
Chapter 636 Loyal Arrogance, The Commotion At The Pier

Day 147 - 10:45 AM - Port Area, Catanduanes Military Settlement, Codon, San Andres, Catanduanes

The pier was brimming with people. There were the ones that were waiting for the return of the boat. There were the soldiers. And some other people were also present just because the General and his entourage were here.

Having the settlement leader show himself in public was more or less like seeing a popular actor or actress in these times. This case even more in larger settlements like Bay City and this place. It was due to the fact that both the two locations were facing more dangers. There was almost no time for the leaders to show their faces in public while planning countermeasures they needed to implement while facing those dangers.

It was, specifically, the case here in Catanduanes Military Settlement. The island was large. Most places inhabited by people were built by the coast. It left the central areas of the island, the mountains, and forests, mostly untouched. Although it was where the island inhabitants rely on their needs like wild fruits, vegetables, and firewood. There was still a large number of animals and insects living there.

Now, those animals and insects posed a lot of danger to humans after they evolved. Not to mention that the island was surrounded by ocean waters, where evolved fishes might come ashore at any given time.

And there was also the rebels on the northern side of the island.

The only thing that made this place a little better was that the island was free of the infected. Well, at least, as far as they knew.

Now, the general and his entourage were actually here at the pier. Of course, some people would not pass the opportunity to see them.

Unexpectedly, as some arrogant shouting was heard, not only those that came to see the general but also those with other purposes had their attention locked on the drama.

Mei's appearance was already gathering attention, and now, Mark was too. In the worst way, though.

"Who is that guy Sir Andrew is yelling at?"

Someone in the gallery asked the person beside him.

"Don't, but the situation won't be good for him. Sir Andrew is an arrogant one, especially since he is a Mutator. The only good thing about him is he's loyal to the General." The person replied. "Too loyal, in fact."

That was right. This guy called Andrew was too loyal to the General. He might be an arrogant one but the thing that would drive him angry the most was when the General was being disrespected.

As he received such unnecessary attention, Mark's mood soured. He might not have cared if it was not for this because he was sure that General Faustino stated their relation to the military. However, this guy just had to do it here.

That was why before General Padilla could even make his subordinate shut up, Mark already took a step forward.

"What is your basis in saying that? Tell me." Mark asked, tilting his head to his right shoulder. "What attitude do I have? What attitude should I show? And why should I show it? Based on what?"

The man called Andrew was taken aback by the sudden bombardment of questions from Mark. But even so, he thought that he was in the right here. Although he faltered a bit, he still answered arrogantly.

"Because it's us, the military, who hired you! You're just a courier! You should show respect to your superiors!"

That was what this Andrew thought. After all, it was already the norm for workers to show respect to their bosses. It was due to the fact that a single disrespect could lead the person to be fired from his job.

Mark, however, did not show a respectful attitude.

"You must have been paid to bring this package, right? For someone receiving payment, you show that kind of attitude?"

Andrew added.

"So, you are saying that someone receiving something from the military should kneel down and show respect, am I right? After all, we are just leeching off supplies from you guys while all of you did the hard work."

Mark said with a smirk and with his eyes with a hidden red glow.

General Padilla did not see the glow in Mark's eyes, but he realized what Mark was trying to do. He attempted to stop Andrew...

Unfortunately, he was too late.

"That's right!"

Andrew replied. His voice and attitude were devoid of hesitation.

But then, he snapped out as he covered his mouth. He realized what he just said.

"What did I just..."

Andrew turned around. The glares of everyone in the gallery towards him were colder than winter.

It was already late. All Andrew could do was turn back to Mark and lash out.

"You f*cker! You did this on purpose!"

"I didn't. You did." Mark shrugged. "While I did receive some payment to deliver that package, I was by request. My group is not hired by anyone. General Faustino specifically requested for us to bring this package because I have some business to do here."

Mark then stepped forward even more, almost invading the guy's private space.

"In the first place, I'm not a dog of the military. I'm not a subordinate of any of you. My group don't even live inside a settlement you guys manage. We don't leach anything from the military. What made you think that I should be bowing down in front of you people?"

"Y-you bastard!"

Andrew raised his hand about to punch Mark.

"Andrew, stop it!"

General Padilla shouted, making Andrew freeze.


Mark clicked his tongue. He was waiting for his guy to attack first. Since the General finally decided to intervene, there was no way for that to happen anymore. He turned around, joining Mei and the others. Of course, not without a word of warning.

