My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 120: No One Knows What This Is! (5)

༺ No One Knows What This Is! (5) ༻

“Something important to me?”

Elizabeth reached into the inner pocket of her uniform jacket and pulled out a square-shaped folded paper.

It was a crinkled thing folded from paper.

It held the memory of her childhood with her mom so it was a precious item.

Her friend Naru was requesting that precious thing.

“…What are you going to do with it?”

“Actually, Naru doesn’t really know! But, they said they’re making something amazing! They need important things! Like treasures!”

Naru was collecting treasured items from her peers.

It was to complete the artificial creature ‘Molu’.

Of course, the children couldn’t readily give their treasure to Naru.

‘My mom folded this for me….’

It wasn’t just plain paper.

When she opened it up, letters written by her mom could be seen.

Though she had already memorized it from opening it again and again to read it.


Naru could tell that Elizabeth really treasured her square.

An important object.

She knew that by having it, they could make Molu and help her dad, Judas, but it hit her how difficult it was to request someone’s treasure from them.

“That’s okay! No worries!”

Naru told Elizabeth.

A treasure was something that was hard to give away to someone else.

That’s why it was a treasure.

“…That, Naru…. Sorry…. This is a letter from my mom. It’s the only one.”

“A square paper folded by your mom. I’m jealous! Come to think of it, Naru never got a letter from Mom either.”


Elizabeth felt very guilty towards Naru.

Since meeting her on the first day of school until now, Elizabeth felt a little indebted to Naru.

However, it was still hard to give her her mom’s letter.

“Caesar! Can you give your treasure to Naru?”

“What? You want my SSR rare card 「Gold-Eyes Green Dragon」? No way. Do you know how many card packs I opened to get this?”

“Hmmm…. What to do…. Laura, can you give your doll to Naru?”

“My Francoise? Of course not. If I give you my doll, what can you give me in return? Can you give me Molumolu?”

“That would be hard….”


Naru was facing obstacles like the above in collecting treasures.

It was the same for Hina and Cecily.

“Naru, did you get any?”

“Nope! What about Cecily?”

“Me neither.”

“…Neither did Hina….”

From morning until lunchtime.

Naru and the sisters worked to get precious items from the others but they weren’t able to get a single one.

At the unexpected difficulty, Naru started to worry.

“What should we do…. Like this, Molu…won’t be completed.”

If Molu wasn’t completed, Dad and Mom might be in danger.

Thinking that, Naru considered something slightly bad.

“…What if we…steal….”



Naru started because Hina said something similar to what she was thinking.

Soon, Cecily also spoke in a soft voice.

“If we don’t get everyone’s treasures, the world could be in danger. Sacrificing the few for the greater good. It’s cold but sometimes nobles have to make that kind of decision.”

Hina and Cecily seemed to think about stealing the treasures.

Certainly, Naru knew it would be easy to take the items from the children’s bags if Cecily and Hina helped.

But Naru was a bit troubled.

Amongst the treasures, there were many precious things such as Elizabeth’s letter.

Taking that forcibly from them seemed like a very bad deed.


For this reason, Naru couldn’t make a decision.

Looking at her, Cecily asked.

“Naru, you want to become a great thief like Dad, right? What kind of thief hesitates with stealing treasures?”



Hina frowned.

“…Naru, right now you’re the leader…. If you don’t decide…. We might not be able to save… our moms and Dad. And we don’t have…much time….”

Naru was their leader.

Because she had won the ‘Hierarchy Match’ that took place before.

But hierarchies could change.

“…Naru, I challenge….”

As Hina had been about to say something.

Someone shouted.

“Ahhh! My 「Green Dragon」 card is gone!”

It was Caesar.

Duke Freesia’s grandson, Caesar.

He searched his desk drawer, pocket, and locker, making a commotion.

Because the SSR card 「Gold-Eyes Green Dragon」 disappeared.

