My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 112: The Sun Is A Radiant Star! (1)

༺ The Sun Is A Radiant Star! (1) ༻

“The sun… is a radiant… that thing… star…!”

Naru stood from her seat.

After some hesitation, she finished her answer.

Because it was actually the right answer, the children looked at her and reacted with, “Ooooh,” and “Amazing—”

It was the first time Naru had given a proper answer to the teacher’s question.

“Wow, holy shh…! Naru finally got the right answer…!”

Naru was amazed at herself as well for getting the answer correct.

Progress had actually been made from studying after dinner the past few days instead of playing at that time.

Seeing Naru’s glee, Salome snorted slightly.

“Not bad. Indeed, the sun is a radiant star. And since the olden days, the sun has been a subject of worship. Name two deities associated with the sun.”

Name deities.

At the sudden shift in lessons from science to theology and history, Naru felt her vision blur.

The names of deities who were associated with the sun.

‘Uncle Baldy said he believed in the sun….’

Enkidus’ shining head.

She recalled his explanation that it was proof of those who received favor from the sun.

But she couldn’t recall the most important name of the deity.

“Molu (Don’t know)…?”

“Naru, what kind of god is called Molu? Incorrect. Can someone else answer this question? The one who gets it right will be awarded a store sticker as promised.”

After collecting 10 store stickers, they could be exchanged for a coupon.

「Choose your seat for the day」

「Pet Molumolu」

「Class leader for a day」

「First in line for lunch」 and other such coupons were available to use only within the class, but all the students wanted to get one.

“Me! Me!”

“I know the answer!”

All the kids desiring coupons and praises raised their hands.

Amongst them was also the pink-haired one, Hina.

“Hina was first. Then, Miss Hina, would you like to tell us the answer?”


Hina stood from her seat.

Soon, the children questioned, “Wasn’t I faster?” and “Isn’t Teacher Salome picking Hina a lot?” but they stopped when the teacher tapped on her podium stand and yelled, “Quiet.”

The class became quiet.

Hina slowly spoke.

“Firstly… the God of Light Yahbach is related….”

“Yahbach is related, yes. And also?”


Hina closed her mouth.

She seemed to be contemplating it, as if a little nervous.

At that, Salome also frowned a little.

‘Did she forget? I told her to memorize it because it’ll be on the test. It’s because she didn’t finish solving all 100 problems that I assigned her and went outside to chase the nymph with the other children…!’

Salome reflected on how Hina left the room in mid-study and played in the garden with the others.

How can she disobey her mother?

Because the child’s father, Judas, said, “You can go outside and play instead of studying.”

‘Of course, playing is important. But she at least needs to be better than Naru or Cecily in other aspects.’

Salome’s ambition was burning like fire.

However, Hina, who was standing, kept delaying her answer.

As the other children started raising their hands, sending the disqualification of their competition, Hina finally spoke as if she got it.

“…Molu (Don’t know)?”

What Molu.

At Hina’s answer being the same as Naru’s, one who was being raised like a wild animal that was left alone, Salome felt an oncoming headache.

Of course, you’ll be stained if you’re near ink. Should she not be allowed to play with Naru anymore?’

As she thought that, Salome gently spoke.

“…Kids, there’s no such Demiurge called Molu.”


Just then, someone raised their hand.

It was Cecily.

“Teacher, Molu exists.”

“Excuse me? Miss Cecily, what are you talking about?”

“Molu is…. What was it? Naru, what was it again?”

“Uuuu…. Hina probably remembers more.”


Hina, Cecily, and Naru all made contemplative noises.

What was going on?

Someone who was watching all of this gave a big sigh.

It was Tywin.

Tywin raised her hand and spoke.

“Deities associated with the sun are the God of Light Yahbach and the one called the master of the sun, Narmir. Yahbach is worshipped by the Order, while Narmir is worshipped by other smaller sects of religion.”

The perfect answer.

To wrap up everything on this note, Salome put her hands together and spoke to the class.

“Alright, that’s it for today’s science class. After lunch, we’ll be outside for physi cal education so don’t forget to come out after changing into your gym clothes.”

* * *

The restaurant was made solely for staff usage in Freesia’s research facility for magical engineering.

A place where a single meal costs at least over 10 thousand arcs.

“This Unenlightened One follows the master of the sun, Narmir’s teachings. This may sound foolish, but this beggar has once seen her true form.”


I was dining with the world’s most famous nun in the restaurant.

As the Grandmaster of the Ascending Sun Sect, she was known to be the closest person to the secret of the mysterious truth.

I wasn’t sure of her age but probably around 200 years.

Someone who has lived for 200 years.

It truly was out of the ordinary.

“A story that Enkidus has already been told. You would never have heard it. I still clearly remember that day—”

The Grandmaster’s golden eyes shined like twin headlights.

She was reminiscing, it seemed.

As she was someone who really enjoyed talking, lunch became rather long.

