Mushoku Tensei

Volume 14 Side Story — Birth of a New Sword King

Volume 14 Side Story - 'Birth of a New Sword King'

Part 1

The 『Space of the Present』, the Holy Land of Swords.

There kneeled three Sword Saints.

Nina Farion.

Jino Britts.

Eris Greyrat.

Standing in front of them was the Sword God, Gull Farion. The Sword God leisurely moved his hand to the sword at his waist, overlooking the three of them. He slowly opened his mouth.

"Your sword techniques have already surpassed the bounds of a Sword Saint."

At those words, Jino's shoulders faintly trembled.

"I think that it's about time to choose the next Sword King after Ghyslaine."

Jino's eyes widened. Fists clenched, he trembled all over. His body was taken over by feelings of joy. He was single-mindedly keeping in check his desire to jump up in joy.

However, the Sword God continued to speak.

"Before that, a question."


"Do you lot understand the difference between Sword Saints, Sword Kings, and Sword Emperors?"

"…Is it their strength?"

The one who muttered this was Nina. You could see in all their eyes that they were asking if there was anything else besides strength. However, at the same time, they all knew. They knew that what the Sword God wanted to hear something that was beyond that. That he wanted to hear what came before this strength, and where this strength came from.

Not answering Nina, the Sword God instead asked her another question.

"Nina. What was it that your Shisho told you before you learnt the 『Longsword of Light』?"

Nina's Shisho wasn't Sword God Gull Farion. She was the direct disciple of Jino's father, Sword Emperor Timothy Britts. Recalling his teachings, Nina squeezed out her words.

"[Because you're right handed, train your left hand.] he said. I was told that until I could use the sword perfectly with my left hand, I wasn't to use the 『Longsword of Light』."

"That's right. The hand that isn't dominant is needed for the 『Longsword of Light』. Do you know why?"

"If your dominant hand is filled with power, the tip of your sword will shake side to side."

"Right. Collecting all your touki and cutting right through. It's simple, but that's the heart of the 『Longsword of Light』."

Swordsmanship was to cut down a moving opponent. If you just foolishly slashed head-on, your attack would just be simply avoided. That's why slashes from below, slashes from the side, slashes that slanted; various slashing techniques were devised so that a swordsman could cut the opponent.

However, the first generation Sword God was different. He had no use for such things. He would just swing his sword faster than anyone, and cut everything in two.

"The heart of the Longsword of Light is filled with the history of the Sword God Style."

The Sword God tapped the pommel of his sword with a sound.

"The thing that Shodai-sama somehow managed to do, is what each generation of Sword Gods after him spent their time refinement little by little, until it finally became the present Sword God Style. The Longsword of Light… The refinement of its key points, the principle behind it, and the way to train in it; when these were followed to the end, what we ended up with was something simple. It became something that anyone with a little talent will be able to use. This change marked the beginning of the Sword God Style's recognition as the strongest. We Sword Gods have refined Shodai-sama's techniques, and together with him were able to spread the name of the Sword God Style far and wide."

With a sound, the Sword God tapped the sword pommel again.

"The 『Longsword of Light』 is the ultimate technique of the Sword God Style. It's what other styles would call a 『secret technique』. Even though you've all learned the same principles, something like differences in strength appeared. Sword Saint, Sword King, Sword Emperor… It's ridiculous huh? Even though you all know the same bloody things, for there to be strong guys and weak guys is, you know…?"

Having said that, the Sword God turned to face Jino.

"What do you think the difference is? Jino, try answering."

Having been asked this, Jino lowered his face. His face was plastered with anxiety. He didn't know the answer to the question. However, the impatience of not being able to answer quickly forced his mouth open.

"T-, thinking about it logically, excepting techniques, it would be the skill and strength of their footwork, or it could be… w-, the quality of their weapons?"

"WEAPONNNS!? You, just how many years have you been practicing!? Wouldn't it be better for you to start from scratch again, huuuh!?"

"I-, I'm truly sorry!"

At the Sword God's angry shout, Jino completely paled and hung his head.

Jino had wanted to answer 『ability』. However, he knew very well that it wasn't the answer that the Sword God wanted. It wouldn't have been an answer that you could so easily write off the problem with. At any rate, it was a discussion about what the heart and origin of talent was. Had he answered 'ability', he might really have been chased out of this place.

"Since you're still a brat, you don't get it, huh? Well, whatever. Even if they don't get it, strong people will remain strong. Alright. Well then, Nina, you try answering it then."


Being asked this, Nina carefully considered it. What he was asking was probably about Sword Gods, Sword Emperors, and Sword Kings; the difference between her and the ones above her. They had something that Nina and the others lacked. Come to think about it, the Sword God and Sword Emperors all had partners already. Something that she wanted. A boyfriend? A husband? She glanced towards Jino. He was hanging his head. His expression was truly mortified. It couldn't be helped that he, who was younger, was recently on Nina's mind. And at that moment she recalled the word that the Sword God often used.

