My British Empire

Chapter 128: on the exam

Chapter 128 exam

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"Is this true? My lord!" Adler asked in surprise with an unbelievable tone.

"Of course, my words are always credible, this is my promise to you!"

Edward said boldly, the king's temperament was immediately revealed, which is what a king should have.

Of course, this is Edward’s self-feeling, but it’s almost the same as he estimated. I didn’t see that the Jewish Adler was so excited that he was about to cry.

In fact, the excitement in Adler's heart at this time was incomparable.

You know how difficult it is to be a Jew in Europa.

They cannot engage in agriculture, which will be criticized by the church.

In fact, the land before Europa was reclaimed by the Jews themselves, so how could those barbarians know how to farm land!

After they cultivated, the church and nobles deprived them of their ownership of the land in various names and drove them out of their homes.

So, they only engaged in business, and when they found that it was faster to lend money, a large number of Jews began to engage in this hated business.

Jews were pagans in medieval Europe, and their social status could only be guaranteed by agreements between associations and secular authorities.

That is to say, the great lords at the king or duke level protect the lives and property of the Jews in their territory, and the Jews need to pay extremely high taxes to buy peace.

In medieval Europe, especially in Western Europe, the Jews mainly made a living by lending usury, so ordinary citizens and low-level lords hated them; Christian propaganda also identified the Jews as the descendants of the murderer who killed Jesus, so frequent occurrences Violence against Jews.

Few of them can become nobles. Becoming a noble means that the life safety of him and his family will be guaranteed, and no random noble can confiscate his property...

"Oh! God! Your Majesty, I can't control my emotions anymore! Sorry."

After speaking, Adler bowed deeply, with a resolute expression on his face, and walked out.

Edward felt that his body was full of vigor, and his whole person seemed to have a temperament, and the previous timid look disappeared.

So, in this way, Adler Todd, the father of the Royal Bank of England, who was passed down to later generations, began his journey to establish a bank.

Soon, time was like a galloping horse, more than a month passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to April 28, 1549.

On this day, the whole of London began to come alive at four o'clock in the morning, which was two hours earlier than usual.

The original narrow street was doubled in width by the expansion of Mayor William, basically able to accommodate four carriages driving side by side at the same time.

And the ground that was originally filthy and filled with feces and urine also showed its true colors at this time.

Because the city of London was established on the basis of the city left over from the Roman era, in some urban areas, there are still sewers from the Roman era.

According to Edward's instructions, Mayor William refurbished the sewers in the city of London to clean up the clogged garbage through this expansion and cleaning effort.

Based on the original foundation, the sewers were dug in almost all the streets in London, so that hundreds of thousands of urban domestic sewage in London were discharged into the Thames River.

And in order to protect the city appearance, Mayor William built nearly 100 public toilets in London, each size can accommodate 20 men and women at the same time.

William also sought Edward's opinion and obtained the consent of the city council to issue regulations prohibiting anyone from defecating on the street at will, and offenders will clean the public toilets for a week.

And William also ordered the city management staff of the City Management Office to patrol regularly every day to catch violators.

For garbage, William decided to charge each household living in London a regular monthly fee of two pence for garbage cleaning.

The city government set up a garbage point at the corner of the street, which is a pit piled up with stones. The city government hires laborers to clean up the garbage regularly every morning to ensure the city's appearance in London.

The collection of this tax has aroused great repercussions in London, but under the pressure of the city government, the opinions of the common people will be ignored.

In the early morning of this day, before dawn, Ham was woken up by a loud noise.

Rubbing his eyes, Ham gently climbed out of bed, for fear of disturbing his sleeping wife and two children.

He put on a single shirt, it was still cold in London in the early morning.

Opening the tightly fastened gate, Ham leaned out with his whole body, and saw that the usually deserted street with only a few figures was extremely lively at this time.

In the front row, dozens of handsome young men dressed in decent clothes and beautiful hats were sitting in five or six covered carriages.

Behind the carriage, five or six strong men in uniforms rode on horses, watching and watching from time to time.

Ham thought for a while, and finally realized that the man in uniform was the new London police.

A dagger was hung on his body, and his uniform was close to his body, looking extremely mighty.

