My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 173 - Can I Give You A Ride Home?

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Mo Ling couldn't calm down even when they had already returned to the classroom. Seizing the chance, she dashed to Shi Nian's table. "You really don't know him?!"

Shi Nian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. During the past few hours, she had answered at least a hundred times. [I really, really don't know him!]

The class was rowdy as usual, especially the boys in the last row. However, Shi Nian could feel that everyone was perking their ears up. Even Chen Jiawei turned around to ask. "Then, isn't it because Zhang Jiancheng likes you?"

"Pei, pei, pei!" The most beautiful girl in the class, Ruo Tingran, sneered. "Zhang Jiancheng has just met her today, okay?! How can he like her all of a sudden?"

Mo Ling retorted. "Haven't you heard of love at first sight? Just admit it, you're jealous of Shi Nian because your confession was rejected last year!"

"You—!" Ruo Tingting's face turned crimson in shame.

The girls who had confessed to Zhang Jiancheng since he first enrolled in this school could circle the entire Sangzhe High thrice, or at least twice. Zhang Jiancheng was really popular, even if girls didn't really like him, they would confess just because of his handsome look.

Eventually, the people who confessed to Zhang Jiancheng were no longer a secret. The forum even had a thread called 'The Gathering of Zhang Jiancheng's Concubines' to accommodate the people who were rejected by him. Of course, the main discussion inside would be the empty seat of Empress.

And now, the forum had totally exploded.

The seat of the Empress…would it be filled by the new transfer student?!

They had heard all kinds of rumors about her, such as; her handsome boyfriend drove a Benz to drop her off at the first day of school, some even speculated he's her sugar daddy but some refuted that he's only her relative. Adding on to how she went to Principal Mo's office personally, the rumor turned into a wealthy and fragile heiress who was escorted by a bodyguard.

The people who knew the truth, namely Chen Jiawei and Mo Ling, tried to clarify but their voice was quickly drowned by other remarks. Others didn't believe them at all.

Anyway, the rumor was already exaggerated enough and now, there was even Zhang Jiancheng inserted there!

[What happened in the gymnasium? Why is it so crowded today?]

[Hehe, little meimei. You don't know anything…heartbroken.jpg]

[Oh my god, I saw with my own eyes that Zhang Jiancheng stood on the corner and the distance between them was like half of a gymnasium away. But when the ball flew in her direction, he—whoosh—ran so fast to intercept it!]

[My hubby QAQ is it really true? You have found your Empress?]

[Noo! There's no clarification from Zhang Jiancheng yet! Don't talk rubbish!]

[Yes, I will not believe until Zhang Jiancheng said it with his own mouth!]

[But have you ever seen Zhang Jiancheng approach a girl? No, right? Even School Belle Yu, who graduated last year, was rejected by him! This is true love, I say!]

The melon eater was satisfied. Ever since the transfer student came, the gossip around her was neverending! However, they wouldn't have expected that there would be more explosive gossip after the school ended!

The center of the rumor—Zhang Jiancheng—popped up on the door of Class 1 with school bag slung on his shoulder, asking for Shi Nian!

"Aaaaaah!" A new wave of screams followed alongside School Grass Zhang.

The students in Class 1 who were already one step outside retracted their feet and they all stood by, looking at Zhang Jiancheng and Shi Nian back and forth with gossiping eyes!

Shi Nian frowned from the excessive attention, but the person was already standing there, waiting for her, thus she had no choice but to go. 

Mo Ling stared eagerly, wishing that she could stick to Shi Nian's thigh so that she could hear what they were talking about!

[Do you need something?]

Zhang Jiancheng looked at her for a moment before saying, "Can I have a moment?"

Gasps and exclamations of shock resounded throughout the classroom. Even Shi Nian was stunned. This sentence…this kind of classic sentence, was it not the prequel of a confession?! Was it really?!

