
Chapter 1010 An Uncanny Lunch, The Three Powerful Beings Surrounding A Single Table

Day 340 - 12:31 PM - Evernight Base, Kachidoki, Reclaimed City, Ruins of Tokyo

With the guidance of the strange maid, the Empress entered the restaurant with her two guards walking in front and behind her for her safety. Behind the three, the pairs of leaders from the Temple and the Japanese Army followed the Empress and her guards closely.

The representatives from the army maintained their neutral posture and expression, looking as professional as possible. However, their eyes would dart around, looking as curious as other people about the [Freelancer Group] named Evernight.

On the other hand, the two from the Temple were more unrestrained with their curiosity. It was not unreasonable considering the circumstances. Tsubasa knew that the leader of the Evernight was the one that fought her Grandmother that night. As for Akio, he had a stern expression as he observed the restaurant. On his side, he could still not figure out why the Priestess took this group under the Temple's protection.

So far as the four representatives were concerned, it should be the first time someone who did not belong to Evernight or Black Lotus managed to enter this place.

Well... Were they really the first ones?

The guests' attention fell on a little girl in a red dress 

running at the back with a bowl of meat-topped rice in her hand. When the girl noticed the guests staring at her, she ran faster to the back of the restaurant and vanished. They could only see the sunlight from the backdoor as it was opened and closed immediately after the girl ran off.

The two from the army were skeptical about the girl, but the two were sure that girl was also not part of the information the government had about the Evernight.

At the same time, they could smell the scent of homecooked food wafting around the restaurant. It was lunchtime, after all. It would not be surprising if the members of Evernight had yet to eat lunch.

It was when Mark opened his mouth without even looking at his guests.

"Just take a seat wherever you like. Let me finish this first."

Mark was really playing with his phone, disregarding his guests. It was a blatantly disrespectful act which made the four representatives worried it might anger the Empress and her two guards.

But to the surprise of the four, the Empress and the guards did not complain. The Empress even took the liberty to take a seat on the chair in front of Mark while looking around the place.

As for the Empress' two guards, one looked at Mark with hostile eyes, while the other could only sigh.

This surely made the four representatives make more assumptions. At first, they suspected that Mark might be a spy working for the Empress. But with this blatant disregard for the Empress' status, it became clear he was not. Unless it was just an act.

The four representatives did not know what to do now. However, the very same maid ushered them to the empty seats around the former restaurant.

And disregarding Mark's unwelcoming attitude, the Empress spoke.

"I had thought about asking why someone like you would live in a small place like this. But with a Household Spirit actively interacting with the residents, I should say I felt envious instead."

"She's not really living here," Mark replied without looking at the one talking. "She just begs for food every now and then."

"But that is enough for this household to be blessed with her luck, is it not?" The Empress said, now staring at Mark. "Although it is quite a surprise to see a Household Spirit holding a bowl of rice and meat slices instead of their usual accepted offering."

The Empress was sincerely envious of this. She was a powerful being, at a level reaching Deities, but even for her, making a Household Spirit obey was impossible. Household Spirits like the [Zashiki-Warashi] were weak beings, but their unique existences could influence the luck of their surroundings. Forcing them to obey was tantamount to tempting fate. Even the powerful Empress would not take her chance.

At this time, Mark finally finished whatever he was playing since he lowered his phone to the table.

Mark then looked straight at the Empress, unperturbed by the presence she had. A presence that would make anyone below her not look straight at her face for a long time. He also glanced at the two guards of the Empress, who were both familiar to him. He had already met Yukine several times and only once for the other fox-woman, Kuroe.

"So, what's the agenda?" Mark asked. "Although Yukine said we could meet when you arrive here in the Reclaimed City, I didn't expect you will come unannounced."

"Well... We've known of each other's existence for a while now, but we haven't actually met. I want to take this opportunity to see you first, the being who wanted to erase Auraboros."

Those words from the Empress alarmed the four representatives.

Mark was neither a lackey nor an ally of the Auraboros. He was the organization's enemy. Furthermore, if the Empress gave him this much attention, the likelihood of Mark being able to threaten their existence was rather high.

"In any case, I just stopped by to give greetings," The Empress continued. "There is no way we could discuss things with outsiders around."

Mark tapped his fingers on the table as he saw what the Empress was doing. She was unnecessarily giving hits to the Temple and the army's representatives.

"Furthermore..." The Empress was not done talking yet, turning her eyes to the divider behind the restaurant area. "It would be nice if you stopped eavesdropping."

The four representatives and the two guards of the Empress were surprised. Being powerful beings, they could at least be able to sense presences who had direct intentions for them. However, none of them could feel anyone behind the divider aside from the Empress.

And when the person in question revealed herself, the four representatives were shocked to the point of their mouths gaping.

"Is there a problem for me to be here, Tamamo?"

The person asked the Empress.

"There should be none, but you cannot deny that eavesdropping is distasteful, is it not, Hikari?"

The Empress replied to the eavesdropper, observing the latter's gaudy ornaments and white robe.

