My Ceo Husband is Sworn Enemy

Chapter 149 - Chapter 149: Chapter 149: Did I Misunderstand Him?_1

Chapter 149: Chapter 149: Did I Misunderstand Him?_1

Translator: 549690339

Ding Yinuo opened the door of the office and looked at me,

“There was love, but not much. Instead of nourishing me, it trapped me in endless internal strife.”

Ding Yinuo’s words always left people pondering…

“I did not see that coming!”

“Come in and sit!”

“No, I won’t sit, I need your help with something…”

He leaned against the door with his arms crossed, his long eyes staring deep into me,

“Seriously, babe. I’ve helped you so much, can’t you be a little nicer to me?”

“I’ll take you out to dinner when I have a moment!”

“Do you think I lack that meal?”

“No time, Jian Jing’s water broke, she’s now queuing up for emergency treatment, can you lend a helping hand …”

At the words of Ding Yinuo, his playful expression finally toned down, “Why didn’t you say that earlier? where is she?”

“In the first-floor waiting room, of course!”

“No need to wait, have her go directly to the emergency room on the third floor by elevator, I’ll arrange for people.”

“Okay, perfect!”

Having connections at the hospital is really convenient. Ding Yinuo is not an obstetrician himself, but with his facilitation, Jian Jing was quickly admitted to the emergency room.

While waiting outside, Wenya and I chatted and ended up discussing the poisoning. She then asked me,

“What, you still have faith in Gu Yuanzhou? Stop messing around looking for evidence! As far as I can see, just go along with your plan and kill him. He isn’t dead yet, right? Add some more medicine to his IV. This bastard doesn’t deserve to live.”

I laughed, “Clearly, his injuries now are not caused by the drugs I administered! What I gave him were not poison.”

“Ayun, didn’t you want to kill him back then? You might as well have considered the medicine from Ding Yinuo as genuine!”

“If I really killed him, I would confess. But being framed and becoming a scapegoat is different.”

“Ayun, are you going soft?”

“No, I’m not going soft!”

When Wenya saw Ding Yinuo talking with his colleagues in the distance, she suddenly changed the subject,

“Why not, you two get together?”

“Stop joking!”

“No, you’ve known Ding Yinuo for so many years. Don’t you understand him? I think marrying Ding Yinuo would have been a better choice than marrying Gu Yuanzhou.”

Wenya sighed deeply.

I was silent for a moment,

“Why didn’t you get together with Su Peisheng?”

My counter-question caught Wenya off guard, and she rolled her eyes several times,

“Can’t you compare with a better example? What kind of person is Su Fagun? You’re really ignorant. Never mind, let’s not talk about it!”

“You wait here for Jian Jing. I’m going out for a bit, I have something to do. I’ll come back later to check on her.”

“Alright, you go do your thing, I can keep an eye on her here by myself.”

“Call me if there’s anything.”


It’s not far from Huaxi Road, and there are many pharmacies near the hospital.

This one called the Ginseng Store is the largest one nearby. The reason Gu Yuanzhou often shopped here before is that it is a large store.

They provide quality assurance for their products. I stood at the door of the shop for a long time contemplating.

Indeed, it is a large shop. The interior is also lavishly decorated. It’s several hundred square meters in total, the first floor has medicines, and the second floor has high-end tonics.

“Miss, what product can I help you with?”

As soon as I entered, a passionate sales associate approached.

Although they were dressed in white lab coats, I knew very well they were not doctors – just sales personnel.

I got straight to the point, “I would like to see the store manager!”

“Well… Miss, we can introduce you to products. The manager, he’s not in the store at this time.”

“Then call him and tell him that my family has nearly died taking your medicine…. If he doesn’t want to come out and deal with it, I’ll report it to the Drug Inspection Bureau! Then we’re not just chatting anymore.”

The sales associate turned pale as soon as she heard that someone had nearly died from taking the medicine, she poured me a cup of tea and let me wait in the office.

Less than three minutes later, the manager rushed over.

He was extremely respectful because under legal provisions if drugs from their store cause death, not only would the store go bankrupt, but the boss also stands to be sentenced.

So, his attitude was far more pleasing than I had imagined.

“Miss, you just mentioned something about a problem with a health product bought from our store?”

I directly put the health product that I took from my aunt’s house in front of him.

“Look, this was sold in your shop, correct?”

The manager picked up the medicine bottle and carefully inspected it,

“This product does indeed look very similar to the one we sell. Can you show the receipt from that time?”

“It’s been a while, the receipt is gone.”

“How can you prove that this bottle was sold in our shop then?”

This manager is pretty sly.

“We used mobile transfer to pay. We have the payment records….”

As soon as I said this, the manager’s attitude changed immediately.

“Miss, what assistance can we provide you with? However, I must stress that our products are safe. They are certified by international authorities, let me show you the certificates…”

I pushed away the certificates he handed over,

“I just need you to help me check the surveillance footage when we purchased these products during the Chinese New Year. I know you have a camera installed at the door.”

“This… it’s been more than half a year already, and this might infringe on the privacy of other customers, I’m afraid it’s not right…”

As he continued to deflect, I stood up,

“Fine, I’ll just call the police then. After all, it’s a matter of life and death. Regardless of whether it’s your medicine or not, before the truth is found, all your chain stores will be forced to shut down, right?”

“Miss, please sit, I will find it right away. I assure you I’ll satisfy you!”

“That’s more like it!”

The manager was quite swift. In less than half an hour, he had handed me the footage from that day.

I carefully reviewed the footage.

The video showed that in the early morning around eight o’clock, Gu Yuanzhou himself came here to buy health products. After buying them, he took a phone call and casually handed the products over to another person.

Since this was captured by the camera at the entrance of the pharmacy, the line of sight was very clear, and Gu Yuanzhou’s actions could be seen.

He handed the products over to another person and then got in another blue private car. The other person put the products in the car.

I suddenly had a thought and dialed the landline of the Song family’s living room.

“Hello. Who is this?”

The familiar voice of Aunt Hua came through the phone.

“It’s me, Song Xiaoyun, I visited before…”

“I remember you, Miss Song, what can I do for you?”

“Aunt Hua, do you remember who actually delivered the health products during Chinese New Year? was it Gu Yuanzhou in person?”

“Yes, it was him… Ah, no, it wasn’t! It was his driver who delivered it, saying that Mr. Gu was a little busy so he asked him to deliver it first.”

Upon hearing this, I felt something was wrong and asked another question,

“When did the driver deliver it approximately?”

“Let me think! It seems like it was sent over in the evening! Because on that day, my daughter came to pick me up to go home for the New Year, and I happened to run into Old Ma!”

The health products that were bought in the morning were delivered only in the evening. Isn’t it obvious that there is something fishy about this?

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