
Chapter 765 The Next Rounds Around The Base, Imprisoning The [Mechid] And A Favor From The Major

Day 161 - 2:21 PM - Barrier North Side, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

Storing the [Mechid] inside his ring, Mark observed the scene outside the barrier. The newly appearing forest looked as normal as possible. Not just any person would notice how strong illusion magic enveloped it. It served as the base's first line of defense and something that protected it from direct confrontations against the [Infected] and [Feral Evolved Animals].

During the attack of [Auraboros'] China Branch, this [Illusion Magic] had been proven to be extremely useful. Half of the enemies' plans did not work because the [Infected] they controlled ended up getting stuck within the illusion.

The current issue was quite unexpected.

With the Tikbalangs' [Illusion Magic] ineffective towards the [Mechids], they better start planning to strengthen the defenses of the base.

"Who noticed the [Mechid]?"

Mark asked.

And in answer to Mark's question, the oldest of the Tikbalangs raised his hand. He was in charge of the [Illusion Magic] at the north side of the base.

"I sensed something moving inside the area covered with my magic. Victims of our [Illusion Magic] would end up moving unorderly and in different directions. Something moving in a straight line will immediately get our attention. I gathered everyone to take a look first, but we did not expect that it saw us through the [Illusion Magic], and it started attacking the barrier."

So, the [Mechid] saw them first before it began to attack.

The [Mechids] were still unknown beings to anyone on Earth. Who knows if they had the same tendency as the [Infected] to gather around places inhabited by survivors. Was this [Mechid] drawn to the base, or was it just a coincidence.


Mark sighed with a frown. They needed to study these things as much as possible, especially their behavioral patterns.

"You all go back. Next time any of you sense something odd within the forest, try to check it stealthily. Don't let any of them see any of you. If it is a [Mechid], immediately call us."

Mark ordered the Tikbalangs and the Dryad, and they all responded with a respectful yes before returning to their posts.

The only one left with Mark was the Dryad.

"You haven't claimed the forest around the base yet?"

Mark asked the Dryad.

Dryads were Spirits of the Forest. They could claim an ownerless forest and become its guardian. Previously, the Dryad already claimed the forest around the base. Unfortunately, that forest got ground into dust because of The Great One's unique powers. Thus, she needed to start anew, claiming this new forest that sprouted because of the fusion of dimensions.

It was kind of surprising that a forest appeared. The other side of Mount Malabito in the Spirit Dimension was a barren land because of the [Mutated Berberoka] in the former kingdom of Sylphs.

However, here they were. New trees out of nowhere.

Mark wanted to know what happened here, but the only ones that could fill in the answers were the Eyes. And after the fusion of dimensions, Mark had not seen any of them.

As for Mark's question, the Dryad answered.

"These trees aren't normal at all. If Master looked closely, while these trees looked normal, they are not the same trees that grow here. Furthermore, these trees contain magical energy. Even at the same level with the garden where I got caught."

"Really?" Mark turned to the forest in curiosity. "I didn't really notice. They all looked like the same trees at one glance. I didn't feel the magical energy you are saying either."

"Well, these trees looked normal outside, but their roots and core had magical energy. It makes me feel like they all grew because of magic. It will be hard to see unless it's a Dryad or another kind of Forest Spirit."

"Then, how long do you need to secure the new forest around the base?"

Mark asked.

"Sorry, Master." The Dryad lowered her head. "It is really hard to say. I don't want to give a duration I'm not sure I can fulfill. The vile energy in the air is also hindering me further."

Mark shrugged. He was not forcing her to hurry. As long as it could be done, it was good enough. He just wanted to know when she could complete it so Mark could employ another security measure in the meantime.

Once the Dryad finally secured the forest around the base, there would be no need for the Tikbalangs to check any anomaly they sensed within their [Illusion Magic]. The Dryad could do it without even actually going out. Furthermore, she could also see things outside the influence of the [Illusion Magic].

The Dryad's abilities were the thing they needed the most this time.

"Alright. Don't force yourself but do it as fast as possible."

Mark gave his order, receiving another confirmation.


Mark returned to the basement for the second time today. It made the three people inside quite surprised. In the past days, Mark was really busy managing and checking things in the base. He was also going out every other day to check the surroundings outside the barrier. It was quite unusual to see Mark two times going inside the basement.

When they saw Mark carrying the [Blood Children] with him and making another secured cell inside the basement, the two scientists immediately knew what was going on.

Even without leaving the base, Mark found another specimen of some sort.

The two were not wrong as they saw a half-mechanical, half-organic creature inside the cell later on. It kept attacking the cell with its blade and claw. However, the sturdy glass-like metal only received a few scratches.

"This is an actual [Mechid]?"

Ernst asked, staring at the odd creature.

"Can it be anything else aside from a [Mechid]?"

Chervil answered sarcastically since the answer to that question was too obvious to ask.

Ernst did not mind the sarcastic remark and was more interested in the [Mechid] inside the cell.