"…Is it 『desire』?"

"Hah, lately you've realised it as well, huh? As expected of my daughter."

The Sword God smiled as though peering into the depths of Nina's heart. Nina was perturbed. This type of training continued.

"『Desire』 isn't wrong. But yanno, just how far can you endure for your desires?"


"For example, between marrying Jino or becoming Sword King, if you were asked to choose one, which would you choose?"

Hearing the word marriage, Nina and Jino's gazes overlapped. Nina's cheeks turned a little red.

"…I would pick becoming Sword King."

Between marrying Jino or becoming a Sword King, she would probably pick the latter. In other words, her desire was of that level. Nina realised the mistake in her words.

"You're as naive as ever, huh. Then Eris, what do you think?"

"It's resolve."

Eris immediately replied. Without thinking about anything, she immediately replied.

"『Resolve』. That's wrong, huh."

The Sword God smiled and rejected it. However, glaring at the Sword God, Eris replied once more.

"It's not wrong. It's 『resolve』."

What floated through Eris's mind at that moment was a scene from long ago. The figure of Rudeus being stabbed through the chest by Orsted. She who had lamented her powerlessness, and he who had fallen.

She had become stronger since then. Whether it was her power or speed, there was a huge difference compared to a few years ago. However, she couldn't win against Orsted. These past few years of training had allowed Eris to see her limits. It was probably the case that no matter how much she trained from now, she would still never reach Orsted.

However, as long as she was with Rudeus… As long as she was with Rudeus, her hand would reach Orsted. He, a magician, and she, a warrior, would do it together.

Even if they stabbed each other, as long as she could stop Orsted's movements, Rudeus would finish the rest. If Rudeus could defeat him, then it was their win. Of course, she would die and Rudeus would live. Were this to happen, she'd never have a future together with Rudeus. However, even that was fine. If she considered the future, she would get cold feet. If she got cold feet, her sword would dull. If her sword dulled, then Rudeus as well would die. In that case, it was better that she died.

Eris was resolved.

"In that case, are you fine even if you don't become a Sword King?"

"I don't really care."

"Don't you wanna get stronger?"

"Yeah. I do. But something like a title doesn't matter, right?"

The Sword God then murmured happily,

"Alright, Eris and Nina. You two fight, and the winner will be chosen as the Sword King!"

Part 2

Eris and Nina. The two of them stood facing each other.


The two of them were both holding wooden swords. However, with both of them using Sword Saint techniques, it would be easy for them to lose their lives.

"This brings to mind the time when I first came, huh?"

"Yeah, it does, huh."

What floated through their minds was something that happened a few years ago; the time when Ghyslaine had brought Eris here. Because of that beast-like girl, humiliation had been planted inside Nina. In front of the other Sword Saints, as well as Jino, she was shamefully made to wet herself. When she remembered this, it made her want to cover up her face and roll about on the ground in embarrassment.

However, she didn't bear any hatred towards Eris. Because of Eris, she had become stronger. Her conceit was gone, and she whole-heartedly applied herself to her training. Thinking about it that way, she could say with confidence that the humiliation had fueled her growth.

"I'll definitely win today."

The moment Nina said this, bloodlust welled up from Eris. However, Nina didn't falter. With a clear expression like that of a monk who had reached enlightenment, she beheld Eris.


The next moment, Eris's bloodlust quickly disappeared. Then, an expression in contrast to Nina's, appeared on Eris's face. She was smiling. It was an unpleasant smile, but Eris was smiling. It was the smile of a wild beast.

Nina instinctively felt fear at that smile. During their training with Water King Isolte, she had fought Eris countless times. And she had lost. Of course, there were also times when she won. However, only the the memories of her failures remained burned in her mind.


Eris didn't move. With that beastly smile still plastered to her face, she stood still. It was something rare for Eris who always took the initiative.

The word 'counter' floated in Nina's mind. The counter that she had faced countless times in battle with Isolte. Eris couldn't use the techniques of the Water God Style. However, there were also counters in the North God Style. That was probably Eris's aim.

A silence flowed through the place.

There stood Eris in a middle-guard, and Nina in a high-guard.

The two stood still at a range of a single step and swing away from each other.

Nina was expressionless, and Eris was smiling.

Like a strange artwork, the two of them merely stood there, glaring at each other.

For those of the Sword God Style whose motto was [Victory goes to he who moves first], it was a rare stillness.

The two of them stood close together, stock still.

Frankly speaking, the Sword God sighed at them.

"How long is your marriage interview going to go on for?"

Those words became a trigger.

The one who moved was Nina.

She took a sharp step forward.

It was a movement of the Sword God Style that she had practiced tens of thousands of times.

Taking a step into the absolutely most optimal and logical place, she sent explosive energy into her upper body.

That energy combined with the touki emitted from Nina's body.

It was transmitted through her arms, and then into her blade.

『The Longsword of Light』.

