
Chapter 525 Road Chase, Failing To Stop The Target Vehicle

Day 128 - 11:32 AM - Atlantic City Expressway, Washington Township, New Jersey, United States of America

Seeing the threatening group chasing behind their vehicle, except for Mark and Mei, everyone felt nervous. Furthermore, the sound when the bullets collided with the window surprised them to their bones. Everyone knew how close Otis was to dying.

Fortunately, it seemed that Mark did not only tamper with the body of the vehicle but also replaced the windows.

Mark calmly sat on his seat with his eyes closed.

To use human compassion to lure the victims into the trap. It was a ploy that could easily deceive most people.

Running in front of the victim's way while pretending to be injured, that inconspicuous abandoned vehicle that "coincidentally" blocked the other lane, that was the first part of the ploy. Even if the person driving was not compassionate to help the "injured" man, they would be forced to stop if they did not want to run him over.

Once the vehicle stopped, two scenarios would happen depending on the response of the people in the car.

If they tried to help the "injured" man, the assailant would be able to pick the most suitable person in the group of the victims. Then, take that person as a hostage. When that happened, it was very likely to be the end of the victims, and no conflict would start.

The second scenario would happen if the people in the vehicle drove the man out of the way. There, the ambush would immediately start, trying to capture the victims violently.

And lastly, if the vehicle did not stop like what they did. Like what happened, the "injured" man would signal his comrades that were waiting, and a dangerous car chase would start.

For the high risk, high return ploy, especially for the man that had to pretend to be injured. It was because there was also the last possibility to happen. That was if the passengers of the vehicle shot the man on sight for blocking their way.

Mark could have done that last one. However, it was no fun doing so.

Among the people inside the vehicle, it was Hannah, who was the most nervous. As someone who was caught by the same kinds of people before, it would bring unwanted memories back in her mind. She could only close her eyes and cover her ears in fear.

But then, Hannah felt a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes a little and saw Mei, who sat beside her, consoling her.

"Don't worry, it will be fine."

Mei was smiling. With that confident and beautiful smile, Hannah started to calm down.

'That was right, this time would be fine.'

This thought entered Hannah's mind. It was different than the last time. Now, she was with someone that was able to kill the Hamilton Raiders alone. There was no way for the same thing to happen again.

While Hannah was calming down, the group from Bally's Casino was subjected to confusion. They could not fathom why, but Mei's treatment to them was very different from Hannah's. It was not like they were jealous... No, the men were quite envious. But that was not the issue. It was just that the difference in treatment could make anyone feel unsettled.


The unnecessary thoughts were immediately banished from their minds. It was because of the sound of another bullet that echoed from behind the vehicle.

That was not the only one.


The armed group chasing behind started to rain bullets into the vehicle, making everyone even more nervous.

However, despite how many bullets had hit the vehicle, there was almost no damage that could be seen.

Mark finally opened his eyes.

"Sir, what are we going to do?"

Otis shouted from the driver's seat. He was quite panicked, but it seemed that he could still handle the steering wheel very well.

"Just continue driving. We can't stop yet until we get out of the area under the guys behind."

Otis followed the order and kept the speed as fast as possible. Nevertheless, not only him but everyone inside could not understand the rest of what Mark said, especially about being in the area under the enemies behind them.

Furthermore, even though they were driving fast, it was a large car. Compared to the vehicles that were still far behind, it was slower. It would not be long before they were overtaken.

Then, Mark spoke.

"Mei'er, shoot the guy on there."

Mark said to Mei while pointing at the tall billboard in front.


"F*ck! What kind of vehicle is that?"

The very same man, who tried to stop the black vehicle in front, cursed while riding at the back of a motorcycle.

This was not the first time that the vehicle tried to run him over. However, the others were subdued after shooting at them a few times.

However, for the first time, they encountered a vehicle that they could not damage, not even the wheels.

Nevertheless, the more sturdy the vehicle was, the more they wanted to get it. A car impenetrable by bullets was hard to come by.

Even bulletproof military vehicles were hard to procure without confronting the military. That was something that they would not dare do without them holding the advantage.

The man took out a small radio from his waist.

"Tower! Get ready! The target is already coming your way."

"I know, I know! I can see it! But what the f*ck is that? The wheels are covered!"

An annoyed voice replied from the radio.

"Just shoot it anywhere! Just don't shoot the engine or the fuel tank! Even they don't have supplies, that vehicle is valuable!"

The "injured" man shouted.

"Then, it's fine if I kill anyone inside?"

The voice replied once more.

"F*ck! You can do anything! Just stop that vehicle!"

"You said it alright... huh? SPLAT! TAKATAK!"

The man in the radio replied once more, but before he could finish his last sentence, the voice was filled with confusion.

The last things heard from the radio a sound of splattering liquid and the radio clattering as it fell to the ground.

"Tower! What happened?!"