"Want to study it?"

Mark asked Ernst since he looked interested.

"I want to. but I rather not." Unexpectedly, Ernst declined. "I'm a Biologist. Although these things might have organic parts, they are still robots. That belongs to the Roboticists. I would rather not go out of my field even with my curiosity unless I cause something irreversible due to lack of knowledge."

"It's the same for me."

Chervil agreed with a nod.

Mark could only shrug at their answers. It was reasonable and preferable, though.

Ernst was a Biologist, while Chervil was a Botanist. Their expertise lay in a completely different field. Studying organic creatures was very different from studying artificial ones.

"At most, we can record its behaviors while we are here."

Ernst gave a suggestion.

"That's more than enough." Mark agreed. "We should at least study their behaviors since do not know how their AIs were programmed to behave, even more since they are infected too."

The two nodded at Mark's words. They might not be able to conduct a deep study about it but observing it from the other side of the cage was more than needed.

With that, Mark did another check of the cage before leaving the basement. He did not want to let that [Mechid] out accidentally at all cost, or it could spell trouble.

Leaving the basement, Mark called for Huey. Another meeting would be unnecessary. He just told Huey to relay a message to everyone. It was to not wander near the barriers since the [Mechids] are starting to appear.


Day 161 - 5:22 PM - Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

At Mark's last round of checking for today, he met Major Bautista. He was walking home with Karlene and Karla.

Considering that Karla was the consciousness that was born from Karlene's forced mutation, it was not wrong to say that Major Bautista got another daughter.


Of course, Karla charged towards Mark, giving him a hug around his waist. Karla's mind was not too different from an infant, even if she had the learning capability of a five-year-old child. Seeing Abbygale and Miracle asking for hugs from Mark, she just went and copied it.

Nonetheless, Karla could only speak a few words for now, although the first name she perfectly remembered aside from hers was Mark's.

Mark patted the violet-haired girl and turned to Karlene and Major Bautista.

"Going home from training?"

Mark asked.

"Yeah, it just ended," Karlene complained, having less energy than usual. "My legs hurt..."

Almost everyone in the base was just common people before the outbreak. And thus, Edward, the retired soldier due to injury, was tasked to train those people who wanted to learn. Now, with both Geronimo and Padua added to the fray, Edward got two assistants. Even Major Bautista joined in since there was nothing for him to do in his stay here.

Hearing that complaint, Mark could not help but turn to Major Bautista, inquiring what happened. It was usual to see the trainees getting tired, but Karlene was a [Mutator]. It was unexpected.

"Edward made her squat for two hours."

Major Bautista shrugged with a helpless but also funny smile.

"Ugh..." Karlene groaned. "Don't make me remember. You also didn't help me."

"I can't do anything about that." Major Bautista ruffled the hair of his daughter. "You volunteered to join the training yourself, but you're not paying attention and even started horsing around."

Mark shook his head, learning what happened. It was not surprising, considering the childish train that Karlene had. She just joined the training on a whim and ended up suffering.

Major Bautista then turned to Mark.

p "Actually, it's good that we met here. It's hard to talk to you while you are running around busily. I want to ask you about something."

"It's about New Infanta Settlement, right?"

Mark asked first, knowing what the Major might want to talk about.

"Is it obvious?"

Major Bautista asked back with a bitter smile.

"There's really nothing you might want to ask me aside from two things." Mark raised his right index and middle fingers. "One is New Infanta Settlement. The other is about Karla."

So far, Major Bautista only knew that Karlene was already cured of the uncontrollable outbursts she had after becoming a [Mutator]. And the cure was the new consciousness being removed from her and becoming the violet-haired girl they have now. Of course, the process and everything else about how that happened were kept a secret.

And since Major Bautista did not seem too interested in the process and was only glad that Karlene was cured, only the other thing was what he might want to talk about.

"You want me to check?"

Mark asked.

"Actually, I want to return even for a brief moment." Major Bautista sincerely spoke. "I want to stay here safe with my daughters, but I also have my subordinates and friends there. I want to meet them and see how the settlement is doing right now."

If it was somebody else, it would be an absurd request. The distance between the Mountain Base and the New Infanta Settlement had more or less doubled. Furthermore, with the amount of radiation outside the barrier, regular humans would collapse before they even get to the foot of the mountain.

However, Major Bautista knew that Mark and his people had means that were far away from the norm. Thus, it was not surprising for him to ask such a request.

"Hmmm..." Mark tapped his chin. "Actually, I'm also curious about their state right now. Can you wait for another day? I still have things to do here, so let's go together the next day after tomorrow."


Major Bautista nodded, glad that Mark agreed to his request.

"We're also going, right?"

Karlene suddenly interjected. Even Karla was raising her hand.

"Go! Me!"

The violet-haired girl yelled childishly.

"I guess there shouldn't be any problems."

Mark agreed, to the two girl's delight.

"I guess I'll check how we will go there first, though."

Mark remarked while considering their method for travel.

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