The sword which boasted an overwhelming velocity swung downwards from her upper-guard.

Her execution was perfect.

It was so perfect a 『Longsword of Light』 that anyone watching might have been mesmerised by it.



Nina suffered a terrifying blow to her abdomen and was sent flying backwards.

She smacked into the wall of the dojo, and then collapsed onto the ground.

Her dougi was ripped, and her well trained abdomen was visible.

On that abdomen of hers, a swell like a long red earthworm was beginning to form.

While she felt a burning pain, the Sword God made a declaration.

"That's enough!"

Nina looked at Eris with a dumbfounded expression. Eris whose brow was wet with lots of sweat. Though her dougi was a little torn at the shoulder, that was it. Her face was no longer smiling. However, her figure was that of a victor.


Nina comprehended what had happened.

Eris had stepped in at roughly the same time that Nina had. Then, in the face of Nina who was using an upper-guard, Eris dropped low to the ground and simultaneously let loose in a horizontal slash her own 『Longsword of Light』.

However, she couldn't understand. In that case, it should have been her attack that connected first. Nina was the one who moved first and her sword swings were just a little faster than Eris. Furthermore, an attack from an upper-guard should have been even faster. Since that was the case, even if Eris lowered her head a little, it wouldn't have been strange for Nina's own sword to reach first. Even though that was the case, the result was that it wasn't even a simultaneous attack. For some reason she collapsed, whilst Eris was standing.

"You don't need more power than what's necessary to knock someone down."

Eris had spoken quietly. Nina didn't understand the meaning of those words.

What Eris had used was a technique of the North God Style. Normally, the 『Longsword of Light』 was something whose power was overkill for use on every opponent. Eris traded that power for speed. She limited the amount of power in her swing to what was necessary to knock Nina down, and moved quickly with just that much. The ability to distribute touki was something that she had learned through training the North God Style.

However, the speed that she gained from such a thing was just a slight amount. Compared to the amount of deadly might the swing had, the speed gain was disproportionate. However, because of that slight speed gain, she was able to turn the tables by just a hair's breadth, and it was enough to decide victory or defeat.

"Well done, Eris. I'll grant you the title Sword King."

Nina slowly got up. She felt a dull pain at her abdomen, and grimaced.

(I was completely done in.)

Because it was a wooden sword, it had ended with just being knocked away, but had it been a real sword, her organs would probably have spilled out. Of course it wouldn't be strange for a Longsword of Light to cut a person in two, but just the slash Nina would have received would have been more than enough to kill her. On the other hand, Eris had gotten away with just a cut to the shoulder. Nina had completely lost.

Nina let out a sigh, and stood up straight where she was. She had lost in every way. She had moved first, and then lost. She lost.


Something heavy and painful began to rise into Nina's chest.

"Are you frustrated, Nina?"


Large drops of tears were flowing from Nina's eyes.

"You still have room to grow. Focus on your training."

"Yes, Otou-san."

On that day, Nina had referred to him as her father for the first time in a long time.


The Sword God waited until Nina had stopped crying. Eris, with her mouth upturned into a へ, and with her arms crossed, waited as well.

Part 3

After he had made sure that Nina had stopped crying, the Sword God spoke to Eris.

"Eris. You've gained the title Sword King, but I already have nothing to teach you. I'll give you the proof of mastery."

Proof of mastery. When they heard these words, Nina and Jino looked at each other. This was a title that neither the two Sword Emperors, nor Ghyslaine had been given. The proof of mastery was that amazing of a title.

"Though it'd also be fine to jump you straight up to Sword Emperor but… you'd have to fight Ghyslaine here. If you want to jump up to Sword God then you'll have to kill me."

[What will you do?]

As if asking this, the Sword God moved his hand to his sword. Eris shook her head.

"I don't care about the Sword God or whatever."

"Right? …Well then, what do you plan on doing from now?"

"First of all I'm going to go to where my family is."

Looking right into Eris's eyes, the Sword God felt their radiance.

He felt that she possessed something that he had lost at some point.

Because she possessed an earnest attitude towards getting stronger without losing sight of her goal…

Or it could be that because she was Eris…

He thought that perhaps she might be able to defeat that peerless Orsted.

"Come, Eris. As proof of your ascension to Sword King, I'll give you one of my seven swords."


That day, it signaled the end of Eris Greyrat's long training.

Eris had parted with the Sword God, and the ceremony for bestowing the Sword King title had finished. Only two people remained there.



For a while, the two sat there in silence. Both of their chests held frustration and envy. However, they would absolutely never speak of these feelings, nor show them on their faces.


Without doing either, the two of them stood up. Walking side by side, they moved to the corner of the 『Space of the Present』 and picked up the wooden swords that were left there.

For a little while, the sounds of wooden swords striking each other could be heard from the 『Space of the Present』. Because it was the Holy Land of Swords, this was a sound that could be heard anywhere.

To be continued.

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