My British Empire

Chapter 113: princess wedding

Chapter 113 Princess' Marriage

ps: Ask for tickets, please collect, I feel very sad for the English b-level exam today, please come and comfort me! ??

Hearing their answers, Edward nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

Seeing His Majesty's satisfied expression, Baron Smith and Sir John breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and nodded.

Edward didn't see the small movements of the two people in front of him, but turned his head and cast his eyes out of the window.

At this time, London is still as lively as usual, but Whitehall Palace is located in the center of London, there are no shops and businesses, only people coming and going.

The well-dressed and personable gentleman on the carriage, the lady talking and laughing, the slow-paced businessman wearing a tall hat, and the ordinary citizen in a hurry, there are many more.

This is London, at the end of the Middle Ages, London where capitalism was sprouting.

"Very well, Baron Smith, you arrange these great boys to the barracks outside London, which is the barracks where the militia used to be stationed."

"You train them well for me, just follow the same training as you trained orphans a while ago!"

Edward didn't look back, just looked at the green glass window, and said slowly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Baron Smith saluted Edward sternly.

"Sir John, hurry up and allocate the money in place, and the salaries of these people will be paid by you in the future!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! Well, I don't know how much the monthly salary of these people should be?"

Sir John responded quickly, but when he rolled his eyes, the miserliness came out again.

"Well, let's count it as twelve shillings per month now. After half a year, it will rise to one pound, and after another year, it will be enough to raise it to the level of the eighth floor of these old guards!"

These words touched Edward's heart, even though he was not sensitive to money, but with three thousand people added up, the monthly salary alone was terrifying, and it would make Edward's heartache even more.

Besides, it would be unfair to the veterans who supported it if the newcomers were on the same level as the veterans who followed Henry VIII.

"Yes, Your Majesty, your instructions are the beacon for my actions!"

Sir John said disgustingly.

At this moment, the little maid Lucy came over and whispered into Edward's ear.

"Let him come in too! Just talking together!"

"Yes! Your Majesty." Lucy bowed politely, then stepped back.

Soon, the handsome middle-aged Alexander Knight, dressed in bright clothes and handsome, came in. His every move was pleasing to the eye, and he naturally developed a good impression of him.

After all, handsome men and beautiful women are all privileged, and automatic liking is one of them.

"Good day, Your Majesty!"

"Good day, Mr. Knight!"

"Mr. Knight, what do you have today?" Edward finally turned around and asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty, you ordered fifty orphans to be selected as bodyguards, and the selection has already been completed!"

Alexander Knight's voice is very mellow, with the magnetism of a middle-aged man and the softness of a woman, it sounds very intoxicating.

"Among them, 30 men and 20 women are selected from the best."

"Very good, those who are not selected by the oldest group of orphans, let them join the Dark Blade!"

Edward was very happy that the orphans with high loyalty joined the Guards, and his control over the Guards was even deeper.

"If, among those orphans who have been screened out, any of them want to continue studying, and if they are more talented in reading, let them go to college!"

"I don't think any university would dare not accept them!" Edward thought about it again, and he couldn't kill some children who might be future scientists or inventors. These people have made great contributions to society.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Alexander was a little puzzled as to why Edward wanted these people to go to college, what was the use of studying, and he still had to pay tuition.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Knight, if there are orphans with outstanding reading talents in the future, let them continue to study!"

"And, dear Sir John, you are responsible for the college expenses of these orphans!"

Hearing what Edward said, Sir John immediately had a bitter face, with a look of reluctance on his face.

"Yes, Your Majesty! As you order." Sir John replied reluctantly.

"That's it for today! You can retire!"

Edward waved at the three of them and said lazily.

"Yes, we are leaving, Your Majesty!" The three bowed and said in unison.

The three of them backed away slowly. When they reached the door, they turned around and walked away.

Edward stayed alone for a while, then walked out of the room and came to the backyard.

"Hahaha..." Before Edward arrived, he heard a series of laughter like wind chimes, which made Edward smile knowingly.

Sure enough, as soon as Edward arrived, he saw his older sister Elizabeth and little Lolita Marie sitting on the hanging chair together, pushed by Casey and her maid, and quickly flew to Gaochu.

The little loli sitting on the hanging chair narrowed her eyes happily, and a series of moving laughter emerged from her small mouth.