"General, we'll just roam around. Just find us if you want to receive the package already. Don't prepare accommodation for us. This dog might bark at us again if you did. Also, leash that dog. A car might hit in the middle of the road. It will be a pity if one of your loyal dogs suddenly died."

"You bastard! Who are you calling a dog!"

Andrew roared and tried to charge at Mark, but he was restrained by the other soldiers.

"Bring him away."

The General ordered his men to take Andrew away. He could not help but rub his temples.

"Are you fine, general? Is it really okay to let that guy go away freely?"

A woman beside General Padilla asked. He was the General's secretary, Vanessa.

"Take a look at this."

General Padilla gave the second letter to his secretary to check.

Vanessa skimmed the letter quickly and was surprised.

"Is this true?"

Vanessa asked with her eyes glued to Mark's group that was already leaving the port. Normally, people that came here would need to be checked and were given an escort. However, his group just left like that and was allowed to by the General.

"I don't know if that is true, but I don't think that Faustino will lie."

The General replied.

"Andrew just provoked someone he shouldn't have. If the contents of this letter are true, then Andrew is totally out of the line. Who would think that it was not that group of survivors are indebted to the military, but it was the two settlements that owe them a lot?"

"In any case, it's better not to antagonize them any further. It also stated in the letter to not provoke them in any manner, or we don't know what consequences we will be facing." The General sighed. "That man called Mark also said that they had another business for coming here. We should try to know what that is."

"That person is dangerous, isn't he?" Vanessa said, returning the letter to the General. "If you did not stop Andrew, it will give that man a reason to retaliate physically."

To those words, General Padilla did not reply.

The General was thinking carefully. After all, none of them knew the reason for that dangerous group to come to this place. They should at least try to know since it might turn out to be a bad thing.

Furthermore, there were several pages of the letter that they had not read yet. It might explain some circumstances about that group of people.


Mark joined the group and left the soldiers. The gallery parted like the red sea, letting the group pass.

"Papa, should we kill that bad person?"

Miracle asked while gesturing Mark to carry her up.

The people around were rather shocked at that. How old was the girl? Three? Four? Those bloodthirsty words were truly unfit for a cute girl.

Mark carried Miracle with a smile.

"If he tried to do it again."

That reply surely made the people hearing it shiver as they started to move further away from Mark's group.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?"

Edzel asked.

"Let's roam around the place first. Then we'll find a place to camp out."

No one questioned Mark's decision. For everyone here, camping out felt more comfortable than staying in a place filled with people. It seemed that staying in the Mountain Base adapted them more into this kind of lifestyle.

Wandering around the settlement was quite uncomfortable. There were a lot of people, and most people they pass by on the road would stare at the newcomers.

It was already fortunate that no one came to stop them and ask or offer things. They did not need such a thing to happen. Well, it was mostly because of Mark's natural dark aura that the people that would normally go and encircle newcomers to ask questions stay away.

Mark turned his head in a certain direction and sighed. He did this from time to time, and the others could not help but notice it.

"Gege, are you looking for someone?"

Mei asked as she noticed that there would always be a person where Mark would suddenly turn his head to.

"No, let's go."

Mark shook his head as they continued to roam the place.

Of course, Mark was looking for clues as to where his family was. And without a doubt, they were not here in this settlement. Instead, what he was detecting were his relatives from his mother's side. After all, San Andres Catanduaness was his mother's hometown.

He had a lot of relatives here, but it was not like he knew any of them.

And thus, he just continued to roam around the settlement, wondering if he would find someone he knew. It was not like he did not want to ask them. However, things would become a bit troublesome in terms of familial relationships in the outbreak.

He was doing well in the apocalypse. It would not be surprising if the relatives started asking for a share of it. That was why he would rather not associate himself with them than to receive these kinds of troubles.

From time to time, Mark would also stealthily glance from behind. He could only shrug.

It was not surprising that they were being followed.

Mark could recognize one as it seemed to be one of the General's people. It was not really a problem since the General had to do this. The problem was the other party, though. Mark could not recognize them.

In any case, Mark had no reason to let them know that he knew that they were following behind his group. It was not the time yet to stir a big commotion. Still, if they made a dangerous move, Mark would not hesitate to dispose of them.

While roaming around, they heard a growl.

Well, it was not some animal. It was Emika's stomach. She had been quiet since there were a lot of people around. However, it seemed that her empty stomach could not.

"Alright, let's find somewhere to eat."

Mark said. He remembered that they had not gotten a proper breakfast yet.

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