The artificial Demon King that we had created.Its identity was Molumolu!

“What happened?”

We worked this hard to create Molumolu.I wanted someone to explain this situation to me.But, no one seems to have understood exactly.

“Molumolu…. There certainly is a resemblance.”

Only Cariote with her quick and sharp senses realized what I was thinking.Then, she made a suggestion.

“If this thing is the same entity as Molumolu, then there’s a possibility that they’ll fuse when they’re close to one another. That should prove it.”

Indeed!The rule of like things combining into one.If this guy really was the same as Molumolu, they should merge.

Then, after school.Naru came to the lab.

“Molu, did the experiment work?”

Naru looked around in search of Molu.The now-black Molu ambled towards Naru.


“Wow, holy shh…! Molu’s color is totally black! It’s the same as Naru’s hair!”

“Naru, can you bring out Molumolu?”

I asked.At the question, Naru reached into her shadow and pulled out Molumolu.


Molumolu sitting on Naru’s hand.And Molu on the floor.


The furs on both suddenly seemed to stand and then they both pulled towards each other. And Molumolu, who Naru had been holding, got sucked into Molu.

“Hiiiik! Molumolu, got eaten by Molu!”

Naru freaked out.Of course, since that had looked like Molu completely absorbed Molumolu. It was a rather shocking sight.

The current situation revealed several things.

“Molumolu and Molu were the same, then. They merged. And Molumolu was absorbed into Molu. It may not just be a merging.”

Like things merge into one, was simply our hypothesis.But it wasn’t just a simple merging; it was more accurate to say that one gets absorbed into the other. I was struggling to explain this when Elle, who had been watching, fixed her glasses and spoke.

“Even if they’re the same entity, it gets absorbed into the larger one. It’s astonishing.”

Being absorbed into the larger one.I was pondering this when Naru poked at Molu here and there.

“Molumolu, are you inside? Or Molu is Molumolu? What’s going on?”


There were many things that were confusing.But I thought of something.

Molumolu.What if this was Molu from the future?What if the artificial Demon King Molu sent a part of itself to the past for some reason?I was thinking that when—

Voooooooom—The dark Molu’s form suddenly emitted a blinding light.It was so bright that I had to squint.

“What, what is it? What’s happening?”

I forced my eyes open and looked around the room. Just then, Elle Cladeco, who seemed the first to figure out what the light was, exclaimed out loud.

“Transcendent light…. This is.. is the light of transcendence!”

Light of transcendence?Didn’t transcendence happen at level 50?Then based on what Elle had said, did Molu achieve level 50 and was now transcending? How? Because of the merge!?


Flash—!Everything shone blindingly.

The light continued for some time.When I opened my eyes, neither Molumolu nor Molu were to be seen.

“... It really transcended. The artificial Demon King Molu, through merging with Molumolu, became a Demiurge. It’s unbelievable, but….”

Elle Cladeco removed her glasses with a shaky hand.Her expression was one of shock, awe, and fear.

“Now that it has transcended and become a Demiurge… the specimen, Molu, is out of our hands. I overlooked the possibility of its growth rate accelerating more than expected…. Was it a problem… with the growth catalyst for cultivating Childrakes….”

“So you mean that it became a Demiurge before we could turn it into a Demon King? That Molumolu?”

Nod—Elle nodded and sank to the floor.The experiment we spent weeks on.It was natural that Elle Cladeco would be dejected when the experiment based on 10 years of research ended in an unexpected way.But Naru raised her hand excitedly, enjoying the situation.

“Molu became a god! What kind of god? For science homework?”

Indeed.I was slightly curious about that, too.At that, Cecily nodded with her arms crossed.

“Wouldn’t it be the god of nobles?”

Molumolu and nobles.They can’t be related.Then Hina spoke quietly.

“Molumolu…. It was warm like a wool blanket and the sun in spring…. Molumolu would be the Demiurge of warmth…. That’s what Hina thinks….”

The Demiurge of warmth.It was a fitting property of Molumolu.

Molumolu was pretty warm.I knew this because I had used it as a pillow a few times.

