accounts in it.

The forum's color base was blue and white with a simple and unattractive heading. [Feel free to express yourself through words.] It sounded quite meaningful, but when it was paired with people like Yu Chuan and the serial killer, then the meaning in it became quite heinous.

Wang Chengbing filtered through the entries and found the username "Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet" that belonged to Feng Chenghan. It was a very chuunibyou name but when Feng Chenghan said it, he sounded so proud as if it was the coolest username ever existed.

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: Why do teachers always focus on the wrong thing? Can't they see how much effort I put in to answer? Even if I am wrong, at least give me some points!!! begging.jpg iamfurious.jpg heartbroken.jpg

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: Oh, the new game XXX looks quite interesting… rubbedchin.jpg

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: My dad is so annoying! Everytime he comes home drunk, he will make a ruckus. The whole complex can hear his loud chatter and rambles! I am so embarrassed when Xiao Wen asked me about that on the next day, I wish I don't have that kind of dad huffing.jpg

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: My dad refused to give me more pocket money. Annoying.

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: Is there someone who wants to trade my dad with me? Oh God, please take him away! I can't bear it anymore!

The entries started from two years ago and he updated irregularly over the years. Most of it was about schools and his father.

Wang Chengbing's fingers stopped. "Look at this."

A new entry popped up. It was posted three days ago.

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: What to do? What to do? I owe the internet café's boss 15.000 yuan. I don't have money anymore! What should I do if he comes to my home to collect the debt? My dad will kill me if he knows that I skipped school to play! panic.jpg panic.jpg panic.jpg

Below the post, there were a few comments but Wang Chengbing skipped it and focused on one familiar username.

[kmeulchian5862]: In need of money? No need to stress yourself out, no need to sell your kidney. Instant solution is here for you!

"It's him." Wang Chengbing lifted his panda eyes to look at everyone. "I am sure. Look at the replies."

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: How?! Ancestor, I beg you! I can work like a dog as long as I can get the money!

[kmeulchian5862]: Easy, let's play a simple dare, shall we? You can just record a video and send it to me for proof. Then, I will give you 50.000 yuan.

[Blazing Wind Beneath My Feet]: shocked.jpg 50.000 yuan?! W—What do you want me to do?! I don't want to rob the bank or kill someone!

[kmeulchian5862]: I dare you to go to the highest floor in the building you live in at 2 in the morning. Choose the room which has the same number as yours and stand there for twenty minutes, don't move and don't let anyone see you! If you succeed, I will transfer the money directly to you.


"I swear to God!" Feng Chenghan cried bitterly. "It's just a prank! I never expected someone would see me and call the police. Will I become a convict just by playing a dare by myself?!"

Ke Shao was rendered speechless. "You really trust that person's nonsense?"

He wiped his tears and snots. "At first, I didn't. But who could guess that he directly transferred me 15.000 yuan in advance! I will trust him even if he told me to run ten laps around the apartment! Isn't it only a courage test? Who will be scared of only standing in the dark hallway for twenty minutes? See, haven't I succeeded?"

Ke Shao wasn't sure whether to call him naïve or idiot.

Well, in a sense, it was only a courage test for him but the entire SCI squad was mobilized due to this one simple matter.

But then, was it really a simple accident? A mere coincidence that Feng Chenghan's house was numbered the same as Shi Nian? A mere coincidence that Jiang Jinyan caught sight of him and reported it to the police?

"Please don't confiscate my money!" Feng Chenghan wailed out loud and pleaded. "I have to use it to pay my debt! I work for it myself so don't tell my dad! He will kill me waaa…!"

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