Feng Yueying let out a delicate cry as she chuckled, and was about to push the man away.

But the more he resisted like this, the more excited Ye Fan became.

"Just as I unbuttoned the shirt in front of Feng Yueying, I heard the phone ring."

Husband! Husband! "I'm going to answer the phone!"

No! "Answer my ass!"

What if it's actually Director Su!? " leaf

The sails immediately became cold as they recalled that Su Qingxue had a ghost valley now. Although she said that she wouldn't spy on her own people, it was better for her to be careful. end

Unexpectedly, as soon as his wife left, she came to the company to make love to her lover. This was a bit too much …

Ye Fan was helpless, and could only let the disheveled Feng Yueying go to the phone.

The woman held back her laughter, looked at the slightly scared Ye Fan, ran to the table and pressed the answer button.

A female secretary's voice came from the other side, "Director Feng, do you need to arrange for a private car for the town hall meeting this afternoon?" one

Hearing that it wasn't Su Qingxue, Ye Fan let out a long sigh.

Feng Yueying pursed her lips and smiled, replying, "No need, I'll drive there myself."

"Alright, Director Feng …"

After hanging up, Feng Yueying walked in front of Ye Fan, straightened her clothes and said, "Look at how scared you are. Alright, we'll talk about it later tonight. I really have a job to do."

At this moment, Ye Fan's mood had also weakened. He stood up and said, "Okay then, I will come and find you tonight." "However, there is one thing that I need you to help me deal with."

"What is it?" Feng Yueying blinked her eyes.

That Jiang Chao... "Don't let him stand in the underground parking lot. Although he doesn't have much ability, he is still an old employee after all. It's not easy for him to be loyal." Ye Fan said.

Feng Yueying was stunned for a moment, and then immediately smiled in understanding, "Why are you so nostalgic? I understand, I'll get some personnel to transfer a position for him later.

However, right now there's a lot of pressure from the competition at the company's headquarters. He really isn't able to do a lot of things, so I can't be too biased towards him or else many people will feel dissatisfied.

Actually, back then, Hong Yu had no choice but to transfer him away. However, retaining his original salary was already a special favor to him. "

Ye Fan nodded, "Let's just change to a more normal position, it's not like we have to be in management."

"Alright, leave it to me. Dearest one, feel at ease and leave." As Feng Yueying spoke, she pushed Ye Fan out of the office. leaf

Fan Xian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why are you pushing me?" I will go myself! Hey! I'm also very busy, okay!? Do you really think that I, a jobless nomad, have nothing to do!? "

While the woman was laughing, Ye Fan walked out of the office. Shake

Shaking his head, Ye Fan sighed. Seeing that it was almost noon, he rushed to the Purple Leaf Teahouse. Although …

As for the vicinity of Qing Shan Lake, Ye Fan had already bought it all. However, ever since Xiao Jin left, the teahouse had resumed its business. strychnine

Zi Mo was not lacking in money, but this teahouse was left behind by her grandfather.

After being here for so many years, she had studied the art of tea for so many years. She had feelings for every single table and chair here. Naturally, she would be willing to keep it open for as long as she could. leaf

Fan Xian hadn't been here for a while, so he decided to take a look at Ning Xuemo. Although the woman had been busy, taking over the capital and the underground powers of Fragrant City was not something he could settle in one or two days.

However, even though the woman was busy, Ye Fan still felt rather guilty. He didn't spend much time with Ning Xuemo, but Ning Xuemo forgave him and didn't complain.

The Violet Bamboo Forest was currently the largest underground gang in China. Naturally, it had an extraordinary status. very

Most people thought that the Green Bamboo Forest was responsible for Green Mountain Lake, which was why the government had such a strong background.

Although Sun Qian and a few of Bayer's elites had left Hua Hai in order to take the Foundation Establishment Pills to strengthen their cultivation, the strength of the ancient warriors here had not weakened.

Before this, when Xu Linshan was still in Hua Hai, she had helped Ning Zimo train a group of martial artists from ancient times. This had allowed the people here to have a good combat strength.

