Chapter 109 Harvest

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After saying the words of reward, Edward turned around and left, returned to his room and started to sleep.

And Guy could only leave Whitehall Palace with mixed feelings and return to his residence.

The next day, details of last night began to circulate in the lively London neighborhood.

Like all capital cities, the commoners and citizens of London love to talk politics, especially about the life of His Majesty the King.

Like all bars, Papa Bath's in the heart of the downtown area will never be short of people who talk loudly.

No, before nine o'clock, dozens of people gathered in the bar more than 100 feet away, making the eyes of the bar owner, Papa Bass, squint into a line.

Sitting in the wine cabinet, Papa Bath had a glass of barley wine in front of him. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the bragging of a middle-aged man with a loud voice in the center of the crowd.

The reason why I say it is bragging is because Papa Bath is not too familiar with this middle-aged man.

With brown curly hair, blue eyes common in Anglo-Saxon England, and striking stature.

In this era when common people are generally thin, only nobles, local gentlemen, and rich businessmen are entitled to the title of fat.

But this middle-aged man has a plump figure than ordinary people, and he also has a rosaceous nose that is typical of alcoholics.

Papa Bath knew that the middle-aged man was called Peter, and he was nicknamed Alcoholic Peter.

Because a relative is a judge of the Star Chamber Court, I take care of him as a small dock worker leader at the dock. He has nothing to do all day long, so he likes to hang out in his bar.

"Let me tell you, I didn't blow it. Last night, I saw with my own eyes a group of people, a large group of people wearing red cloaks."

Peter made exaggerated movements to describe the number of people he saw that night, which can be said to be full of emotion.

"You didn't see it, they have terrible runes on their clothes, and masks made of human bones on their faces! Everyone holds a thick thigh bone in their hands, and they look eerie!"

Hearing Peter's description, the audience present all took a breath of air.

Peter also showed a frightened face at the right time, which seemed to highlight the horror of that night even more.

"I just followed behind and watched them walk to Mr. Cromwell's mansion step by step, directly killing all the servants who blocked the way and the servants passing by on the way, and killed all the way to Mr. Cromwell's room. Captured Cromwell and his son!"

"After they left, the whole mansion was covered with blood. Seeing this, I hurried home, sober!"

Peter patted his chest, and said in a fluke tone, which involuntarily increased everyone's trust in him.

"Okay, for the sake of this glass of wine, I will say that much, if you want to know more, unless you have another glass!"

Seeing the convinced expressions of the group of people around him, Peter drank the large glass of barley wine in front of him directly and shook his head.

"Cut—" "You're almost drunk, still drinking!"...

When the audience heard that Peter still wanted to drink after the end, they all dispersed and went to drink.

Peter touched his big wine-red nose, shook his head helplessly, then walked to the counter, looked at Papa Bass with a teasing expression, and said loudly:

"Father, bring me another glass of wine to calm me down!"

"Hey! Peter, you were so brave last night!"

Papa Bath filled the empty glass in front of him, and his tone was full of ridicule.

"Hey! It's just to tease these bumpkins, let's get a glass of wine by the way!"

Peter drank a third of a glass of wine in one breath, belched, and said indifferently.

"However, I do know who those people who showed their power last night were?"

"Oh! These have aroused my interest, let's talk about it!"

Peter's mysterious appearance successfully aroused Papa Bath's interest, and he couldn't help asking.

Peter did not speak, but silently looked at the wine glass in front of him.

Papa Bath smiled, picked up the small wine barrel and filled his glass directly.

"Very good! According to my relative, last night, Darkblade sent a group of prisoners, who are being held in the Star Chamber Court."

Peter nodded in satisfaction, and then took another sip.

"It seems that this organization called 'Dark Blade' is very powerful!" Papa Bass sighed.

"That's right, killing people without blinking an eye!" Peter responded casually.

………Dividing line………

At this time, His Majesty Edward, who slept very late last night, finally woke up.

Edward, under the service of Lucy, dressed, washed, and appeared in the mirror in high spirits.

"Lucy, has anyone asked to see me?" Edward asked while admiring himself in the mirror.

"Your Majesty, Archbishop Thomas has come to see you early in the morning!"

"However, I let him rest and wait in the living room on the grounds that you are still resting!"

Lucy heard Edward's question, and replied with a hint of playfulness.

