Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 639: All gathered (2)

Chapter 639: All gathered (2)

She was called the Moon girl, although she was young she was hailed the prime intelligent person in their world and thus she had come too. The other Guardians took a good look at the girl and at the dinosaur but didn't say a word or introduce themselves.

It was the lanterns who were interested in the people who had just arrived from the multiverse. They had read about them only in the books of Oa but never met them. This was the first time. And they were excited about it. Emma was the first to approach the new team that had just arrived

"Emma Watson, a Green Lantern of the Hala Sector."

"Tony Stark, an Avenger, philanthropist, billionaire...."

"...playboy. Yeah we know." Emma stopped him in his words from giving him any chance to finish his iconic line.

"You are the wife of that God guy. Aren't you?" Tony said as he didn't mind that she had taken his words away from his mouth.

"Yes." Emma replied with a little bit of pride. John, who listened to the conversation, just shook his head seeing how these two were at their necks like kids. The other Green Lanterns went to the other members and introduced themselves. They had fought with the other version of theirs in Black Winter so they had a general idea of who these people were.

Only the Avengers didn't know much about the Green Lanterns. Whatever they knew, it was from Barry Allen. So they were more curious about them.

The Guardians who were seeing how these people were busy gossiping, coughed for a bit to attract attention.

"So we have all gathered here and all of you know what problems we are going to face...."

"..Ah, excuse me. There is another team on their way here." John interrupted the Guardian who had started giving the speech.

"Another team? From another universe?" Another Guardian asked as he heard John.

"No, a separate dimension." John replied as he turned his head to look at the entrance of the Hall. He had already felt that another team had arrived. A team which was different from humans. This team was an additional one that John had summoned. They needed all hands on deck, and he had asked help from them.

All of them heard footsteps from the entrance after John said that. There were many of them and the people present were curious to see who was this new team that their coordinator John had asked for.

"My..My... It seems that we are late."

"Of course we are late. You have been sleeping all day instead of doing your work."

"Act like a Captain please."

Soon all got to see who had arrived. It was the Green Lanterns and the Guardians who had recognized who had arrived, and some of them even flinched for a bit seeing who had come.

The people who had arrived were Kurotsuchi Mayuri, Kisuke Urahara and their lieutenants, with 6 more people.

The people from Soul Society. John had called the brains of Seireitei for this mission. Since the mission would require sealing of cracks and scientific research, John had called upon the greatest of minds from Soul Society for this.

The Avengers were curious about these new people as they were pretty sure Barry had never mentioned them. But the whole surprising part was the way Mayuri looked. They were pretty sure that he was human, well at least the body structure seemed like he was human, the 'black mask' that he wore was what stood out.

It was totally out of place, and all the Avengers couldn't keep their eyes from it.

"What are you looking at? Never seen a Shinigami before?" Mayuri couldn't help but grumble seeing that he was getting weird looks. Even the Lanterns and Guardians who had read about them from the books of Oa and even seen the series that John had published, couldn't help but look at Mayuri and his weird sense of fashion.

"What is a Shinigami?" Banner asked as he was confused.

"Shinigami's English translation will be Death God. But it's more complicated than you think. We can all introduce ourselves after we reach our destination. Is that fine? Oblivion is waiting for us on the other side." John said as it was already time and he didn't want a God to wait for him and he liked being punctual.

All nodded their heads. There were too many people and there would ,more people that were going to meet, so it was better that the introduction was done after they had all gathered. John waved his hands as he opened a huge portal to 616.

"Please follow me." John said as he stepped inside the portal, and following him the others stepped inside too. And when all of them had stepped in, they all saw that they had arrived on a huge balcony of a tall building.

Above the balcony, there was a huge letter A. Signifying that they had arrived at the Avengers Tower.


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