Murim Recurve

Chapter 304 - The Gem Shatters

Once she took off to the sky, Re'Kha sighed, speaking, "Why did I even take flight in the first place? It's too dark to see anything. And, I can just observe the peak of the hill using my Wind Qi perception."

Re'Kha slapped her forehead, almost screaming in shock when she noticed her Tikka jewellery was hot, almost burning up. Only now did she feel that her hands had been shivering all along, as if she had subconsciously been under the influence of fear.

And now that she had begun to notice the strange points, she felt it was strange the horse was trembling in fear when it had only been at the village's entrance. She hurriedly expanded her Wind Qi perception, outlining the entire area in her range.

She noticed that the villagers were already in their homes, having finished dinner and had gone to sleep. There were no signs of activity in the village after that, like it was a ghost town. Every single individual was already fast asleep.

There were no sounds that might arise in places with people. Re'Kha felt unnerved, after all, even the Settlements weren't this quiet in the night. There were at least a couple of shops that operated throughout the night too, a resting place for the guards that worked the night shifts in the Settlements and patrolled the streets.

They usually took a quick break in such shops, ate some snacks or food before resuming their patrol. So, whether it was a City or one of the Settlements under it, no place was completely silent during the night.

And now, seeing the absolute silence of the place caused an eerie feeling to creep up her spine. Even though Re'Kha assumed it was her hallucination due to the silence, the sense of fear she felt was real. After all, her horse had been trembling like crazy.

Re'Kha closed her eye once to see that she was unable to see anything. It meant the village head was asleep. She judged that in such proximity, as long as she wished, she could maintain her eye ability on the village head. It was because he wasn't a Harmoniser.

But against a Harmoniser, at most, she would be able to maintain the connection for a day. And that might drain quite a lot of the Fear Qi reserves in her eyes.

'Right, my eyes contain Fear Qi. So, why haven't they absorbed the fear in my body yet?' She thought, frowning as she closed her eyes and meditated, all while the Rupak was stably maintaining balance in the air.

She then noticed that her eyes were indeed functioning as usual. They were absorbing the fear in her body and converting them into Fear Qi to be stored in her eyes. But, the reason she wasn't feeling anything different was due to the fact fear was being induced in her constantly, from external sources.

Immediately through her Wind Qi perception, Re'Kha focused on something that she hadn't done before. There was indeed something at the top of the hill. Moreover, there was a secret path that trailed from the back of the village towards the hill's peak.

And, this path had been hidden behind an extended crevice that was blocked from view when seen from the village's entrance or the cave's entrance. And currently, two people were heading up the narrow path, both able-bodied men.

They seemed in a trance, or drenched with fear, evidenced by their sluggish steps. But, when Re'Kha focused on their faces, she noticed that their eyes were closed. Moreover, it was nerve-wracking when she was able to barely make out the silhouette of the gems on their Tikka jewellery.

It shouldn't have been possible because even for commoners, the gem was a mixture of all four elements. So, while sensing with her Wind Qi perception, the gems of everyone would look like sharp blank spaces to her.

But now, she could see their outlines. It shouldn't have been possible, 'Unless…they have lost all power.'

She immediately focused on her Tikka jewellery's gem, noticing that it was the usual grey. But, it seemed there was something that was trying to eat into it. But, it was being blocked off by the waves of Wind Qi she was emitting.

Startled, Re'Kha finally focused on the place that she had been subconsciously glossing over for some reason—the peak of the hill. On the peak of the hill was a piece of rock twice her height, slated into the hill like a vertical slab.

And, there was an inscription on the rock. It outlined two figures, almost indistinguishable due to the lack of features. But, the clearest depiction was the third eye that was on their foreheads. And, something seemed to be dripping from them.

And, the two figures seemed to be engaging in a session of carnal desires, of wrestling each other even though they were part of the same gender. But, the odd thing was that the receiver of the two in the ceremony of sorts, as depicted in the stone seemed to have a slit on his mouth, evidenced by the wide-opened jaw that had clamped over the head of the other party.

His third eye almost seemed to have been hollowed out. The stone pillar seemed to be a mural of sorts, erected for reasons unknown. But, it definitely wasn't done by someone from their race. And, it was evidenced by the strange creature that was standing before the mural.

Whether it was standing or not couldn't be said as it was just a cluster of arms attached to one another. There were approximately around thirty to forty of them forming the cluster. And, the hands seemed to be in joy as the two men walked towards it in a daze.

And, as if affected by something, they sat before the mural. Upon seeing their postures, Re'Kha could feel something as her entire being was filled with dread. She could feel her Tikka jewellery turn unbearably hot while something changed in the two people below, causing her to mentally scream, 'No, noo, noooo!'

Followed by a pause, on the Tikka jewellery of the two men, their gems trembled before shattering into dust.

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