Chapter 99 Screening

"The next group, Ike, Sendy, Jack, Alan..." Jack, who was listening carefully to Alexander Knight, finally waited for him, grinning happily.

"Hey! Alan, it's our time!" Jack patted his friend who was in a daze and reminded happily.

"Oh! Really? It's really pleasing." Allen touched his long black hair, looking a little nervous, "Jack, do you think we can get through?"

Seeing his little friend's nervous expression, Jack couldn't help but patted his shoulder, knowing that his friend didn't have confidence anymore.

"Alan, we usually run five miles (8 kilometers), and it takes less than half an hour. Now as long as we both run hard, we will definitely enter the top 50!"

This time, 50 orphans were recruited as bodyguards, and everyone else joined Dark Blade as a member. After all, these people have the highest loyalty.

"However, both of us also know that among the more than one hundred people, many people run faster than me, I feel..."

Hearing this from his friends who have been with him in the past few years, Jack knew that it was useless to say more, after all, it was a fact.

"Don't be discouraged, although you may not be able to join the Guards, you can still become a member of the Dark Blade, which is also a decent profession!"

Jack had no choice but to comfort him.

"Besides, the chief instructor said that after joining the Dark Blade, you can become a knight!"

"Is this true? Jack!" Hearing this, Alan asked in surprise with a tone of self-pity.

"Of course, this is what Knight Alexander told me himself, so is it false?"

"If this is the case, then I feel much better!"

Looking at Allen's relieved expression, Jack expressed his understanding. After coming from hard times, he deeply understood how eager these waifs are to become upper-class figures.

This represents endless food, a safe and warm bed, and the pain of not being driven away in the cold winter.

Soon, after adjusting his mentality, Alan and Jack came to the starting point together. They were the last group.

This is an oval track with a length of more than 1,300 feet (400 meters). This is a runway designed and built by Edward according to the standards of later generations. It is paved with some gravel. It is exactly the playground of his elementary school when he was a child.

There were nearly 20 people in the group. Jack and Allen couldn't find a good position, so they could only occupy the second row, and it was still a remote position on the left.

"Alan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

"It's nothing, in the end it depends on strength!" Regarding Alan's apology, Jack said indifferently, with a face full of indifference.

"Okay! After I say 'start', you can run!"

Knight Alexander rode on the horse, waving the long sword in his hand, and said loudly.

"Start—" After Alexander finished speaking, he swung his long sword upwards, very imposing.

After hearing the first words, Jack rushed forward and quickly entered the top ten, while his partner Alan was still struggling in the bottom few.

Jack can’t control these things now, he only has one thought in his mind at this moment, run, run hard, run into the top 50 lives, become a majestic royal guard, become a high-ranking person.

Jack is about six feet tall at this time, and if he takes one step, two steps are basically equivalent to three steps for others, which has a great advantage.

But he still didn't dare to let go, and he wouldn't slow down until the end.

Soon, Jack felt his footsteps slowly getting heavier, his lungs were like a dry desert, and a strong wind was blowing up, and his throat directly expressed his desire for water.

He didn't know how long it took until he fell into a crowd of people, his body's consciousness slowly became uncontrollable, his eyes closed slowly, and he only knew that he had reached the finish line.

I don't know how long it took, Jack only felt tired, and tried to open his eyes. He vaguely saw Alan's dark green eyes, and couldn't help but parted his lips and smiled.

"Have I passed? Alan!" Jack felt his throat was burning like a fire, and it was difficult to speak.

"Jack, you scared me to death! You passed, you are the first, and you will be a bodyguard protecting His Majesty from now on!"

Allen said to him happily, but he couldn't hide his red eyes from crying.

"Have you never had one?" Jack raised his heavy head and asked, leaning up.

"No, but it's okay, I will see you in the future!" Alan smiled bitterly, pretending to be indifferent and said.

"Yes, Jack, you gave me a surprise. I didn't expect your body to be so powerful. Twenty-six minutes and thirty-seven seconds, this is an astonishing number!"

The smile on the face of the knight Alexander who came over meant that Jack was completely qualified as a guard.

As he spoke, he put the small mechanical clock in his hand in front of Jack's eyes. Jack couldn't help watching, the minute hand and second stopped at twenty-six and thirty-seven.

