Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 745: The last series (11)

Chapter 745: The last series (11)

But this wasn't all that was happening. Diana was on the move and she finally found the way to take back everything that they have lost. Because she found the weapon . A weapon which had been with her since she stepped her foot on the mainland.

The Lasso of truth!!

The lasso of Truth was based on the fact that a person could speak the truth only if she or he remembered it. The Lasso was the truth itself. No matter how ugly the truth was, it was what bounded the past and the future together.

With the help of the remaining Anti-Crisis energy she was able to make the remaining heroes remember their past and their aspirations for the future. This included all crisis events that had happened until then. The Flashpoint, the war with the Black Lanterns, the Final Crisis against Darksied... everything.

The more the people remembered the more there was a rise of Anti-Crisis energy and with the remaining power she went to fight against the Darkest Night which was basically a suicide with the amount of power she had.

But she had a plan. With the remaining power she had while she was fighting a hopeless fight against the Darkest Night she was breaking the Source Wall. The Source Wall was still standing though there was a huge crack now.

The Darkest wanted to mend the Wall and then rule over the multiverse and make it on his own image. But if the Wall was broken, the Hands, the people who looked over multiverses. The people who looked over each and every multiverse and made sure they did they work well.

Perpetua belonged to that category. She was one of them once but she had fallen from grace a long time ago when she tried modeling the DC multiverse according to her own image and trying to make an army out of it.

And if Diana did end up destroying the Wall, it would be all over and the Hands will come to erase everything and start from the beginning. There would be no one to tell them about the past, the previous multiverse.

While the Darkest Night tried his best to stop what Diana was doing and enticing her with a separate universe where he wouldn't meddle at all, Diana was staunch on her decision to break everything.

She knew that everything would end with this but she wanted to have that hope. A hope that the Hands would see the good in the hearts of the people who were left and maybe give them a leeway. Meanwhile, the army of Batman and Supeman was fighting the army of Darkest Night.

This was an all out battle. Even Batman used his Ring on the dead body of Batman who Laughs. Superman and Lex Luthor teamed up and beat the shit out of Robin King. Though Ribin King had Kryptonite, he forgot that Superman was dying and he was living under different forms of Kryptonite all this time.

Finally after a long fight, the Source Wall was broken and the hands arrived. The first thing they did was killing the Darkest Night on the depths of the burning Sun of the multiverse. And then proceeded to destroy the multiverse.

Diana and others had already expected that but they wished the people remembered the past. The Hands seeing the sacrifice and going through the memories of Diana and others had decided to restore the multiverse with all the memories intact.

It wouldn't be the same but the memories of the past would remain with the last few people who had fought and this way the multiverse was restored. And with the curtain fell on the whole series.

The series that had the name 'The Darkest Night' on it. And it properly justified the name. Not only the main villain was the Darkest Night but also the whole story was about the Darkest Night metaphorically.

The audience loved the series. It was only the Avengers and the related teams that had a gloomy face because they know whatever in the series was shown, it was real and they would soon have to face the aftermath.

And that day probably wasn't far!!

"I expected it to be worse but holy shit!!"

"The Hands will be a headache for us. They would erase everything when they arrive. We will have to stop them."

"Then we will need the biggest guns, Tony are the new suits ready?"

"Yes, we did a test pilot. We can now travel in the multiverse."

"We will need to infiltrate our home." Bruce out of nowhere pitched his idea. All turned around and looked at him. The whole series here was almost about him and his versions so everyone was kind of sympathetic to him.

But now it seemed like he was very angry with what had happened and he needed to find the solution.


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