
Chapter 962 Shocking The Audience, The [Freelancer] Registration's Combat Examination

Day 218 - 10:26 AM - Testing Area, Registration and Management Bureau, Shibaura Institute of Technology Junior and Senior High School, Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo

There was a decently sized multipurpose sports field beside the former high school building. This multipurpose sports field was used by high school students for their physical education classes and sports activities before the outbreak.

Now, however, this multipurpose sports field had become a place for the Registration and Management Bureau to test the combat capabilities of [Freelancer] applicants and to train those that aspired to become one but had yet to pass the requirements.

The criterion for becoming a [Freelancer] was not that strict. One only needed to show enough combat capability to prove they could fight the [Infected] and return alive. There was no minimum age either. However, children below fifteen could not take a mission alone and needed to be accompanied by a guardian who was also a [Freelancer]. The guardian should also have enough positive records for this to be allowed.

Why was the age limit not that strict? It was common sense that parents would not allow their children to fight the monsters outside the safe zone, and most children would not have enough combat abilities to pass the criterion. And, of course, there were a few exceptions. Children that became [Ability Holders].

The Japanese Government and the people behind the Reclaimed City assigned identification and rank to abilities that humans acquired after the apocalypse began.

Of course, due to the disabled communication between countries, these identifications and ranks differed from country to country. It was just like how Japan had different terminologies compared to what was used in the Philippines.

In Japan, [Evolvers] and [Mutators] were joined into one term, [Ability Holders]. Under it was a separation determined by the abilities acquired. [Natural] for abilities naturally acquired and [Mutant] for abilities of those who were bitten by the [Infected] but did not become one of them.

And under [Natural] and [Mutant], abilities were ranked from one to five, with one being the weakest.

With the use of the identifications and rankings of abilities, specific rules would also be applied to applicants even if they passed the combat ability test. For example, just like children, people with rank one and two abilities needed to be in a group to be allowed to accept missions. Only people strong enough with a higher-ranked ability were allowed alone on missions. And, of course, not everyone would go alone in this apocalypse despite being allowed to.

The requirements seemed loose, but it was not easy to pass. Not to mention the number of rules to be followed. It was not unreasonable, however. The [Freelancer] concept was created to lessen the burden on the military while allowing capable and brave people to earn privileges. And the bureau expected these brave people to return alive and not send them to their deaths.

Since the bureau also provided training for aspiring applicants as [Freelancers] and even military soldiers, the sports field always had a lot of people. Most of them were trainees, while registered [Freelancers] were also present to scout prospective members for their groups.

But at this time, the audience was more than usual.

One reason was that the people currently taking the examination were escorted by the Black Lotus. The other was the absurdity of the ongoing fight, which attracted passersby and even the staff of the bureau.

"Just what in the world..." Ren voiced out, watching a nine-year-old girl fighting a forty-year-old combat expert. "Tadashi... I'm pretty sure this also isn't mentioned in the report?"

Tadashi could not reply. It was clear that he was speechless. There should be nothing wrong with the report, aside from the fact that the one that wrote it kind of envied Mark because of Mei.

Mark's group was observed for two days. Yet, there was not a single mention of anything else notable aside from the [Sylph] and the green-haired girl named Emika.

But right now, the little girl named Abbygale was running around her opponent, taking advantage of her speed to compensate for her lack of strength. Her speed was definitely above a common adult athlete, not to mention her keen reflexes and instinct, allowing her to dodge Expert's attacks.

While the Expert might be holding back a little due to the fact that his opponent was just a child, the speed of his attacks was not something your common people would be able to dodge easily. Yet, he was unable to catch the little girl while she planted kicks on his body every now and then.

Tadashi glanced at Mark's group, who were all gathered at the side of the sports field. By the looks of it, the scouts of Black Lotus had been had. Mark's group were not just lucky survivors.

After the residency registration, Mark asked to register as [Freelancers]. And to everyone's surprise, it was not only him and his wife. He asked if everyone in his group could register.

Most people present that heard Mark earlier would think that it was stupid. However, no one stopped him since it was not against the rules. The receptionist in the register did give him warnings, but he did not change his mind.

As for the people around, they were not really keen on interfering. More than anything else, it was also a form of entertainment and would be a subject of ridiculing talks to brand Mark as a stupid parent.

And while it was indeed not against the rules to register even a one-year-old baby, it was up to the registrar and examiner to not let them pass. In the case that the parent stupidly allowed their children, the evaluation would be harsh. After all, it was for the children's safety.

Now, no one would be able to ridicule Mark. His nine-year-old daughter was more than capable.

The battle between Abbygale and the examiner ended soon. There was no need to defeat the examiner as the examination would only gauge a person's combat ability. It was just a timed challenge where the examinee needed to last a minute unless the examiner was defeated.