And behind these policemen, a group of neighbors watching the excitement, a dozen naughty children with their buttocks running around cheerfully, yelling loudly.

Even some shop owners who were usually ready to open for business at this time followed behind with a happy face at this time, and it seemed that they had no intention of opening.

"Hey! Rand, what are you doing? Is this going to happen?"

Ham saw his neighbor trotting behind the crowd, stretching his head out from time to time, looking ahead at dozens of young people protected by the police, and turning his head to chat with the people around him.

"Oh! It's Ham! You don't know!"

Hearing someone calling himself, his neighbor Rand turned his head and looked at Ham who was wearing unlined clothes.

"No wonder, you've been working on the pier, you don't know yet!"

"Today is the day His Majesty the King promulgated the use of examinations to select London city government officials, so these learned young people are going to take the examination!"

Because of the boiling crowd around him, Rand had to speak loudly to Ham.

"No! There is a young man who has rented at my place for a while, and I will send him off. If he passes the exam and becomes an official of the London City Government, wouldn't I be in a relationship!"

Rand said to Ham with a smile on his face, pointing to a group of young people in front of him.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, I went to watch the excitement, and I will not open today!"

After explaining a few words to Ham, Rand started to keep up with the big team.

As soon as he heard about the official exam, Ham knew what it was. There has been a lot of discussion in London recently.

And recently, a large number of young scholars who came to take the exam have poured into London. Coupled with the entourage of some rich people, the entire Londoner has made a lot of money.

Even the food shipped to London has increased a lot, and his life has been much easier recently.

At this moment, the three young men from Norwich, Suwell, Wilson, and Kleroux, like the dozens of people who took the exam beside them, sat in a daze under the protection of the police. with a carriage.

"Hey! Souwell, why do you think this battle is so big? Look, there are so many beautiful girls greeting me!"

Wilson couldn't bear the quiet atmosphere in the workshop, couldn't help tilting his head, and said to Su Weier who was sitting next to him.

"Okay, be quiet, this time I heard that there are many people taking the exam like us, think about it carefully!"

Su Weier closed his eyes at this time, recalling the knowledge points he had read, but at this moment, the voice of his friend Wilson came from beside him.

"Okay, okay! You are so boring! I won't talk to you!"

As soon as he heard Su Weier's words, Wilson felt that his ears were getting calloused, and then he shook his head and said.

After speaking, Wilson consciously put on a handsome pose and greeted the little girl by the side of the road.

Half an hour later, the three of Su Weier followed the carriage to the place where William was preparing for the exam for them.

Getting off the carriage, Su Weier saw a large group of people standing together in a long queue, and dialects and slang from various places filled his ears from time to time. It was really a hodgepodge.

Su Weier looked at it, there were about ten teams, and the three of them randomly found a team to join.

"Your Majesty, look, these are the people who came to take the exam!"

On the high ground not far away, London Mayor William pointed to a dense crowd ahead, bent down, and said to Edward.

"As of yesterday, more than 1,000 people have signed up to take the exam, and the specific number is about 1,253!"

"This is the largest selection exam in England for so many years!"

"This is also Europa's biggest exam! My lord, this is all thanks to you!"

Edward smiled indifferently at William's flattery, and then said:

"My Lord Mayor, your task has been completed well, I am very satisfied!"

"However, the fire in London has always been very severe, you need to arrange fire prevention work!"

"Also, don't overestimate the quality of those scholars, you have to arrange people to patrol closely to prevent them from cheating!"

Hearing Edward's words to the point, William kept nodding from the side, acting as if he was listening.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have written down what you said! I will arrange it next!"

Edward was very satisfied with William's attitude, and thought to himself, this is what a subordinate should look like.

Edward thought about it, and some situations in the college entrance examination in later generations still had to be arranged.

"Also, if you haven't arrived before nine o'clock, or if you arrive after nine o'clock, don't let them in!"

"They don't even have the concept of time, what kind of officials do they want!"

Edward thinks it is better to be stricter, after all, it is different from the college entrance examination, which is to screen officials and eliminate some people by the way.

"Yes! Your Majesty, I will arrange someone to guard the door!"

(end of this chapter)

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