
Chapter 500 A Visitor, The Disturbance At The Great Island Military Base

Day 126 - 9:07 AM - Atlantic City Highschool, Albany Ave, Great Island, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States of America

At the baseball field of the high school, the soldiers were hurrying to deploy the drones from the tech division. Unlike the ones mainly used by the monitoring division, these had built-in technology being able to autonomously search and recognize potential targets.

In terms of utility, these new ones were better than the usual drones. However, due to the technology used in this experimental drones, it was not optimized yet for energy efficiency. Due to the apocalypse, even the military had a limited amount of electricity for usage. Thus, they refrained from using these new drones unless it was an urgent situation or an emergency.

One of those situations was happening right now. An unknown character suddenly appeared in their area of operation. They needed to determine if it was human or not, or if possible, an enemy or an ally.

The state, no, the whole country was in peril, and the military had less than the amount of time they needed. As such, at these kinds of unforeseen circumstances, they had to use their best methods to end it immediately.

Unknownst to them, they were launching the drones in the wrong direction. To make the drones more energy-efficient, they were programmed to activate their sensors in the vicinity of the main island. This, however, made the drones fail in detecting the shadow sitting on the oval of the highschool.

Sitting on the viewing seats of the sports oval of the highschool, Mark watched the soldiers do their job.

Mark was using the little bit of recharged energy from the [Photokinesis Mental Crystal] to gather a bit of information inside this military base. He managed to locate this place by following where the droves of drones were coming from.

Still, Mark felt troubled as to why these soldiers were coming after him when he definitely did not do anything wrong.

"So, nowadays, even a tourist will be chased by the military, isn't it?"

Mark spoke the question out loud. After all, he was already found. Not by the drones, though, but a military squad composed of seven people. A group of mutators and they were definitely strong, stronger than normal mutators, at least.

With that question, the mutators that were trying to surround him stealthily were surprised. First, it was because they were experts, and it was easy to track their movements. And second, the invisible enemy did not even turn around or move to be able to see them.

On the other hand, Mark shrugged his shoulders. He got used to seeing the military in his country that he forgot that the soldiers of other countries were different.

In the Philippines, Mark seldom heard of their soldiers being equipped with high-tech equipment. Even though drones were now introduced to the military, the models and specifications of these drones were too outdated. Because of these reasons, Mark could not help but think that this could either be that the government could not afford to fund the military or that them being outdated was on purpose.

Even on media and news broadcasts, one of the most memorable first news broadcasts made using a drone was made using a private drone personally owned by the newscaster and not the company. That was how outdated the Philippines was in terms of technology. Not only in the military but also in other aspects of the country.

On the other hand, the soldiers of larger countries like the US were fully equipped with gadgets and things that would ease the difficulty of their missions.

It was pretty much like this squad that found Mark. None of them seem to have the ability to see him. However, they were all equipped with thermal and infrared goggles.

As they were also found out, the squad gave up on stealth and aimed their weapons at Mark.

"Show yourself!"

A good looking woman wearing a tight military suit and was holding a .45 Caliber pistol shouted.

Now, it was not hard to determine who was the leader of this group.

The commotion created by the squad suddenly popping out of nowhere and aiming their guns at a blank space was seen by the other soldiers. Of course, they were mystified as they were not informed of anything about this situation.

Some immediately took caution as they seem to realize that something was wrong. The others immediately called their superiors on the radio to report.

Things were already escalating, and he was already found out. It was not like he did not do it on purpose. If Mark really did not want to be seen, it was not like they would be able to.

Thus, Mark returned the [Photokinesis Mental Crystal] into the PsyCrystal and his [Optica Camouflage] automatically deactivated. It revealed his current tattered look as his clothes had holes here and there.

It did not bother Mark as to say, it was the result of his battle with The Great One. If not for Crimson turning into his armor and protecting him, most of his clothes might have turned into dust, if not all of it.

To the soldiers, however, these tattered clothes made him look like a survivor trying hard to strive in the apocalypse. Nevertheless, none of them lowered their guns, even in the slightest.

Furthermore, the way he appeared alerted the elite squad even more.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The same woman asked as he slowly closed in.

"Why are you asking me?" Mark replied in a manner that he did not even put their guns in his eyes. "Your drones had been looking for me and disturbing me. Now, you ask me what I am doing here?"

After hearing those words, the woman was surprised. She turned to one of her subordinates.

"Hurry, call Major here."

But before the subordinate could nod his head, a reply from another direction came.

"No need. I'm here."

It was Major McGuire. The officer in charge of this military base.

Even though the Major replied to the woman, his eyes were fixated at Mark. Mark, on the other hand, was still sitting on the viewer's seat.

"Sir, it's definitely him. The one we saw in the monitoring drone."

The soldier beside the Major whispered, making the latter nod in agreement.

