Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 602: The grand fight (7)

Chapter 602: The grand fight (7)

"Why are they meddling in these affairs? Don't they know that it is useless even if we send the whole population of Earth against them?"

"Some people just don't trust us and they think their weapons would be effective against all of these." Tony said.

"It's your weapon at the end Tony. You are disgracing your own self." Reed said.

"Hey, I have not given all of my weapon technology to them. Whatever they are, at best, they are at subpar."

By this time, almost all of the Avengers had gathered at the place where Hulk had destroyed everything around and with the destroyed head of the Celestial. The Celestial body was so massive that it had destroyed the building around by falling over them. 616-Tony had a glint in his eyes when he was seeing the dead bodies of the Celestial.

John could already imagine a future where Tony would assimilate the body of a Celestial to make himself an armor and be very strong. But it didn't matter to him now. (the recent comics in Marvel of Thor vs Hulk they have given a Celestial armor to Tony)

"So how do we face them?"

"Same plan as discussed before. Barry and Pietro, you need to be careful, he won't be able catch both of you but you both have enough power to decimate his opponents. The strongest of us will try to stop and distract him while both cause havoc. Lightning has always been a problem for them since the first purge of Thor. So run wild while using the Speed Force." John reminded them.

"Tony, do you want to say something?" Clark saw that Tony had a very happy look in his eyes the moment he had arrived here and as if he had been hiding a huge plan for himself.

"Well, all the vibranium armor I have given is imbued with anti-kinetic technology, so it will be very helpful for all of us and I have even brought many anti-kinetic small devices that could be activated for each and everyone of you. But when I was making the robots, I brought out one of the things which we have almost not used in a very long time."

"Oh! What is it?" Hal was intrigued by the words of Tony like everyone else and they needed to know what Tony was thinking.

"The All-Spark." Tony said with a cheeky smile. The words of Tony brought out memories for all of them. They had not used the All-Spark in such a long time. But now, in this war, it would work perfectly, as there were many vehicles and ships around. If they could use this technology on all the devices on the city, they would have a huge army free of cost and it would be very easy for them to battle these small symbiotes.

This was a brilliant idea.

The eyes of the Avengers shined while the 616-Avengers were rather confused as they had no idea of what they were talking about.

"Go to Baxter Building (home of Fantastic Four) and build a transmitting device as fast as possible so you can awaken all of the portable devices here." Clark said.

"Aye aye Captain."

"Reed, I will ask for help in this regard as only you can help here. The others will be needed at the battlefield and make sure the symbiotes don't reach the Baxter Building. Knull won't take any threat lightly now as we destroyed his main weapon in a matter of minutes. He will now use a war of attrition against us since he understands he can't take us head on."

"Not that I am demotivating, but do we have an end plan against him?" Logan asked as everybody was getting ready to carry out their plans. This question was revolving at the heads of many but none asked. They all were betting on John and his Alien X.

"We do have an end plan. I am waiting for a weapon to arrive on Earth." John said slowly.

"Weapon? From your universe?" 616-Professor X asked with his eyebrows raised.

"No. A weapon that belonged to this universe itself." John said.

"What is that?"

"Light Force."

"Light Force? What is that? Star wars?" 616-Tony asked as the Star Wars was also famous in their world. The talk of Force would always veer their attention to the movies.

"No. Actually, you all have seen the use of the Light Force. You just don't know it and have named it differently."

"What is it?"

"Enigma Force. Yes, the same power that is given to Captain Universe."

"Captain Universe? But is Enigma Force effective against this Knull?" Susan asked.

"You will see." John said while giving a mysterious smile.

"When will the weapon arrive?"

"I have asked Silver Surfer to search for it. It is also supposed to be searching for us. Darkness has always been the nemesis of Light so it has the join the battle to help us. I am betting on its emergence."


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