The moment Ye Fan arrived outside the tea house, he discovered that it was filled with luxurious carriages, and inside the tea house was the aura of a large number of ancient warriors. wishful thinking

He had once leisurely ridden his bicycle and came here to eat and drink. It was a very nostalgic day.

Of course, Ye Fan didn't think that this wasn't a good idea, it was just that there were still some hidden dangers that had yet to be removed. yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu, yangtzu

As soon as he arrived at the door, Little Zhao, who was waiting for him, ran out.

"Brother Fan!" "You're here! How long has it been since we last met?" Zhao Zhong said with a glowing face. leaf

Fan Xian patted his shoulder, "Not bad, you have already reached the Xiantian Full Circle realm?"

"Thanks to Brother Fan and Eldest Miss, I finally reached the Xiantian realm after taking some miraculous pills and elixirs. It's a pity that my innate talent is only mediocre," Little Zhao said gratefully.

"It's fine. You're still young and have some time," Ye Fan said as he walked. "Where's Ning'er?" In the room? " small

Zhao grinned. "Young Miss is in the back garden. Since the revival of the ancient martial arts era, our Purple Leaf Teahouse has been very lively. We don't have enough manpower!"

"Oh? There are a lot of ancient warriors here, what are they doing here? " Ye Fan was puzzled, "Could it be that there is someone who dares to find trouble with you?"

That's not true. Although Eldest Miss did not go around to announce that our backers were you, Brother Fan, there are still many powers and sects that do not dare to provoke us. end

"There are actually people who know that we are related to you, Brother Fan. Furthermore, the Violet Bamboo Forest is now very strong and has many experts." Little Zhao said.

"Yes." Ye Fan nodded, thinking about it further. Even if he didn't publicly announce anything, a lot of people should know about the relationship between him and Ning Zimo.

In fact, the business here was good. There were many ancient warriors. It was mainly because they treated this place as the best place to socialize with ancient martial arts. sail

Brother, think about it. In order to deal with ancient martial artists, sparring was something you needed. You can't just talk it out yourself.

In the normal coffee shops and restaurants in the city, how could they afford such a place and environment? Only the Purple Leaf Teahouse has its own space and quietness, and we have many ancient martial artists. Special

"Don't mention our young miss, she is now a Spirit Condensation expert. Many of the ancient warriors have come to ask our young miss for guidance." Little Zhao explained.

Ye Fan couldn't help but smile. To the ancient martial world of the mortal world, the Spirit Condensation realm was indeed considered as the peak of power. When he didn't have the qualifications to come into contact with the clan, he also felt that the Spirit Condensation realm was already very powerful. aural

What Little Zhao meant was that in this Purple Leaf Tea House, the ancient martial artists had taken this place as a professional communication platform.

For ancient martial artists, many of them didn't have strong backgrounds, but they also had a high income. They weren't lacking in money; they probably didn't want to go to too ordinary a place.

In Purple Leaf Tea House, not only could they exchange pointers, but they could also eat and drink. The environment here was also high and quiet, which perfectly suited their needs.

Arriving at the back garden, Ye Fan looked out. The bluestone training field surrounded by the trees was rested and very impressive. side

There were also plenty of tables, chairs, umbrellas, and even plates of tea. Field

In the front, there were two pairs of ancient warriors, currently sparring.

On the side, there were fifty to sixty customers of both sexes, old and young, chatting happily.

The subordinates of the ancient martial arts of the Violet Bamboo Forest were patrolling the area. Each and every one of them was brimming with vigor and vitality.

Ning Xuemo was at the guest table, sipping tea with a few ancient warriors. However, it was obvious that she was somewhat absent-minded. This

Seeing Ye Fan come over, the woman immediately stood up, smiled and waved her hand. same

The three Ancient Warriors at the table, two men and one woman, all looked at Ye Fan with a weird look in their eyes when they saw Ning Xuemo waving enthusiastically to a young man … Chapter error, point this report (registered free)

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