My British Empire

Chapter 142: break into the castle

Chapter 142 Breaking into the Castle

ps: Last day of the weekend, ask for tickets, ask for subscription

As soon as he took control of the city gate and the city wall, Dio sent people to wear the costumes of the Scottish army, pretending to be Scottish soldiers guarding.

Fortunately, the French army moved quickly and blocked the scene well. Otherwise, when other Scottish troops came, they would be hard to resist.

Standing anxiously on the city wall, Major Dio caressed the moss-covered city wall from time to time, raised his head to look outside the city wall from time to time, walked back and forth on the city wall non-stop, and became more impatient as time went by.

Not only him, but other French soldiers also looked nervous. This is a desperate moment.

But the time passed by every minute and every second, and eight o'clock had not yet come.

Although the scene was sealed off, it couldn't be concealed for long. The longer the time dragged on, the more dangerous he would be.

At this time, under the bright moonlight, the English soldiers were riding horses, maintaining a constant speed, and trotting lightly. The horses seemed to have sensed something, and the cry became less and less.

Earl Wellington was riding a horse, wearing armor, with a serious face, taking the lead in the front of the troops, leading the troops forward.

The soldiers behind them didn't say a word, but their faces glowed red with excitement.

Obviously, the soldiers remembered the benefits of looting the city, and anyone would be excited to receive such a large amount of income.

This is not what His Majesty ordered, Cooper thought.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if you told the soldiers what the king conveyed before?"

Riding on the horse, Cooper sped up and came to Earl Wilson, asking in a deep voice.

"This—" Glancing at His Majesty's secret spy, Earl Wellington rolled his eyes, "Oh! I forgot, I'm getting old and my memory is bad, really!"

In response to Earl Wellington's excuse, Cooper's eyelids moved, and he stared directly at him without speaking.

"I'll announce right away, thanks to your reminder, otherwise I would have almost missed a major event!" Earl Wellington said repentantly, so he could be as sincere as he wanted.

In fact, Cooper was unwilling to offend the Earl of Wellington regarding the plundering of Edinburgh, but before leaving, His Majesty the King issued repeated orders to dissuade the Earl of Wellington from plundering Edinburgh, otherwise he would be rewarded. .

And he also understands Earl Wellington's thoughts, pretending that the soldiers don't know, and quietly making a fortune, His Majesty the King may not pursue the crimes of a thousand soldiers!

Cooper tore off the cover of Earl Wellington, and then the order not to plunder Edinburgh was conveyed to the ears of the soldiers, and Cooper did not know how much resentment he provoked.

But he can't control it. It is important to complete His Majesty's mission.

Just like that, at eight o'clock sharp, the troops had completely arrived outside the walls of Edinburgh, quietly, hidden in the night.

At eight o'clock, a soldier held a lighted torch and waved it towards the top of the city wall, trying to attract attention.

Earl Wellington fixed his eyes on the city gate, thinking about the success of his actions.

Suddenly the suspension bridge was lowered, and the closed city gate slowly opened.

"Everyone, follow me—" Earl Wellington stopped dawdling, grabbed the reins of the horse, clamped his legs, and shouted loudly.

Immediately, the cavalry came back to their senses, waved their whips one after another, and rushed forward.

"Boom—" The horses ran recklessly, and thousands of horses ran with all their strength, causing the earth to shake.

Running into the city, Earl Wellington found a group of people standing in front of him, and Cooper next to him took a closer look and found that it was Major Dio and others.

"Your Excellency, they are the group of French troops, and the one at the front is Major Dio!"

Count Wellington, who stopped slowly, heard Cooper's voice next to his ear, and nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Looking at the approaching cavalry, Major Dio calmed down and greeted them with a smile.

"Honorable Earl, I am Dio Jean Coslander, please come with me, and I will guide you to the royal palace and the residences of the Scottish ministers."

Major Dio kept his posture very low, as if he was completely serving the English army.

"Haha! Mr. Major is too polite. You have made great achievements this time. His Majesty the King will definitely reward you. I will call you Your Excellency the Baron soon!"

Earl Wellington smiled, and his tone was very polite.

"Then, I will trouble you now, Your Excellency Major!"

As soon as the Earl finished speaking, Major Dio was elated, and his tone became more and more sincere.

"It's just God's blessing, my credit is not worth mentioning!"

Immediately, Earl Wilson asked someone to lead a horse to Major Dio to lead the way.

Soon, a group of people came to the center of Edinburgh, a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Edinburgh has been a city with defense as its top priority since its establishment, rather than being famous for commercial prosperity like London.

So, in addition to sending 500 soldiers to capture the rest of the ministers, Earl Wilson took 1,000 French soldiers and 500 English cavalry to attack the royal castle together.

As for why the French army was required to participate, the earl gave the reason that the English soldiers were all cavalry and were not good at siege.

So, Major Dio pinched his nose and ordered the French army to attack the castle together.

Fortunately, the English army has been on the defensive for half a year, and the defense of the castle is not strict. In addition, because it is night, the soldiers are more relaxed than during the day.

More than a thousand people quickly boarded the castle, with low casualties, but after they came up, they encountered desperate resistance from the Scottish soldiers, and they were delayed for a long time.

Stabbed to death a Scottish soldier who rushed over with a sword. Earl Wellington and Major Dio stood back to back.

The earl frowned. He felt that this would not work. There must be a secret passage in the castle, and the Queen Mother of Scotland would definitely run away. This is a big trouble.

"Mr. Major, you send someone to resist first, I will take some people to catch the Queen Mother of Scotland, and I can't let him escape!"

There was a trace of blood on his face. After listening to Major Dio, he felt that this opportunity of meritorious service should not be let go.

"My lord, I know her room, I'll take you there!"

"Boris, you bring people to cover us, you must drag these Scots! Remember?"

Immediately, Major Dio said loudly to Boris who was fighting together in French.

"Yes! Master!" Boris agreed loudly, wiping the blood off his face.

"Let's go, Your Excellency the Earl!" Major Dio was fighting with the Scottish soldiers as he walked towards the exit.

In view of this, the Earl didn't say anything, and it would be nice if someone showed the way.

At this time, Queen Mary, who was still asleep, heard a rush of footsteps. Just as she was about to reprimand, the hurried maid immediately knelt down and said in a hurry:

"Your Majesty, let's go, the English have attacked the castle!"

"What? Are you serious?" The Queen Mother hurriedly put on her clothes under the service of the maid who was waiting on the side, and approached and asked.

"Yes, I heard from the guards that the French army also entered the castle, and the castle is already in a mess. Your Excellency, the chief guard, told you to evacuate as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the Queen Mother believed it in her heart. Immediately, she immediately called the guards near the bedroom, together with some personal maids, and hurriedly prepared to leave from the underground passage.

(end of this chapter)

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