My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 159: A Small Summer Feast


Naru raised her arms high and shouted.Because with the finals being over today, the break had started.

Brigitte asked while gently brushing Naru’s hair with a pretty brush.

“Naru, did you do well on your finals?”

“... It’s Naru’s first vacation!”

Naru lightly ignored Brigitte’s question.Brigitte narrowed her eyes at Naru, but didn’t question her any further.She had already gotten a sufficient answer.

“Oh, holy shh…! Vacation!”

Graham Academy’s vacation went from July to September.About 2 months.A span of time that could be seen as either short or long, and Naru ran around the garden in pure excitement.

“I’ll play lots because it’s vacation!”

The break was a time of playing for the kids.Was I like that, too?

I racked my brain to try remembering my first vacation. But there was nothing in particular.What was my vacation like in 1st grade?I couldn’t recall this, either.Were my memories still incomplete?But, well, that was fine.An empty frame could be filled with new photos.

“Naru Style, ruthless splashing!”

Sploosh— Sploosh— Sploosh—Naru jumped into the garden’s pool and flailed her arms and legs around.The surge of water sprayed the surrounding area and as a result, Hina, who had been meditating on a nearby chair, got splashed in the face.


At the unexpected splash of water, Hina growled like she was angry.Of course she would be angry since her clothes got wet from being splashed during meditation. Will Hina now jump for Naru and splash around together?

But Hina closed her eyes again.Then she sat in the lotus position and took a deep breath.It was an astonishing sight.

“In order to learn magic… meditation is important….”

I see.Lately, Hina was learning magic from Brigitte. It was Hina’s dream to become an incredibly incredible mage in the future.

“Naru Style, Hydro Pump!”

Sploosh— Sploosh— Sploosh—Shwaaaaaa—!Naru sprayed water from her mouth even as she splashed around.Phoooo— The powerful stream of water hit Hina’s face directly. Hina became drenched like a mouse caught in a storm and as if she could no longer take it, she stood from her seat.

“... Arrr, Naru Barjudas!”

Fwoosh—!The pink-haired kid instantly leapt from her chair and jumped into the pool.Soon, Naru and Hina started splashing water at each other.It was an intense fight, an admirable combat the length of five thousand words in a novel.

Seeing them, Salome clicked her tongue.

“That Naru, look at her disrupting others from studying. How awful.”

Is that so?Phoooo— This time Hina was the one to spray water from her mouth.Hina’s water stream was aimed at Cecily who had been leisurely enjoying the summer on a long chair under a parasol.



Having been hit unexpectedly by a stream of water, Cecily yelped in surprise. At that, Hina and Naru giggled, “Hehe”.

Anyone could see that it was on purpose.Seeing this, Salome said, “She learned from Naru. Hina is usually good,” as an odd excuse and slowly crept away.

“Naru, Hina! What did you do! I’m soaked!”

Cecily growled fiercely at the others in the water. But Hina and Naru kept spraying water cannons towards Cecily like they didn’t care.

Phoooo— Phooooo—Crash—Having been simultaneously attacked by both of them, Cecily fell over.Will Cecily also jump into the pool and splash around with the other kids?

As I watched this war of the princesses tensely, Cecily reached her toe slowly towards the pool.A moment in which the pool rippled from Cecily’s toe touching—


Cecily removed her foot and turned away like she had lost interest. At that, Naru shouted.

“Cecily can’t swim!”

I see.Cecily couldn’t swim.As such, Cecily could only be on the receiving end of Naru and Cecily’s splashing.

“Naru Style, Hydro Pump!”“Hina Style… Wave surfing…!”


Was it because Cecily couldn’t help but scream again?Cariote, who had been quietly napping under the parasol, slowly opened her eyes. After Cariote looked around, she picked up Cecily by the waist as if having grasped the situation.

“W-What are you going to do?”

“Swimming can be learned quickly.”

Cariote slowly lowered Cecily into the water.

Cecily started flailing her arms and legs instinctively, then finally after about 30 minutes, she was able to float in the water by herself.She had a talent for swimming.

“This Cecily is floating on the water like a swan…!”

I see.Anyway, the first day of vacation quickly passed in this way.Before I knew it, it was already dinner time.

Clap— Clap—Brigitte clapped.

“We’ll start cooking so everyone bring plates and skewers.”

Tonight’s dinner menu was a barbecue in the garden along with a variety of skewers.