Everyone's eyes were on the girl, who looked sullen as she received her father's head pats. It seemed that she wanted to defeat the examiner. However, the one-minute time limit was too short.

It was not surprising that the girl was unable to defeat the examiner. The examiner was someone pretty well known nowadays. The former military combat instructor, Ishioka Kenji. He retired early as an instructor after receiving a permanent injury several years ago. However, he became an [Ability Holder] when the apocalypse began. It did not only cure his injury but also made him more or less a superhuman. Now, he was working as an instructor and examiner for the bureau.


Kenji's voice echoed. While he did not expect a nine-year-old girl to have such ability, he was quite excited to see new blooming talents. A mindset of a true teacher.

Everyone watching saw the youngest girl, who seemed to be only around four or five, step forward in excitement.


The bell signaling the start of the timer rang.

To everyone's disappointment, the girl ran towards the examiner. Her speed was fast for her age but not that noteworthy. The earlier girl was fast, and the [Infected] should not be able to easily catch her.

The youngest sister would easily get caught and bitten if she faced one.

Kenji was a bit disappointed. He did not want to hurt the little girl, but he had to be a bit harsh. In his mind, the little girl had already failed. Even so, he decided to continue, and he would at least try to receive one attack from the little girl.

The little girl jumped and punched mid-air. The punch would likely connect with Kenji's abdomen or chest.

Kenji already decided to accept this attack. But at the last moment, his sense of danger kicked in. His body moved by reflex as he avoided the punch and jumped back several meters.

Everyone was surprised by Kenji's sudden action, and the person himself was the same, confused as to why he would suddenly feel danger.

Missing the target for her attack, the little girl fell from her jump, unleashing her punch to the ground instead.


A loud boom shocked everyone. The people nearest to Kenji and Miracle almost fell down.

Everyone was shocked. The ground in front of the girl turned into a two-meter-wide crater. It was definitely due to the punch that Kenji had avoided.

Miracle stood up, displeased, as she turned to the examiner.

The examiner was sweating as he stood a few meters away from the little girl. That punch just now might not kill him, but it would definitely break dozens of bones in his body.

But before the examiner could feel relieved, the little girl made a punching motion. Her punch should not be able to hit him because he was standing a few meters away.

However, Kenji's sense of danger kicked in once again as he jumped to the side by reflex.


The metal pole outside the field behind Kenji emitted a loud bang before it was blown away to the audience, causing panic.

Those watching from the side were shocked once again. Those in front of Miracle could not see it, but those at the side saw her stretch several meters. Her punch shot forward like a cannon and retracted like rubber almost instantly.

Seeing that she missed again, Abbygale immediately released another mid-ranged punch, instantly stretching and retracting her right arm several meters away. The punch missed the desperate examiner. It then ended up destroying the fence dividing the examination area and the training area.

The examiner was still not hit. Miracle was about to press on.


The examiner yelled.

However, there was a problem.

Miracle could not understand Japanese. Without the sound of the bell signaling that one minute was over, she would continue her offensive.

The little girl was about to unleash another punch, to everyone's horror. However, she was unable to after she lost her footing.

"Alright, that's enough."

Mark spoke as he picked the Miracle up, patting off the dust on her head.

"I lost?"

Miracle asked.

"Nope, you won. Look, the old man is scared."

Mark replied, pointing at the examiner, who was about to have a heart attack.


Miracle cheered. On the other hand, Abbygale was sulking.

Mark sighed as he brought the little girl to the side.

On the other side of the examination area, the examiner was also sighing, looking at the destruction the little girl had caused.

And after the initial shock, the audience boomed into cheers. After all, it was an amazing display of strength.

The examination continued with Emika following Miracle. Of course, she passed. Her ability to turn her hair into large vines was overpowered on its own. Even if she had no hand-to-hand combat abilities, no one would be able to get close to her with her ability unless it was a stealth attack.

Next was Spera, who picked up a wooden sword. Since he was practicing with Mei and Feng Zhiruo this past month, she learned a few sword techniques. Her display of skill was above average too. While it was lackluster compared to the display of the little girls, she still passed.

As for Mei and Iola, their examination was different. The two registered themselves as ranged fighters. Mei was a sniper, and Iola was a gunner. Being a sniper was expected for Mei as it was her main weapon. As for Iola, she was the same as Spera, training a new skill this past month. Since Iola was a defensive ability user and was always behind her little sisters when fighting, ranged weapons were the best for her. In this case, double pistols would fit her young hands.

Since Mei and Iola's examination was different, only one person was left for the combat examination.

Ren and Tadashi had serious expressions as they watched Mark take the field.

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