Chapter 125 Implementation

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The existence of Hanseatic merchants not only reduced the money collected by the London Treasury, but also hindered the development of London commerce.

For example, the wood industry, because England does not have wood for making seagoing ships, so it needs to import a lot from Northern Europe.

The Hanseatic merchants directly monopolized England's demand for wood.

Someone said, don’t you know that you can go directly to Northern Europe to buy goods?

This is the reason, but the cost of the goods you bring in from Northern Europe on the road will be higher than that of Hanseatic merchants, and after you return to England, the tax you will be charged is higher than that of Hanseatic merchants. How to sell it.

Therefore, Alexander, the Minister of Finance, was very happy that Edward abolished the privileges of Hanseatic merchants and even increased the tariffs imposed on Hanseatic merchants.

"Your Majesty, I don't even know how to praise your decision. This is an extremely correct decision!"

Originally Alexander was summoned by Edward in a daze, and he was a little annoyed.

Who knew that Edward would give him such a big surprise, and it was a big surprise.

"Okay, my lord minister, don't say any more praise, you go back and promulgate this decree!"

Edward directly interrupted the words of praise from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Minister of Finance touched his nose, feeling a little depressed.

"Your Majesty, I have finished writing, what do you think?" The Minister of the Seal Keeper hurriedly got up, stood aside respectfully, and said softly.

"Oh! It's not bad, let's do it!" Edward glanced at it, felt the same, and nodded involuntarily.

"Lucy, bring me the Great Seal!" Edward said to Lucy who was standing aside.

Immediately, after a short walk, Lucy brought Edward's jade seal.

It is just a joke to say that it is the jade seal. In England, it is called the national seal.

In England, the Great Seal is kept in the custody of the Lord Seal, and is affixed to proclamations, writs, royal charters, and documents authorizing the signing and ratification of treaties.

As for why the Great Seal is currently in Edward's place, it is because of Edward's curiosity. He wants to see what the Great Seal of England, that is, what the Great Seal looks like, so it has been more than two years since Edward ascended the throne. Edward here.

As for why the Keeper of the Seal didn’t come to Edward, one is that the parliament has not convened once in two years, and the other is that Edward didn’t give it, so he didn’t dare to come to get it.

At this time, Lucy was holding a wooden plate in her hand. The British Great Seal on the wooden plate consisted of two silver discs with stamps on the front and back of sealing wax.

It can be said that it is something like two badges with stamps, flat and round, completely different from our oriental cube.

It has a monarch on a horse on the front, and a monarch on a throne in royal robes on the reverse.

For the national seal, the English do not pay attention to inheritance like our national jade seal. England can only use a new national seal when an old national seal has been worn out, or a new dynasty has begun, or the royal coat of arms has changed.

At this time, the old seal is decorated with patterns or hit with a mallet by the Speaker of the Privy Council, indicating that it is useless.

The Minister of Seals looked at the two imperial seals in Lucy's hands, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise. He hurriedly walked to Lucy's side, and stared at the two flat and round individuals with his eyes wide open.

If you have to use words to describe it, it's like seeing a couple who have been apart for too long, with deep affection hidden in the eyes.

"Okay, my lord minister, this time you drop by, you can take the national seal back!"

Edward really couldn't see it, and suddenly felt a little guilty in his heart, like breaking up a couple.

"Really? Oh! My lord, this, this, I am so happy!"

The Keeper of the Seal is like a child getting a favorite toy, unable to help himself.

"Yes, my lord, you can take it back!"

"But let's stamp this decree first!"

Edward couldn't help laughing, bit his teeth lightly on his lips, to prevent the laughter from coming out of his mouth, and said reluctantly.

Immediately, Borman Randall, the Keeper of the Seals, completed the stamping as quickly as possible, and then took the tray from Lucy's hands, holding the tray tightly with both hands, and did not let go.

"Your Majesty, we are resigning!" Seeing that there was nothing to do, the two resigned to Edward together.

Subsequently, the Privy Council began to issue His Majesty's second decree, the first being the end of London's autonomy.

Then, the mayor of London, William, heard his meaning and knew his voice, and immediately sent someone to notify the head of the City Management Office, the Earl of Southampton.

When the Earl of Southampton heard that this was what His Majesty meant, he quickly dispatched most of the people in the hall, about 150 people, to ride to London Iron and Steel on horses borrowed from other halls. Courtyard, stronghold of Hanseatic merchants.

