My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 103: Studying And Training Is Such A Pain (5)

༺ Studying And Training Is Such A Pain (5) ༻

This world has many different religions.

The 21st-century world where I used to live had many famous ones so I’ll forgo explaining those.

This continent of Pangaea also had many, even more than the number of Demiurges.

Firstly, the most well-known one was the Order of Yahbach, the God of Light.

Though there were a lot of orders in the world, the common name of 「The Order」 usually referred to the Order of Yachbach.

They actively spread their doctrine through a ‘Priestess’.

They say the Priestess performs miracles such as healing illnesses or exorcising demons.

So when they chose the cleric for the subjugation party, I had definitely expected this ‘Priestess’ to join.

But it had been some baldy elf instead.

A monk of the Sect of the Ascending Sun.

From what I know, the Ascending Sun Sect was a small order that had its headquarters up high in the mountains.

I don’t know much else besides that.

Based on Enkidus’ living patterns, they were probably leading a somewhat abstinent life and placed significant meaning on the individual’s transcendence and liberation (Moksha).

“To be encountering the sect’s Grandmaster, how fortunate.”

Cariote was in awe.

The one standing before us with bright golden eyes was an incredible person, after all.

The head of the sect of the Ascending Sun, the Grand Abbot.

I’ve only heard that she was Enkidus’ master but it was my first time seeing her and first impressions-wise, she was bizarre.

She looked like a rather young woman.

Of course, it was foolish to judge one’s age by appearance.

She was supposedly over 200 years old.

The oldest of the old.

Her age was way beyond my preference, so even if there was a good chance that she was a beautiful woman, I could only feel disinterested.

But Cariote was interested.

“I’ve heard that the Grandmaster of the Ascending Sun is perceived to Truth and can answer all the world’s questions. Is that correct?

Answer every question?

Was this Grand Abbot a human Google?

The Master nodded.

“Should this Unenlightened One have the answer, I will give it. But only one question per person. You cannot revoke the question you choose.”

Just one question, is it?

While I was thinking about that, Cariote asked without hesitation.

“Would you know how to change my sister back? She went missing and then returned as a demon. There should be a way to turn her back into a human.”

“To return to being human from a demon… it will need an intricate incantation but it is not completely impossible. Boil a nymph’s tear in clean, ditch water and have her drink it until she is well.”

Drink a nymph’s tear boiled in ditch water?

That sounded suspicious.

Isn’t it a folk remedy like putting soybean paste where it hurts?

I was feeling doubtful when the Master kept going.

“Of course, it will be difficult to meet a nymph in present circumstances. Their numbers are now few after being hunted relentlessly over the past 100 years.”

The nymphs were indeed low in numbers.

I’ve only really seen two in the Pangaean continent.

One was a government official’s wife.

The second was Sifnoi.

“The current nymphs are highly wary due to their history of persecution. Therefore, even if you meet one, it will be difficult to obtain their tears.”

That was how it was, apparently.

So Sifnoi is actually some kind of natural monument.

Cariote also nodded, saying “It’s good that there is one accessible.”

It would be relieving to know that feeding boiled nymph tears to her sister will return her to normal.

Then is it my turn to ask?

I wanted to ask a whole bunch of things.

I didn’t know which one I should ask.

I get stuck if suddenly told to ask something.

“I’m not sure what I should be asking. What question will you have an answer to?”

I asked.

It was like a weird zen riddle but if it’s the Grandmaster of Enkidus’ religion, then this should be no problem.


Soon, the pressuring golden gaze dimmed behind her closing eyelids.

After the alley had dimmed quite a bit, the Grand Abbot hummed a few times in thought before replying.

“To one who is lost, signposts are needed. But even if this Unenlightened One does not tell you, you already have three of them. The answer is already within you, so this beggar has no other words to give.”

I knew it.

As expected, religious folk are always so ambiguous and indirect with their answers when they’re asked something.

I wasn’t disappointed since I had no expectations to begin with.

I merely thought that for a master who was admired by Enkidus, she wasn’t that interesting.

The Grandmaster then spoke.

“Then this Imperfect One will now ask. Which is the way to Graham Academy? The way of the world divides into many paths that it is difficult to navigate.”

What the.

She was heading towards Graham Academy.

The downtown area is pretty complicated, true.

“We’ll call you a carriage so go on that.”


I called a nearby carriage and helped the Grandmaster onto it.

Before the horses took off, the Master spoke as if in thanks for the ride.

“Lost little one. Since you can read this beggar’s walk, you will not lose your way in any other place. I truly wish you a safe journey home.”

“Got it.”

It really was time to get back home.

Clip-clop— clip-clop—


The horses left.

Watching the carriage leave, I spoke to Cariote.

“Let’s start heading back.”

“That was a good time, with intriguing moments like the play and the encounter with the Grandmaster. I’ve also learned how to restore my sister back to normal. It’s all thanks to you, Judas. I appreciate it.”

I received heartfelt thanks from Cariote.

It was only because I was testing out the new footprint-reading skill, so I felt pretty awkward.

That hadn’t been my intention.

“She wasn’t that bad.”

I kind of understand why Enkidus wanted to introduce Naru to the Grandmaster.

With that air between us, we returned to the mansion.