There was no doubt about those ornaments and the white clothing. The other uninvited person unexpected to see in this location was the Priestess.

With this, the two most important people for the Alliance Meeting gathered in the most uncanny location.

"W-why is the Priestess..."

Akio, who admired the Priestess the most among the members of the Temple, could not fathom why she was in another person's house.

"Grandmother... What are you doing here?"

Tsubasa stood up and spoke with a kind of reprimanding tone.

"Tamamo came to this place. Why can't I?"

The Priestess replied to her grandniece.

But then, Mark spoke.

"The food at the Temple is too tasteless, so she had been crashing food at our place for a few days now."


The Priestess' elegant facade was instantly broken. As she realized, she made a fake cough as she tried to brush it off.

As for the Akio and the two representatives from the army, they could only stare at the Priestess for the antics supposedly beyond her public image.

"Humans and their facade never change, do they?"

The Empress remarked.

"Isn't it the same for you foxes and your schemes?"

The Priestess argued.

Mark watched the uncharacteristic argument between the two leaders.

"You two seemed to have some history, huh?"

Mark voiced out, turning the argument into a silent staredown between women.

He was not wrong, however.

Given that the Empress was a [Kitsune] while the Priestess was an [Onmyoji], it would be expected that the two had some encounters in the past. Hostile encounters, to be exact. And since both of them were leaders of opposing factions, the rivalry might have run deep.

Furthermore, the two represented different sides of the same coin. The Empress was a schemer, while the Priestess was straightforward. The moon and the sun, the yin and yang. 

Still, even with that contrast between the two, they were willing to compromise and start an alliance. It showed how much of a threat the Demons in the North were.

At this time, someone else entered the restaurant area. Wearing an apron while carrying a tray of food, that woman's beauty surely took everyone's attention.

Even the Empress, an ethereal beauty herself, was entranced by the woman who entered. And she noticed, remembering the information about Mark.

"No wonder that greedy guy wanted this woman..."

The Empress murmured, mentioning the so-called "The Great One," who Mark had fought before.

This woman beside Mark had the [Body of Void]. A very precious existence to be in the hands of a human. Well... Former human.

The Empress turned to Mark. Unfortunately, she could not tell how strong he was now for some strange reason.

Without saying anything, the beautiful wife of Mark served everyone tea and snacks while putting the lunch of Mark and the Priestess on the table. 

Seeing that lunch was ready, the Priestess stopped all her hostile antics and silently sat beside Mark.

Everyone watched the Priestess in amusement. Just who was this adorable hungry girl? Even the Empress was a little taken aback.

Then, the beautiful woman spoke with Mark using a language not everyone in the room could understand. Only Yukine could, as she had been to the Philippines before and studied their language.

As Yukine relayed the conversation between Mark and Mei to the Empress, the Empress took Mark's attention.

"You two are going to eat in front of your hungry guests?"

The Empress questioned Mark and the Priestess.

"This isn't a restaurant... Well... technically, it was, but it's not anymore." Mark answered. "Besides, don't expect food when you just came unannounced."

"It doesn't matter," The Empress frowned. "Give me whatever Hikari is having. Just treat it as something you have over the negotiations."

"Your Majesty!"

Both Yukine and Kuroe were against what the Empress was saying. Furthermore, Mark had yet to be their ally and more of an enemy. He could poison the food and get done with it. Furthermore... the negotiations...

Unfortunately for them, their Empress did not care.

"There's a welcome banquet later. Eat there."

Even the Priestess chimed in.

"It doesn't matter," The Empress was not changing her mind and was behaving like a stubborn kid. "Give me some of that too."

Mark gave the Empress a frown. However, he still told Mei to prepare some food for the guests, especially the Empress. She had no problems with it and took the maid on standby with her to prepare extra helpings of food.

The first one to be given food was the impatient Empress. As for the others, they had to wait for a bit.

"What food is this?"

The Priestess asked Mark. On the other side of the table, the Empress ate elegantly. However, she was also curious. Looking at the two, it was the first time they had eaten this kind of dish that went really suitable with rice.

"Menudo. It's a local cuisine from our country," Mark replied. "We managed to get a nice harvest of veggies the other day so those ended up at this dish."

"I see... No wonder it's the first time I've seen this dish."

The Priestess said, having another spoonful of potatoes, carrots, and rice.

With this, the three leaders shared food on a single table. No hostilities, no schemes, just a peaceful time. It was not wrong to say that even the high and mighty Empress was enjoying the food.

And while the three leaders were having a nice time, the two guards and the representatives were having a dilemma accompanied by a great headache.

These people were too carefree! Did they even understand that the fate of the people in this country was within their hands? And here they were, eating food together at some uncanny place!

But then... the six people could not voice anything much. Compared to the food outside, lacking in taste due to a poor to nonexistent supply of spices, the food they currently have on the table was way better.

And while the people inside were having their lunch, they had forgotten...

The rest of the delegation and the welcoming groups were still waiting outside... 

...Under the cold first snow of winter with near empty stomachs.

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