“So then, where is Molumolu now?”

Cariote searched around.But even Cariote couldn’t seem to sense any trace of Molumolu.Priestess Iris responded to the question.

“It should be hovering around time and space. Gods are not limited by them…. If it really has become a Demiurge… we will no longer be able to see it. A man-made Demiurge….”

Iris seemed to be baffled in many ways.So were all of us.Soon, Astarosa pulled it together and spoke.

“Forget the carriage that took off. Since you’ve done it once, can’t you do it a second time? That artificial Demon King, you can make it again, right?”

Astarosa was right.Aside from Molumolu becoming a god, we had reason to make another one.But Elle, who was on the floor, shook her head.

“We’ve used almost all the ingredients to create Molu’s vessel. There are only scraps left…. It would take at least 5 years to gather everything again. And there’s no guarantee that we’ll succeed again.”

5 years.It could be considered a short time, but for me, it was too long.What should we do now?As I was deep in thought, Naru petted her shadow and muttered softly.


* * *

Beep— Beep— Beep—The lab in which the devices sounded consistently.

Elle Cladeco looked at the child asleep in the tank.But as she was looking, her mind was busy repeating what had happened earlier.

“It transcended.”

The artificial Demon King.It surpassed Elle's calculations, reached the final level, and transcended.

An experiment full of variables.This may have been fate.

‘Fate. A fixed result. No matter what experiment took place, no matter how it was calculated, a new Demiurge would have been born.’

Not the process producing the result, but the result providing the process.Elle Cladeco confirmed her hypothesis even more with this latest experiment.

‘My experiment may have been fated to fail.’’

It was easier to think of it that way.A powerful force that humans couldn’t defy.It was more comfortable to think of this force occurring in people’s lives, dragging them towards fixed outcomes that they couldn’t defy.

Elle Cladeco being born an orphan.Meeting a certain man.His leaving.The death of her child.The failed experiment, all results of fate.Thinking that way gave her a bit of peace.

“I was destined to fail. It’s not my fault. I did what I could. I did my absolute best.”

No more experiments—That was what Elle thought.She received help from Judas and Professor Brigitte, but this was the limit.

‘Judas, even his struggle was meaningless. He’s meant to become Nocturne. That’s also decided. Struggling only changes the means, not the outcome.’

What will happen now?Elle pondered in front of the tank where her dead daughter was sleeping.

The immoral god, Nocturne.

When he finally descends on this earth, will Freesia be destroyed overnight like the ancient city of advanced civilization, Uruk, that had once stood in Pandemonium?Will it become desolate like the lands of Pandemonium where nothing can survive?

“If that’s what will happen, then my research also has no purpose. What am I doing here? Everything will be swept away by the black light, anyway.”

Giving up.Elle gave up many things.This lab is also useless now.

Beep— Beep— Beep—The device preserving the body of her soulless child.Elle moved her hand towards the power button.

One button.Elle paused to press it but even after 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 5 minutes, the button wasn’t pressed. The man who had been watching spoke.

“Why do you not press it?”

“... You are?”

He was like a dark shadow.His face wasn’t visible.Even with the lights from the machines, the man remained hidden in a void of light like he had turned his back on the sun.Of course, Elle knew who he was.


“Why do you not press it? Pressing the button will relieve you of many things.”


“I know why. You are not one to give up easily like myself. Continue experimenting. It is not finished until you quit.”

“But the resources for making the vessel have been depleted. It could take 5 years, 10 years, no, even up to 100 years.”

Elle calmly explained the situation.Of course, Mara didn’t care.

“Yes, I’m sure. Creating something from nothing is an impossible task, after all. But you should be confident with creating something from what already exists. I will help.”

“You will?”

“Use me. I will offer my body for your experiment. A level 48 truth-seeker. There won’t be many opportunities to obtain such a specimen.”

Elle was stunned.To the point that she wondered if he was saying this with a sound mind or if this was a trap.But Mara had already decided.

“If I can become stronger, then it doesn’t matter how it’s done.”

At his words, Elle fixed her glasses.And then she looked towards the remaining eleven Childrake roots.


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