“Welcome home, Dad…!”

11 pm.

Naru was still up and waiting.

Was Cecily already asleep?

Sleeping a lot was good practice for raising one’s princess power.

Naru rubbed her eyes sleepily and asked.

“Molumolu’s brush?”


I forgot.

Cecily and Naru had asked for a fan and brush respectively.

The original plan got screwed up because of that unexpected meeting.

“I forgot. Some things came up.”

I told Naru truthfully.

At that, Naru narrowed her eyes.


Those eyes resembled Brigitte’s when she scolded me for being an idiot. The big sigh that followed was exactly like her.

“I thought I had a feeling…! But, if Dad had lots of fun, then it’s okay…! Instead, please take Naru and Cecily to school tomorrow…!”


I’ll have to wake up early tomorrow.

* * *

“Okay Dad, see you later…! Thank you for dropping us off…! Sifnoi got the aches from playing with us…! Will you pick us up later instead of Sifnoi?”

Naru hugged my leg.

It was rather fun taking the kids to school.

“Sure, I can come pick you up. Now, Cecily, you should use your daughter skill 「Goodbye Hug」 on me.”

“Stop acting like my Dad…! You even forgot the peacock feather fan…!”

I see.

Cecily held onto grudges for a long time.

Either way, I stroked Cecily’s head using Ruthless Stroking.

Swish— Swish—, Swish— Swish— Swish—

Cecily grumbled, “You are mistaken if you think I’ll be appeased with this kind of stroking,” but she didn’t push me away or anything.

To make it up to her properly, I should definitely go buy that fan from downtown. And get Naru’s brush, too.

Ding— Dong— Deng— Dong—

As the bell rang, the kids went into their classrooms immediately.

I guess 1st period will start soon?

I also realized that I’d never met Naru and Cecily’s homeroom teacher.

Passionate parents tend to keep in touch with the homeroom teacher and send gifts, I hear.

Have I been too unconcerned with the kids’ education?

Click— Clack—

After I waited a while, someone who seemed to be the homeroom teacher was approaching from a distance, clicking their heels.

She was a young teacher with energy, suitable to teach the younger elementary students.

And she had familiar pink hair.

“Salome, what are you doing here?”

“What does it look like? I’m working.”

Salome was Naru’s homeroom teacher?

What the hell—

No wonder Naru’s princess power hasn’t been improving.

“Salome, your teaching is preventing Naru’s princess power from increasing. Do you have the proper credentials? What was the point of sending her to school until now?”

“What are you saying? I should smack you, seriously. How do you think Naru is actually keeping up with school and not expelled already?”

Salome picked her ear as if annoyed.

Then she spoke as if recalling something.

“The Grand Abbot of the Ascending Sun Sect visited the school. She came in contact with Elle Cladeco. She seems to have been invited as her guest. What do you think it might be?”

The Grand Abbot and Elle’s meeting.

When the Master asked for directions to Graham Academy yesterday, I somewhat figured that they would meet.

The two were close to transcendence.

They probably conversed about the hard and complicated truth.

Maybe Brigitte will know.

Should I go find her?

As I was thinking that, Salome rummaged through her bag.

She then pulled out a thin notebook, which, apart from its green color and thinness, was a plain one.

Homework from the students?

Salome spoke.

“Do you know what this is?”


“It is. But that’s not what I’m asking. Your level of speaking is like Naru’s.

Then what’s inside the notebook?

Even I don’t have x-ray vision to see inside books.

There wasn’t a reason to.

Should I try?


My eyes burned through the notebook.

When it seemed like I might see beyond the cover, Salome opened the notebook with a Swish—

There was a picture.

An object with a child’s crayon sketch and words written underneath it.

“A picture diary?”

It was a picture diary.

Had it been a student’s homework?

As I pondered, Salome explained.

“It is. But it’s not just a normal picture diary. All the things written here haven’t actually happened yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“This diary contains the future. Not everything, but there are some surprising events. It even talked about the Grand Abbot coming to this school in May.”

A diary talking about the future?

How can there be such a thing?

But it wasn’t strange that it existed.

Many kinds of things happen in this world.

So this was the reason why no one saw her for the past few days.

“Where did you get this crazy item?”

I asked her.

Then Salome replied proudly as if showing off.

“I grabbed it from some kid. They were freaking out, trying to protect it. Such aggression. Do you see all these scratches? This is why I hate kids.”

… I mean, if you take someone’s possession, won’t they obviously freak out?

Moreover, it’s a diary.

Ding— Dong— Deng— Dong—

Just then, the bell rang.

Salome said, “Okay, we’ll talk later at the mansion,” and went inside the class.

It was just me in the hallway.

I was thinking of heading downtown to buy Naru and Cecily’s brush and fan when—

I noticed a child hanging out in the hallway.

The kid had pink hair and cold eyes, but she didn’t seem to be a student here because of her lack of uniform.

The way she was looking around as if lost or searching for something was a pitiful sight.



When our eyes met, the girl hastily pulled up the hood of her baggy robes to cover her face.

And she ran away with quite the agility.

“What the, where did she go?”

Though I was surprised when I saw her gone after turning the corner….

I did just learn from Cariote yesterday how to track someone by their footprints.

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