Chapter 63 Results

"What? Lord Earl, why are we blocking the exit!"

Gner didn't quite understand what Earl Argyle meant, he was still too naive.

"Yes! Honorable Earl, besides, we won't be able to block such a big exit for a while! The English will soon come after us!"

Knight Baird couldn't help but frowned and echoed, obviously he still had some opinions on the Earl's order.

At this moment of escape, there is no time to do other things to delay.

"Then block it with stones and tree trunks, hurry up!" Earl Allen didn't explain anything, but still ordered in an orderly tone.

In desperation, Gener and Knight Baird had no choice but to order their subordinates to help. It took less than ten minutes for more than a thousand people to pile up a five-foot-high small Great Wall at the mouth of the valley, which was more than 50 feet wide.

Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, the Earl smiled for a long time, and finally let go of his heart that had been hanging.

"Go! My gentlemen! Return to the safety of Edinburgh!"

The Lord Regent waved his hand, pointed in the direction of Edinburgh in the distance, and galloped wildly.

Gnar and his tribal warriors also happily followed, Baird also hurriedly greeted the knights, and the tired cavalry who had just been dismounting to carry things and were panting to follow.

Thus, a Scottish army composed of 30,000 people followed the Earl of Argyle to resist England, but in the end only more than 1,000 cavalry returned to Edinburgh with the Earl of Argyle.

At this time in Pink Canyon, the Duke of Somerset and the Earl of Wellington worked hard to hunt down the defeated Scottish soldiers.

In fact, when the Duke and the Earl of Wellington were supported together, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the Scottish soldiers' will to fight was completely destroyed.

It is no exaggeration to say that, except for the fact that the Duke was able to kill and wound a few Scots at the beginning, the rest of the time was spent recruiting those Scottish captives who surrendered.

In the end, even the Earl of Warwick, who had just delivered the food, joined the battlefield with his old and sick logistics soldiers.

Duke Edward watched boredly as the Scots were captured one by one, and were bound hands and feet by the English soldiers at will, but they could only tremble, and most of them had no sense of resistance.

After an hour of such boring time, the whole of Pink Canyon is gone

"My dear Lord Wellington, how many of our lads are left now?"

Looking at the messy battlefield in front of him, the severed limbs and blood plasma of various people are mixed together, eagles and vultures are hovering in the sky.

It was a rare sunny day, but the Duke felt a bit of chill, especially those great guys from England lying on the grass and moaning.

Even the duke, who has experienced countless wars, still has a faint touch in his cold heart.

The Earl of Wellington was talking to the priest in the army. When he heard the question from the Duke, he thought about it and said:

"Your Excellency, the Duke! According to the statistics of the priests, our army killed 1,563 people and injured 3,216 people, including 2,429 minor injuries and 780 serious injuries. Seven people!"

"And our knights heroically sacrificed twenty-eight people! Their bravery astonished me!"

No way, in this Middle Ages, the group of people with the highest level of knowledge were the priests of the church, and even the nobles of the ruling class, most of them could only write their own names.

In this war, more than 2,000 people died to be precise. In this era of bloodletting to treat diseases, those seriously injured soldiers were almost dead.

"God bless us with this victory, it was a pleasant war! Tell me, my count, what are our trophies?"

Duke Edward skipped the sad numbers and asked about the pleasant things directly.

The nearby knights seemed to have heard the sound here, and most of them gathered around, pricking up their ears to listen.

Seeing that Duke Edward had no intention of driving people away, Earl Wellington spoke up boldly.

"There are only a few accurate figures that can be obtained so far. In total, we have captured two standard cannons, one variant cannon, two standard heavy cannons, one speeding cannon, and more than two thousand Scotch ponies!"

"There are more than 50,000 pounds of food, and 500 barrels of fine wine!"

"As for how many Scots soldiers were captured, I'm sorry! My lord, due to the large number, we don't know the exact number yet. We estimated that there are probably more than 10,000 soldiers!"

"Long live! Long live!" The knights around Duke Edward could no longer restrain their heartless joy, forgetting their physical fatigue, and shouted loudly.

Soon, the nearby soldiers saw the knights shouting happily. Even if they didn't know the reason, seeing the happy expressions of the knights, they also shouted together.

Suddenly, the Pink Canyon reverberated with countless cries of ‘long live’, which lasted for a long time.

Scotland, Edinburgh, only five-year-old Queen Mary is staying with her mother, Queen Mary, happily playing with her maids.

Around her tender neck was a crimson velvet cloak with an ermine hem, and a long-sleeved gown of jeweled satin.

Happy skirt swayed from side to side, and her glowing red face was full of attachment to her mother.

Even though Queen Mary's eyes were looking at little Mary, those beautiful eyes were not focused on her! He seemed to be thinking about something, and his already pretty face became even more eye-catching.

"Mom! What are you doing?" Little Mary looked back while playing, but her mother didn't look at her, which made her unhappy and pursed her little lips.

"Oh! My little Mary! I'm so sorry! Mom is thinking about something!" The queen mother hurriedly picked up little Mary and put her on her lap.

After all, this is her only heir, especially after the death of her first two sons, her love for Mary really goes deep into her bones.

"Oh! Mom was thinking about something! Can you tell Mary about it? Mary is very smart!"

Little Mary said in a proud tone, with an expression of coming to praise me written on her little face.

"Yes! My Mary is the smartest! Mom is thinking of your grandfather who is far away in France!"

"Since mom misses grandpa, let's go see him! I want to go see grandpa with you too!" Little Mary said in a delicate voice, and looked at Queen Mary with those dark blue eyes, with indescribable cuteness!

"But mother is busy! Then, can Mary go to see grandpa on behalf of mother?"

"Well... no! I want to be with my mother! Don't go to France!" Little Mary thought for a while, then stared at Queen Mary seriously, and said solemnly.

Although Queen Mary didn't know what the consequences of the war were, she didn't want her daughter to fall into the hands of the English!

Thanks: zhh66, book friend 1887429393, Tianyi sword, who wants to know, Plato’s symposium, lp001735, cute Hengheng, Arctic fresh wind, owls are flying, love the stratosphere, six kings, Rym, qus, ignorance is not wrong, Legolas ~ Windrunner,

(end of this chapter)

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