* * *

“The Green Dragon is gone?”

“Isn’t that a great card? Caesar boasted about how there were only three in the world.”


The children’s eyes gathered towards Naru.

When something disappeared, the children occasionally would look at Naru but today, the focus of their gaze was different.

Because they all knew that Naru had been asking for their ‘treasures’.

‘Did Naru steal it?’ was what they obviously thought.

“Naru, give it back.”

“Even if you want treasures, it’s not good to steal them.”

The children in the class all said something that flustered Naru.

“…Naru, doesn’t know…!”

Naru really didn’t know about this.

To be honest, she was considering stealing them, so she was feeling a bit guilty.

Of course, the children didn’t believe her.

“Should we search Naru’s bag?”

“It could be Cecily or Hina. They’re Naru’s sisters.”

Children were very simple-minded.

Being innocent and simple, they could thoughtlessly hurt another.

In the current situation, the students were starting to suspect Naru and her sisters.

Seeing this, Elizabeth remembered the beginning of the semester.

The incident where she wanted to get Tywin in trouble by stealing money from the children’s desks.

At the time, Naru had lied to cover for Elizabeth.

She was seeing an overlap between then and now.

Before, Elizabeth couldn’t say anything.

But things were different now.

“It wasn’t Naru. You guys need to stop suspecting Naru every time something goes missing. Naru said she doesn’t know.”

At those words, all the children looked at Elizabeth.

Soon, someone asked.

“Can you be sure about that? What if it really was Naru?”

“If Naru stole it, I’ll clean the classroom for the rest of the semester… the year, even! I’ll take out the garbage, too.”

It was a shocking offer.

Because cleaning and emptying the garbage was something that everyone hated doing.

At that, the Duke’s grandson, Caesar, narrowed his eyes.

“Oho, really?” Can you swear on that?”

“But instead. If Naru didn’t steal it, then everyone who suspected her should give their treasure. How about it? Are you okay with that?”

Elizabeth was a little nervous but she spoke confidently.

Hearing this, Caesar looked around.

After listening to the children start to murmur, he nodded and said, “Fine. As the Duke’s grandson, I will act as the notary for this.”

“Then, those who suspect Naru stand here. Those who think Naru is innocent, stand there.”

The class split half-and-half.

They were all half-doubtful and making nervous faces.

“Then, young master. I will proceed with the inspection.”

Everyone started inspecting Naru, Cecily, and Hina’s belongings.

They opened their bags and spilled out their contents, flipped their pockets inside out, and opened up their lockers.

“Young master. There is no sign of the Green Dragon.”


This time, the 「Green Dragon」 card was really nowhere to be found.

What was going on?

Someone spoke up.

“Open their pencil cases.”

Pencil case.

At that, Caesar frowned.

“Pencil case?”


Caesar opened his pencil case.

When he did, surprisingly, the 「Green Dragon」 card was inside in all its magnificent glory!

“What the-? Caesar. So you weren’t holding onto it properly?”

“I knew it.”

“Everyone who was doubting Naru, apologize.”

The situation immediately turned around.

Caesar could only make a troubled face.

“How could this be….”

In comparison, Elizabeth’s expression was bright.

“I told you! Naru doesn’t just go around stealing! Naru is the nicest friend. You guys all say sorry! And, give your treasures to Naru! You promised!”


“…Man, it’s because of the stupid Caesar.”

All the children looked at each other.

They stood there anxiously, holding tight onto their doll, looking at the fountain pen gifted by their dad.

“My mom gave me this doll….”

“… The fountain pen I got as an entrance gift.”

A situation filled with hesitation.

Elizabeth was about to say, “Hurry up and give it to Naru—”

“Well, Naru might have stolen it….”

Naru said quietly.

Everyone looked at Naru.

She continued softly.

“…Maybe, you guys were right! Naru really wanted to steal your things! Because…. Naru really needed the treasures. I was hesitating but….”