According to Edward's will, all the privileges of the Hanseatic merchants in England were abolished, so the London Steel House should also be abolished.

Hundreds of people rode horses and ran aggressively on the streets of London, which shocked the citizens on the streets.

Pedestrians hurriedly hid on both sides of the street, afraid of being hit, but there was nowhere to look for reason.

"Wow—" The Earl of Southampton rode his horse and led the way. After seeing the destination, he hurriedly reined in the horse.

"Stop—" the Earl raised his right hand and said loudly.

"Okay, now we dismount and show off our momentum, I don't believe they dare to do anything to us!"

The Earl got off his horse beautifully, and said to a group of subordinates behind him, he looked like a general.

"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?"

The guards guarding the gate were directing the laborers to carry the goods. Suddenly, a large number of cavalrymen on horseback appeared in front of them.

Moreover, an old guy in the lead suddenly yelled, which frightened them, and the workers were also frightened, and huddled together, not even carrying the goods.

The guards quickly sent someone inside to report the news, and among the guards, a burly-looking guy came out, bowed to the Earl, and said:

"My lord, I don't know who you are?"

"I am the director of the London City Management Office. This time I came to act on the order of the king to demolish it. Don't try to obstruct it!"

The Earl of Southampton sneered, then shouted threateningly.

"Here, my lord, don't be in a hurry, we are just guards, please wait for a while, our person in charge will come soon!"

The boss of the guard quickly waved his hands, trying to stop the Earl from moving.

However, how could the earl pay attention to him, a small head of guards, and then waved his hand, instructing more than a hundred men.

Because of Edward's policy, most of these urban management officers are retired militiamen, and one by one, it is inevitable that there will be some with broken hands and one-eyed.

These disabled militiamen did not expect that they would eat food distributed by the government one day, which made them feel warmer in the hearts of these militiamen who were injured on the battlefield.

Especially when they knew that this was specially arranged for them by the new king of London, this could not help but increase their loyalty to the royal family a lot, although it was not much in the first place.

However, this is a good start, because it sets a good example. If such things continue, then the entire army of England will turn to the Tudor royal family.

Although each of the city management officers had disabilities, dozens of able-bodied guards were constantly retreating in the face of such a group of people.

Although the militiamen are a little unhealthy, they survived the battlefield, and their murderous aura cannot be washed away.

More importantly, the city managers are officials, but they are citizens. If this is in Germany, their Hanseatic League would not even bother to deal with ordinary nobles, but this is in England, a place with powerful royal power.

So, when Mark Leutz and others came out, they saw hundreds of people in blue uniforms, hammering together with sledgehammers, destroying the wall with a bang.

"Stop—" An old man who came out with Mark screamed before he arrived.

The urban management staff took a look at Mark and others who were slowly approaching, and then continued to start the demolition project.

"Dear Lord Earl, I don't know why!"

Mark pointed to the urban management who were carrying out the demolition, walked up to the Earl of Southampton and said.

"Oh, Mr. Leutz, this is a decree issued by His Majesty the King today. This is a decree personally signed by Mayor William of the City of London!"

"You can take a closer look! However, I still have to work!"

The Earl was too lazy to explain, and directly took out two government orders, sent them to Mark, and said lazily.

Mark personally took the decree from the earl, and read it carefully.

The few people who came out with him also gathered together, buried their heads, and read together.

"Alas! Your Excellency Earl, can you give us two days, we will tear down the wall here ourselves!"

Several people studied it carefully and found no loopholes, so these two decrees are true.

Mark had expected this, but the faces of other businessmen couldn't hide their shock.

The demolition of the wall is not only a matter of safety, it is more symbolic.

It represents that the privileges of the Chamber of Commerce stronghold of the Hanseatic League in London are completely abolished. Whether it is independent judicial power, tax incentives, independent management rights, etc., these will disappear with the disappearance of this wall.

"Your Excellency, can you delay for two days? It's such a trivial matter. If you don't need it, I will trouble you!"

"No need, we can do it ourselves, after all, we are in this business, no trouble!"

The Earl waved his hand, said indifferently, and then spoke to a group of busy subordinates.

"Brothers, hurry up, we have to go back to eat before dark!"

(end of this chapter)

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