"Recall the drones we deployed. There's no need for them now."

"Yes, Sir!"

The soldiers around immediately ran off to fulfill the orders given to them.

Then, the Major turned towards Mark.

"Who are you, and what do you want from us?"

The Major asked as he stepped forwards and stood beside the leader of the elite squad.

"Why are you asking me? I should the one asking. What do you want from me?"

That was a very rude question that made everyone choke. Nevertheless, the Major could not refute it. Major McGuire understood that this person in front of them came here after being disturbed by the drones they sent.

In the least, the man did not seem to be a new threat. That was good enough for now.

"Ahem." The Major coughed to clear his throat. "We want to ask some questions. Is that possible?"

Hearing that, Mark immediately nodded. It was what he also wanted to do, ask some questions.

"I also have questions. I'll answer yours if you answer mine."

Mark said as an offer.

As it had no conflict with what the Major wanted, he immediately agreed.

"Sherry, order your subordinates to put their guns down. I'll be taking that man with me."

The Major said to the female squad leader.

"Major, are you sure about this?"

The woman asked.

"Don't worry about it. I can read people well, remember?"

Hearing that somewhat illogical reason, Sherry agreed and lowered her gun.

"Everyone, lower your weapons."

Sherry commanded.

"But Captain."

,m One of the elite members tried to protest.

"It's an order."

Sherry firmly said.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Finally, that elite member reluctantly lowered his gun.

"You don't have to be that reluctant." Mark suddenly spoke. "Even if you continue pointing that gun at me, it doesn't mean that you will be able to do anything if I tried to do something."

The elite member could not accept what he just heard. Even here, their group was respected by these lower-ranked soldiers. The ridicule from a single beggar-looking man was too hard for him to accept.

Thus, getting overwhelmed by his emotions, the elite member raised his gun once more and fired to everyone's shock.


Sherry and Major McGuire shouted. However, it was already too late.

A burst of three bullets fired from the assault rifle that man was holding, flying towards Mark's direction.

But then, who knows when did Mark take out one of his swords. With a wave of the whip-like blades...


Three bullets fell dented to the ground.

Then... Mark vanished from where he stood. The next thing that everyone knew...

Mark was already standing behind that elite member that fired his rifle. The blade of the whip-like sword curved around the neck of the elite soldier.

"So, how many pieces do you want to turn into?"

Mark asked without looking at the soldier behind him. The soldier could not speak as he was already overwhelmed in fear.

On the other hand, the other soldiers readied their weapons as conflict suddenly rose. Mark did not care about them, though.

"Not answering?"

Mark said as the curved whip-blade tightened around the soldier's neck.

As the blade connected with the soldier's skin, blood started to drip.

"Stop! Stop! I surrender!"

The soldier was finally able to blurt out his words.

"Do you think that I will accept that?"

Mark smiled sinisterly as the blade continued to tighten.

"Please stop, we apologize for his conduct."

The Major tried to intervene.

The blade loosened a bit, but Mark did not let go.

"Apology? Think about it. A subordinate did not follow his boss' order and shot his gun to kill you. You managed to turn it around, but the boss stopped you with an apology. Will you accept?"

That question made everyone speechless and understanding at the same time.

"Just what do you want?"

Sherry spoke with a frown.

"What are you asking about? He tried to kill me, so I'm trying to kill him. What is wrong with it?"

It was against the law either way, but no one could refute it now.

"Tell us what you want in exchange for his life." The Major asked, making everyone look at him as he continued. "When I told you that I have some questions for you to ask, you said that you will answer if we answer your questions. Then maybe, you can trade his life for something."

Many soldiers did not accept that, and they were ready to fire their guns if needed.

"Trade, huh?" Mark spoke with his index finger tapping his chin.

And then, he gave a shocking offer.

"The research you people are conducting here. I want to see it along with the reports."

That made both Major McGuire and Sherry freeze.

"Major, you dropped us into the pit."

Sherry whispered as she panned her eyes through the soldiers around that were present.

Hearing that sentence, the Major could only have a bitter expression. Sherry was right, he dropped everyone into the pit.

Handing over the research they painstakingly studied for the life of a single soldier was not worth it. Furthermore, even if he was an elite soldier...

After he fired his gun, he was already subjected to insubordination.

Nevertheless, Major offered a trade for the life of that soldier, in front of everyone here. If he declined, even if it was the most logical answer, the morale and trust of the soldiers to their superiors would be broken.

It was a double-edged sword. Either side that hit the soldiers would wound them severely.

Thus, there was silence as everyone waited for the Major's answer.

"Major, just agree to him. I don't mind if others learn about our research."

A voice interrupted. As everyone turned their heads towards the source of the voice, there was a young man in scientist clothes walking from the direction of the school building.

The young scientist turned at Mark, and the latter did the same.

Sure enough, a troublesome character appeared.

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