"Okay! Take me to see him." Edward said casually without thinking.

"You haven't eaten yet! Why don't you go to eat first and then meet him!"

"Okay, I'll go eat first, and then let it cool down, my dear Bishop!"

Edward rolled his eyes when he heard Lucy's persuasion, and then chose to eat again.

In the living room, the elderly Bishop Thomas was restless. Ever since he heard what happened last night, he has been in a bad mood.

He didn't expect that the little king would be so resolute, and within a few days of taking office, he won the seven most influential MPs in London.

What's even more intriguing is that although there is no direct evidence to prove that the Earl of Warwick was scared away by the little king, it is true that the Dark Blade rushed to the Earl's Mansion afterwards.

This incident made him feel a little scared. He inexplicably thought of Henry VIII, the king who killed the queen and his subjects at will, and his strong personality caused headaches.

Having stayed here for a while, the bishop has been thinking about how to persuade the little king to cancel the hunt for the Earl of Warwick.

Especially now that he has fled, the tacit understanding among the nobles cannot be interrupted, nor can England lose face.

As the thinking continued and time passed, the bishop's face became more and more ugly.

At this moment, His Majesty the King, who had had a full meal, finally came to the living room and met Archbishop Thomas who had been waiting for a long time.

"Good day, my lord!"

"Good day, my lord bishop!"

After the two greeted each other, they sat on chairs facing each other.

After a moment of silence, Bishop Thomas took the lead to break the atmosphere.

"My lord, the Earl of Warwick left London unexpectedly last night, you know it!"

"Yes, I just got the news, I'm also very curious about this!"

Edward took the words smoothly, showing a puzzled expression very cooperatively.

"I don't know why, this is really intriguing!"

Bishop Thomas twitched the corners of his mouth for Edward who was acting stupid in front of him.

"Your Majesty, the Earl of Warwick has been working tirelessly for the royal family, and he has contributed a lot!"

"Yes, my lord bishop, I thought of the Duke of Somerset. He also worked hard for the royal family, but he was attacked by a group of pirates. Fortunately, nothing happened!"

"However, it was him yesterday, and it may be you and me tomorrow. For our safety, don't you think the Home Rule Council in London should be abolished?"

Edward did not take the words of the bishop, and involved the London Self-Government Committee.

After hearing Edward's words, Bishop Thomas knew that this was Edward's condition. If he did not agree to this request, the Earl of Warwick might be wanted in the next moment.

"Yes, you are quite right. The London Self-Government Committee should indeed be abolished. The governance of London by a group of businessmen is terrible!"

Bishop Thomas readily agreed to this request. As a believer in God, he looked down on businessmen from the bottom of his heart.

Even if they donate a large sum of pounds to the Church of England every year.

Edward was not surprised by Bishop Thomas's straightforward agreement, and everyone had no psychological burden of betraying other people's interests.

"Also, haven't you noticed? Is the efficiency of the Regency Council very low? Besides, this is not in line with England's tradition!"

Edward did not easily agree to Bishop Thomas to forgive the Earl of Warwick, nor did he refuse, but just said a word silently.

When Bishop Thomas heard these words, his heart was churning, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He didn't expect the little king in front of him to have such a big appetite, and he wanted to remove the obstacles to power all at once.

In this way, there will be no checks and balances on the king's rights, and he will become like Henry VIII, unscrupulous, and even he will be terrified.

However, if he does not agree, after a few years, the little king will take power himself sooner or later, and his attitude towards religious reform will become a problem.

Seeing Bishop Thomas who was silent for a while, Edward didn't know what kind of struggle he was going to have, so Edward just waited silently.

After ten minutes, Bishop Thomas' eyes began to converge again, and his spirit became a little decadent.

Sighing, the bishop said helplessly: "Of course, the establishment of the Regency Council is against the traditions of England. It is to assist you in ruling England!"

"At present, I believe that your ability can already govern England, and the Regency Council can be abolished!"

After saying these words, it seemed that Archbishop Thomas had exhausted his strength, and his face was full of exhaustion.

After hearing what Bishop Thomas said, Edward smiled in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, the Earl of Warwick has nothing to do, it's just that a businessman has falsely accused him. I have ordered the Dark Blade to investigate, and I will definitely return the Earl's innocence!"

Edward promised with righteous words.

(end of this chapter)

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