"Hey! I didn't expect that either! It's just running hard!" Jack rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled foolishly.

In fact, China invented the earliest mechanical clock.

Eastern Han Dynasty Zhang Heng made a water-leaking armillary sphere, using a gear system to connect the clepsydra with the clepsydra. The dripping water from the clepsydra pushed the sphere to rotate evenly, making exactly one revolution a day. This was the earliest mechanical clock that appeared.

In the third year of Yuanhu in the Northern Song Dynasty (1088), Su Song, Han Gonglian and others created the water transport instrument platform, which already used the escapement mechanism.

In the west, in 1350, Dante of Italy manufactured the first mechanically struck tower clock with a simple structure. In 1582, Galileo of Italy invented the gravity pendulum; in 1657, Huygens of the Netherlands introduced the gravity pendulum into the mechanical clock and created the pendulum clock. .

It's a pity that such a good technology was destroyed by the war.

In Windsor Castle, there is only the most basic selection of running, because all orphans have already learned how to ride, but in Lancaster, riding competitions are held like a fire.

"My sir, I never thought that so many people in the entire duchy are preparing to participate in the selection!"

Looking at the ants-like registration team in front of him, Baron Smith couldn't help but sigh.

"There are so many, there are many gentlemen and free people who have not received the news in time, otherwise there will be more people!"

Sir John was very disapproving of the baron's exclamation.

"When are we going to get so many people? Let's do some screening! What do you think? Mr. Jazz!"

Baron Smith shook his head. Looking at the thousands of people in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a headache. There are so many people in the Lancaster Territory alone, and there is also the Duchy of Cornwall. Is this a life-threatening rhythm?

"Lord Baron, your opinion is exactly what I want, so I'd better screen it in advance!"

Sir John couldn't help but nodded when he heard Baron Smith say this.

"Go and tell those people, those who don't have their own horses leave by themselves!"

Baron Smith turned around and said to the tall and thin guards beside him.

"My Lord Baron, why do you want to exclude those participants who don't have horses?"

Mr. Jazz felt a little curious about Baron Smith's order.

"Mr. Sir, think about it! How can people who don't have horses compare to those who have horses in riding? It's better to let them leave early and save us some time!"

As the two talked and laughed, the fate of many people was decided in this way.

After Baron Smith's order was conveyed, the crowd was boiling like a frying pan, and the noise was endless.

But soon, under the threats of the guards and the hustle and bustle of some participants with horses, these voices of dissatisfaction were quickly quelled.

After a while, most of the people who were already full left at once, and the remaining people were more than a thousand.

Best came from a wealthy Yeomannon family. His father not only cultivated his own 30 acres of land, but also rented and planted more than 100 acres of land owned by noble lords. That's why he can buy a horse and meet the standard to stay.

Seeing that the middle-aged nobleman standing on the high platform was about to start talking again, Best was afraid that there would be some conditions to brush him down again.

"Okay! Now you can start the competition. This time the rules are a bit special. You need to choose one of the more than one hundred knights!"

Hearing the middle-aged nobleman start talking about the rules, Best held his breath and listened carefully.

"You choose one of the more than 100 knights to single out. As long as you survive three moves, you can become the guards protecting the royal family!"

Baron Smith announced the rule that Edward had come up with, which made the people in the audience look puzzled.

They have never heard of this competition rule, and feel a little incredible.

"Also, only fifty people are allowed to challenge at a time!"

As he spoke, Baron Smith pointed to the more than 100 guards in armor behind him, his face full of fun.

As the first batch of riders, Thomas decided to choose a knight who looked shorter. He thought it would be nice to have a bit of an advantage in height!

Riding on the horse, he raised the long javelin wrapped in linen in front, and put on the armor with the help of the servant. Through the mask, Thomas looked at the knight who was like a javelin not far away, and gradually calmed down.

"Okay! Ready, let's—"

Hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, Thomas was the first to start as if there were fifty participants present.

The short knight on the opposite side cast a disdainful glance, and also started.

Between electric sparks and flints, the two got close, bang—

The sound of shields colliding reached Thomas' ears, and a huge force oppressed his heart.

ps: More votes, more love, as long as everyone gives a little love, I will overflow! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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