The kids made their own skewers by sticking the ingredients that had all been laid out on large plates onto sharp sticks and it looked like a lot of fun.

“This one is for Uncle Baldy!”

Naru handed Enkidus a skewer that she had made. Enkidus opened his eyes wide like he was touched by receiving favor from a child.

His golden eyes were nearly ablaze now, so it felt like the area became a bit brighter when he opened them wide.

“This is a wonderful favor. However, as this monk is not worthy to receive such favor… this will be yielded to the Saint.”

Enkidus handed the skewer he received from Naru over to Saint Iris. Saint Iris cooked it well and put it in her mouth, then scrunched her face.

“... Why are there only bell peppers on this skewer?”

“Oh, holy shh…! Because Naru only stuck peppers on it!”

Indeed, that was what happened.

The dinner we had together flew by quickly like an arrow that was shot. It was already time for the children to play in the mansion and only the adults remained in the garden.

“The Walpurgis family sent Midnight Wine. It was aged for over 500 years so it’ll taste amazing.”

Brigitte pulled out a black wine bottle from somewhere.When the cork opened with a pop, the aromatic smell of grapes hit my nose.

Pooour—The adults each received their portion of the wine in crystal glasses.

A 500-years-old wine.An opportunity to drink something like this didn't come by often.Indeed, Brigitte’s family were distinguished royal nobles.Brigitte spoke.

“Hasn’t it been a while since we’ve been this relaxed? These last few days were extremely busy. It feels like we can finally breathe.”

It was as Brigitte said.The last few days were so busy that I wanted to run away.

Cleaning up after a mess was more annoying and difficult than causing it.That didn’t mean everything was resolved, either.

It will probably take a long time.Was it about 3, the number of important issues that we need to take care of?

“Cariote, what about your sister? Did you find her?”

I asked Cariote.Cariote, who had been staring at the wine in the glass, turned her gaze towards me.Then she slowly shook her head.

“No. She escaped.”

Cariote’s sister Astarosa had run away sometime during the 「Disaster」.It seemed like her sister had caused a big problem while Cariote was fighting against the Demon King Sabernak’s shadow, but I hadn’t asked for details so I didn’t know the exact situation.The Saint spoke.

“Astarosa has my Rainbow Pearl. I had given it to her in case something happened…. I’d like it back as it is the treasure of our Holy Order. We must find it quickly.”

I see.Astarosa ran even though she was holding the Holy Order’s treasure.Cariote spoke.

“I should be able to track her immediately. There were rumors that a demon was seen near the Ordor Kingdom. I plan to head to the kingdom eventually and capture my sister.”

I also had plans to go to Ordor Kingdom.Since I had promised earlier to take Cecily and attend the Ordor princess’s ball.It wouldn’t be bad to take a family trip.

Then aside from Cariote’s sister—There were two important issues remaining.

“What of Elle Cladeco?”

The whereabouts of Elle Cladeco were still uncertain like walking through a fog. Though there should be a lead soon since people have been searching in all places.

Salome spoke.

“She hid completely. Most of her research materials also disappeared. She pretty much evaporated. There were no clues left.”

Elle Cladeco seemed to have completely gone from this world.Salome had said there were no clues but I had a few guesses.She likely had gone somewhere unimaginable to those on this Pangaea continent.

“But I heard about Tywin. An ashen-haired girl looking like a princess headed south with the Nymph Bandits, supposedly.”

The Nymph Bandits.That was interesting.

“Alright. Tywin should be found in no time.”

Then one remaining issue.In a way, this issue was the biggest and most fundamental one.The one remaining issue.That was to have the children born on their exact birth dates.

In order, Naru was August 7th.Hina was August 19th.And Cecily was September 10th.

These were their birth dates.And the date that they were conceived….

… Naru was on October 13th.Hina was on October 20th.

And Cecily was on November 8th.How did I know in such detail?

That is, I received a gift from the future.It was put in my old room.

A little while ago, I went back to the place I used to live in Ordor Kingdom. I recalled that I met someone there.

And in that rented place, a strange book was sitting there.It was a book that had things happening in the future written in detail.

It not only had the children’s birthdays but also the dates that they were conceived which was astonishing but at the same time I slightly….

… very slightly, like a small breeze created by a butterfly’s wings, became sad.

Because it meant that it was time for me to prepare for a small parting with the children who came from the future.

A simultaneous meeting and parting.Even for me, there was nothing that could be done.

“... This mansion will become quiet again.”


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