At Naru’s confession, the class became silent.

As the atmosphere became awkward, Caesar acted first.

“But you did hesitate. You didn’t actually steal. A promise is a promise. I need to be responsible for my actions. Therefore, this is yours. Even though there’s only three of these in the world.”


Caesar held out his precious rare card to Naru.

“And sorry that I doubted you. Now, you guys also apologize to Naru and give her a treasure as promised. It was a promise made in the name of Freesia. I won’t accept breaking it.”

“Uuuu…, sorry, Naru….”

“Ah, sorry for doubting you. You can have my fountain pen.”

The children apologized to Naru and held out their valuable items to Naru.

It was a lesson learned, if you doubt an innocent person, you must pay the price.

“I’ll give you this, too, Naru.”

Elizabeth held out her square made from the letter.

At that, Naru was taken aback.

“Elizabeth, isn’t this letter from your mom…!?”

“My mom, you see, couldn’t overlook injustice. If she were here, she would want me to give this to you.”


Taking the folded-paper, Naru pulled Elizabeth into her arms tightly.

“Elizabeth is really the nicest! You’re Naru’s best friend! Then Naru will also give you a small treasure! Give me a minute! It’s somewhere—. Here, here it is. I got it!”


Naru dug through her pocket and pulled out a ball of fur.

It was the size of a ping-pong ball.

“This is a Mini Molumolu made from the brushed fur of Molumolu! Elizabeth, since you gave Naru a treasure, Naru will also give you a small treasure!”

Mini Molumolu.

It was cool.

A furball without eyes or a nose.


But then it moved!

“Mini Molumolu just moved!”

“Ung, ung! When you put together Molumolu’s fur, it becomes a Mini Molumolu! Naru just found out! If you keep feeding it strawberries…it’ll get bigger and make sounds!”

A hamster-sized Molumolu!

At the sight of it, all the kids were surprised.

“I want a Mini Molumolu!”

“Me, too! I’ll give you my treasure!”

The children all crowded around to trade their possessions with a Mini Molumolu.

The problem was, there weren’t that many Mini Molumolus.

“Cecily, I think we need to make more Mini Molumolus…!”

At the crowd of children, Naru called out to Cecily.

Cecily was hard at work brushing Molumolu, but Molumolu kept squirming which made it difficult.

“You stupid furball! Stay still! I can’t brush you properly!”


“…Hina will give you candy….”


A noisy classroom.

Tywin was watching Naru, Hina, and Cecily brush the small Molumolus. Then she turned to Caesar and asked.

“Why don’t you also get a Molumolu? An opportunity to get a strange creature like that doesn’t happen often.”

“Our family already has a large tiger, lion, giraffe, rabbit, and deer. If we get any more, Grandfather will likely scold me.”

“Hmph, is that so? Then, why did you do that? You did it on purpose. Hiding your card in your pencil case.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Caesar clicked his tongue in pretense and sat at his desk.

It was a shame to lose the Green Dragon but….

The debt he owed from before when he was saved by Naru and her family from being kidnapped.

It was fine if he thought of it as paying it back.

“There are so many treasures!”

Before she knew it, Naru was able to gather a bag full of the kids’ treasures.

Brigitte should be happy with this amount.

“Thanks, everyone!”

Naru thanked the kids.

“If it’s this much, then Molu should be completed!”

It was at that moment.

Someone asked.

“So, what is this Molu?”

“Yeah. What are you going to make with the treasures we gave you?”


To be honest, Naru didn’t know exactly.

But whatever it was, she hoped that it would help Dad and Mom…

Soon, the others spoke up.

“Then I hope it’s a cute animal! Like a dog or a cat.”

“Yeah! I wish it’ll be fluffy like the doll I gave to Naru.”

“I gave her a robot. Isn’t it better if it can fight bravely? And transform, too.”

“…I hope it becomes friends with us!”

“I want it to help me with my science homework.”

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