Elizabeth, who was wearing a long white dress, was like a child, shouting happily, without the slightest look of a princess.

Edward just stood there, watching with a lot of fun.

After about ten minutes, little loli and Elizabeth, who had been playing for a while, stopped, sweating profusely, as if they had fought a battle, and they were extremely tired.

After the two came down, they found Edward's existence. Little Lolita ran over quickly and threw herself into Edward's arms.

"Brother Edward, when did you come, why didn't you tell me!"

Edward lifted the little Lolita high, making her squint her eyes and open her mouth wide open.

After stopping, little Lolita suddenly frowned, put her hands on her hips, stared at Edward with round eyes, and said.

"Oh, that's who has been playing with the hanging chair, and he didn't bring me to play with him!" Edward squatted down, looked at little Lolita and said jokingly.

"Haha!" The little girl with a tense face couldn't help it anymore, and laughed happily.

"Brother Edward, don't blame me for not coming back!"

Little Lolita showed an embarrassed smile, and then said righteously, putting all the responsibility on Edward.

"Okay, I'll spare you this time, you must add me next time! Pull the hook—"

"Okay, pull the hook, don't change for a hundred years!" Little Lolita stretched out her little finger, hooked up with Edward's little finger, and said loudly.

After arguing with little Lolita for a while, Edward walked towards Elizabeth, whose face was covered with black lines.

"Hey! Elizabeth, I didn't expect you to like playing this!"

"Hey, can't I play this? Little Edward, do you want to discipline me like your father?"

In order to cover up her embarrassment, Elizabeth showed a ferocious expression on her face, and said with a ferocious face, while speaking, she gestured with her fist.

"No, no, how dare I care about Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth!"

"I want to say, if you know you like to play, I would have done it for you!"

Edward waved his hands again and again, making fearful movements, and then said.

"Puff—" Seeing Edward making such a move, Elizabeth and little Lolita laughed together.

Looking at the two laughing together, Edward rolled his eyes indifferently, and let them laugh.

"Okay, Elizabeth, are you sixteen this year?"

Edward looked at Princess Elizabeth with fair skin and fluttering hair, and asked aloud.

"Yes, you are right, what's the matter?" Elizabeth was asked this age question suddenly, feeling a little weird, and then asked back.

"That's why you're not too young. A lady from a noble family is already engaged, or married, and has a child!"

"Now the ruling and opposition parties are talking about your marriage, and I also think that you have reached the age to get married, it's time to get married!"

"Of course, I will completely give you the right to decide on your marriage. Even if you like a small nobleman, or even a businessman or a commoner, I will not stop you!"

After Edward finished speaking, he directly made Elizabeth blush, and Her Royal Highness, who is usually carefree, was also a little embarrassed.

"This, Edward, don't worry about me, I will find it myself!"

Speaking of this, Elizabeth's face finally turned into a big apple.

"By the way, Edward, my marriage is not important, but sister Mary's marriage is very important, she is very old!"

Elizabeth found a good excuse to change the subject at this time, which was Princess Mary's marriage.

Princess Mary, who was born in 1516, is already 33 years old. Even in China in the 21st century, such older leftover women are rare.

Of course, she is not to blame for this situation. The main responsibility lies with Henry VIII and fate.

In 1518, when Mary was 2 years old, Henry VIII betrothed her to the Dauphine of France, the son of King Francois I of France. But three years later, the engagement was annulled.

In 1522, she was arranged to conclude a marriage contract with her 22-year-old cousin, Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire, but a few years later, Charles V married a Portuguese princess, and Mary's marriage fell through.

Francois I of France was once again regarded as Mary's betrothal object, because the marriage of the two would prompt the two countries to form friendly states.

The marriage contract signed later also guaranteed that Mary would marry Francis I or his second son, Henry, Duke of Orleans.

But later Wolsey, Henry VIII's chief adviser, succeeded in preserving the alliance between the two countries through other methods, and Mary's political marriage also lost its purpose. The marriage fell through again.

So, after Elizabeth's reminder, Edward finally noticed that his eldest sister, Princess Mary, had never been married.

"Ah, indeed, it's time for Mary to find a husband!"

Edward thought for a while, then said.

"However, you don't want to avoid it, you can get married too!"

(end of this chapter)

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