However, looking into Zhang Jiancheng's eyes, Shi Nian could see that he didn't have that kind of attention toward her. He seemed to recognize her, and Shi Nian also felt a strange sense of familiarity toward him. 

She didn't want to keep on guessing blindly, thus she nodded, grabbed her backpack and together, they walked to the school gate accompanied by people's shocked eyes and dropped jaws.

"Sorry." Zhang Jiancheng broke the silence. "It seems that I have caused you trouble."

Shi Nian shook her head. [I never care about gossip and rumor.]

The corner of Zhang Jiancheng lifted faintly. "I guess I have never introduced myself. I am Zhang Jiancheng from Class 5, Year 3."

Similarly, Shi Nian returned the gesture. [I am Shi Nian from Class 1, Year 3.]

This kind of formal introduction amused Zhang Jiancheng to no end that he couldn't help but chuckle. Shi Nian had to admit, with the background of maple trees and blinding sunset, Zhang Jiancheng looked really handsome. It's no wonder that girls were crazy for him.

"I don't have the intention to confess." He went straight to the point.

Shi Nian nodded. [I have guessed it. Classmate Zhang, have we met somewhere before?]

"We haven't. But I know you." Under her surprise gaze, Zhang Jiancheng added. "No, to be exact, I have heard a lot about you. You know my elder sister, right? Her name is Zhang Duanqiao. She works in City A's hospital as a nurse."

Shi Nian's eyes slowly widened even more.

Only then did she realize that yes, Zhang Jiancheng's features looked really similar to Nurse Zhang who took care of her before! Especially their eyebrows and the shape of their lips, it looked exactly the same!

So, that's where the weird sense of familiarity came from!

Shi Nian completely relaxed after knowing the truth. She liked Nurse Zhang very much and this youth in front of her was Nurse Zhang's brother.

There was a sense of camaraderie between them after clearing the doubts. Shi Nian beamed brightly. [I know her. She's a very competent nurse. Your sister has taken care of me so much before.]

Zhang Jiancheng smiled. "She's the one who keeps on talking about you all day long that my ears have almost fallen off."

Shi Nian chuckled, happy yet embarrassed. [How is Nurse Zhang doing?]

"She's very good." He replied. "After you're discharged from the hospital, she always talks about you, saying how there's no patient more obedient, sensible and lovely as you. She even showed me your photo, that's why I recognized you in one glance."

He shot her a smiling glance. "Now that I met you face to face, I know that what my sister said isn't exaggerating at all."

Shi Nian's smile froze, stunned. What did he mean by that?

However, Zhang Jiancheng didn't elaborate further. He stopped at the side of the gate where bicycles and motorcycles were parked. He led a black, cool motorcycle out and offered. "Can I give you a ride home, if you don't mind?"

Shi Nian stood by the motorcycle, faced with Zhang Jiancheng's patient eyes and the curious glances of students around her. She felt really awkward and kind of regretted that she had asked Xu Binchen not to pick her up anymore.

This was the person she had just known less than twelve hours ago and also the most popular boy in the entire school. Now, this kind of person was offering to take her home. Did he really not have that kind of intention or was Shi Nian the blockhead one?

Shi Nian was ready to thicken her face and reject but all of a sudden, she caught sight of a familiar figure amidst the crowd. Her eyes widened all of a sudden and she held no hesitation anymore to refuse Zhang Jiancheng's offer politely and dash after that person.

Zhang Jiancheng was stunned, seemingly didn't expect that one day, he would take the initiative first only to be rejected in an instant. His lips couldn't help but curl up even more as he wore his helmet, eyes trailing after the girl's back.




A/N: oh, he's really smooth like butter lol this story almost turn into a romcom school drama hahaha no me just kidding, something will happen in a few chappies just wait for it _(:3」∠)_ 

Did you expect that coming? Will he become another rival of Jiang Jinyan's? Let's see...

By the way, Shi Nian is really surrounded from all sides, Jiang Jinyan, Xu Binchen now Zhang Jiancheng, I am quite envious…

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