When I glanced at Enkidus who was with us, he said softly, “She is usually like this.”

“And that is how it happened. Through such an encounter, this Unenlightened One became devoted to the doctrine of the sun and was able to reach this current state.”

I see.

I don’t understand but it’s awesome.

While I was awed, Elle Cladeco, who was eating with us, dabbed at her mouth elegantly after finishing her meal and spoke.

“So Judas, you decided to help our research. As I’ve already mentioned last time, you are responsible for anything that may happen.”

“I know.”

I nodded.

Starting today, I was joining hands with Elle Cladeco in their research.

At the last family dinner, Brigitte said, “There is one way to achieve the future that we want,” which was to cooperate with Elle.

After lunch, I headed towards the ‘secret lab’ that was located deep within the facility.

There was an octagonal cage, like one would see at an underground fighting arena, and after being covered in a bunch of equipment, I entered the ring.

“Pretty big.”

It was about the width of a basketball court.

As I was getting chills due to being without a shirt and shoes, exposed to the air, and my feet on the metallic floor, something beeped.

It was a speaker installed within the ring.

「Judas, we’ll start with a simple test. It’s straightforward. Survive as long as you can using any means.」


What kind of test is this?

Beeeeep— Beeeep—

A red light like the ones you see on a fire truck flashed multiple times.

Clunk— kugugugugu—

A door opposite me in the cage opened and out jumped a dog with two heads.


It was about the size of a 1-ton truck, with an elongated face and rows of sharp teeth that slotted together like a crocodile.

「You would’ve seen many of them on the battlefields of Pandemonium. The demon dog, an alpha Orthor. Subjugation level: white gold, minimum. Precautions: lethal poison on its claws.」

━Orrrr, orrrr….

━Thorrrrr, thorrr….

“And that it’s pissed because it got caught by humans. It looks hella dangerous. How did you capture one of these?”

「It’s completely under control. In any case, it can be shocked using the magic sensor on its neck. Then—」


Before Elle Cladeco could finish, the double-headed dog leaped towards me.

It broke the chain tied to its leg like it was a cuff made of paper and opened wide both its jaws, and it was horrific, like something out of a nightmare.

“They want me to fight it without a weapon?”

It was a merciless test.

Of course, it didn’t really matter.

Is it better to use full power?

Bullet time—

A skill that maximizes my agility of 20, allowing me to enter into frozen time.

I activated it and accelerated my body.

Then I forcefully grabbed the Orthor by each of their napes while it was frozen in mid-air.


━Saaak— Saaahk…!

The demon dog choked, letting out pained noises like the screech of metal.

It thrashed for a long time but eventually fell limp–not dead but fainted from lacking oxygen.

“Is that good?”

I asked towards the camera.

* * *

Beep— Beep— Beep— Beep—

The machines went off.

At that, Elle was immensely shocked.

“It was only for a moment, but just now Judas’ abilities surpassed the limits of what the machines can measure. This speed, he was barely visible even after slowing down the recording.”

Elle was satisfied with the collected data.

At the same time, it was dissatisfying.

“However, even a demon dog couldn’t push him to his limits. As expected, there are problems with testing through demonic creatures…. We need to measure Judas at maximum capacity….”

Elle thought for a moment.

The Grand Abbot, who had been watching the monitor with Elle, stepped over with her golden eyes shining.

And then she quietly spoke.

“This Unenlightened One can help.”

“You can, Grandmaster?”

“Please hand me that microphone object.”

The Grand Abbot received the arena’s mic from Elle.

And then saying, “Svaha━─”, she started to recite a mantra.

Though Elle had studied and researched many magics and spells, she couldn’t understand the meaning or distinguish its words.

However, even without understanding, there was a disturbance occurring within the cage.

━Grrrk, graahk, grrrrrrr….!


「Professor Elle. Is this okay? The dog’s going crazy. Its muscles are inflating! And its eyes lost focus! Oh, holy shh…!」

The demon dog, Orthor.

The thing lost its mind and went feral.

Crash— Baaaam—!

It flailed its front paws and destroyed the cage, setting off the alarms of damaged, expensive testing equipment.

Elle realized something was wrong.


So she pressed the red button connecting to the Orthor’s collar.

Soon the needle installed within the collar will inject sedative into the Orthor’s body.


But, it was no use.

It was feral beyond the effects of the sedative.

Elle could only ask the Grandmaster.

“What did you do?”

“This beggar, and the many followers of the way, train our whole lives to control ourselves. If one knows how to completely calm the mind, then the opposite is also possible.”

Is it that she incited this rampage using only a mantra?

While Elle was in awe, she was also worried about the test specimen that could no longer be controlled.

However, as she watched the boosted demon dog, she was excited that she may be able to see the ‘vessel’ Judas’ limits.

As the Grandmaster and Elle were watching the monitor—


Only the monk Enkidus remained silent, his eyes turned away from the screen.

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