The "injured" man shouted once more.


However, there was no reply, but some broken white noise.

"Boss, what happened?"

The man driving the motorcycle asked.

"Tower is not responding."

"Maybe he dropped the radio from the billboard again? It's not the first time."

"That idiot... He will get it when we get back."

That was what they thought.


A loud gunshot echoed in their ears. It was clear that it was a sniper shot. They thought that it was the guy on the radio that made that shot.

Strange enough, there was only one shot. Furthermore, the black vehicle was still moving.

Then they passed by the billboard.

There, they saw a horrifying sight.

The sniper post they built on the billboard had a huge hole on its walls that even passed through the billboard. And from the platform of the billboard, they could see blood dripping like a faucet filled with blood was left open.

They could not fathom how it happened. But without a doubt, their sniper in that outpost was dead.

The only culprit that they could think of was the vehicle they were chasing. To think of it... The gunshot seemed to have come from the vehicle and not the billboard.

But there was another mystery...

Even if they had guns, how did they find the sniper before he could even shoot?

Some of the armed men started to have second thoughts.

However, they already lost something. It was impossible for them to retreat without getting anything.

Furthermore, it was not the only thing they had.

Atlantic City Expressway was just a straight road in these parts. Nevertheless, the abandoned vehicles and the two following overpasses would obscure the view in front.

At the third overpass, the Davistown Rd. just a two minutes drive away, they prepared a blockade.

There was no way for their targets to continue on the road.


In Mark's vehicle, everyone was surprised that Mark was able to find the sniper hidden at that billboard. It made them feel like there was no way for them to hide from Mark.

Nevertheless, it was a very good thing for them. There was no threat that would be able to take them by surprise.

Then, about a minute later, enduring the sounds of gunshots echoing behind, Otis shouted.

"Sir, the road is blocked!"

"I know. I can see it."

Mark said as he moved to the front passenger seat that was left empty for some reason.

"Mei'er, let me borrow that."

Mark said, pointing at Mei's [Shooting Moon Edge].

Mei handed the large sword with a bit of difficulty due to the small space inside the vehicle. Receiving the sword, Mark opened a compartment in front of the vehicle.

He docked the sword into the compartment after turning it into a sniper rifle.

While everyone was surprised that it was possible to do this with this vehicle, they could not fathom how a sniper rifle would be able to help with the situation.

But then, Mark took out something from his [Space Ring]. It was a palm-sized wooden board with a strange circuit like markings on it. At the center of the board, there was a spherical indent.

Mark then docked that board unto the top of the sniper rifle.

And lastly, he took out an empty [Mental Crystal] and slotted it into the indent.

"Everyone, close your eyes. Otis, you too, but continue driving straight."

Mark said with a playful smile.


At the overpass of Davistown Road, there were twenty armed people waiting.

By their usual routine, they blocked the road below, and they waited on the overpass to ambush any fleeing targets.

"Get ready, here they come."

The leader in charge of this group commanded as the target vehicle was on sight.

At this point, the target was expected to slow down. The road was blocked, after all. Furthermore, the vehicles they used to block it was not just small ones, but the largest they could. Even if the vehicles of the targets were sturdy, there was no way for them to pass through without stopping.

"Sir, the target is not slowing down..."

One of the armed men said, noticing the speed of the target vehicle.

"Are they crazy?"

Another one said with ridicule.

However, the leader did not say anything but frowned as he started to feel a dangerous sensation.

As the target vehicle drove closer, the leader saw a sniper rifle sticking out in front of the vehicle. It was too obvious since the vehicle was black, and the sniper rifle was white.

Confusion was the first thing that entered their minds.

But then... the muzzle of the sniper rifle started to emit light.

The leader started to instantly know that it was dangerous. Thus, without even alerting the others, he wanted to flee.

However... as he took the first step... his body felt heavy. His knees were shivering for some reason, and it was hard to keep his balance, even just to stand.

He could only turn his head back at the vehicle. There, he saw a man sitting at the front passenger seat. He had a sinister smile, and his eyes were glowing bright red.


A deafening sound, as if an energy cannon was fired, echoed in the surroundings.

The last thing that the frozen men at the waiting in ambush saw was the blinding light that swept over the overpass from side to side.



Mark shrugged his shoulders as he watched both the crystal and the board cracking and crumbling to dust.

"The material I had is really inferior..."

Mark murmured as the vehicle passed through the hole made through the blockade under the overpass.

"Ah, all of you can open your eyes now. Especially you Otis. If you continue closing your eyes, we will crash. There's another truck in front."

Mark said calmly.

However, Otis was panicked. They almost hit the truck.

Still, everyone was confused. When they looked behind, there was a look of shock on their faces.

A path was opened up from the blockade, leaving the melted remains of the vehicles that were left there. And while the cement of the overpass was mostly intact, the metal railings were gone...

...Along with the people waiting there to ambush them.

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