Chapter 500: A comet

The next day he spent a small amount of fan values to extract Decker and her child from the Lucifer series to the club. Since Lucifer said he would take care of them, it was better to let him handle it.

After all, he was the Lord of Hell.

The days flew by as nothing of significance happened. Doomguy had already returned from hell and since he didn't have anything to do, he chose to join SHIELD. Since he had nothing to do Fury was able to convince him to join SHIELD for the betterment of humanity.

While the doctor had already joined the Umbrella organisation.

So everything was in order. Now John was busy handling his children and providing them all the knowledge of the world that he could provide. And the children had finally grown up. With full sized necrofriggians.

And like their father, they too took the route of superheroes.

Half of them registered for the Avengers while the other half joined SHIELD. Since the necrofriggians were kind of ghosts some of them thought spying was the best route for them. Fury was ecstatic when he came to know this. The necrofriggians would be the best spies, in some cases better than the ninjas. He couldn't ask for more.

Fury decided that before his retirement he would make the necrofriggians elites and they would serve the next Director directly. Colson was finally ready to take up as the Director and he couldn't wait to give his chair away to someone.

The Earth had become too unrecognizable for him and he was just too tired.


Few months went by. One day early morning, the alarms of SHIELD went off.

"What's the matter?" Fury asked as he looked at the monitor. He had been sleeping in his office. But the alarm woke him up.

"Sir, there is a comet approaching Earth from outside the Solar System."

"A comet?" Fury was surprised.

"Yes sir. A comet which is of course correcting itself." an officer said.

"So a small spaceship?" Fury asked.

"Yes sir."

"Pull the images from the satellite of Mars. What does it look like?" Fury asked.

"Sir this spaceship looks like a round ball. A very small one." the officer said.

"Zoom in on it." Fury said.

Soon a very close up image came up. The spaceship looked like a white ball and with a small black dot in it. Fury looked deeply into it. He felt like he had seen this somewhere. But he couldn't remember where.

This thought bugged him. And after a minute of deep thinking it finally struck him, where he had seen. He turned back and said

"This information is classified. Nothing like this has ever appeared in our solar system." Fury said.

"But Director about this spaceship..." the officer said.

"This is a matter of the Avengers now. Guilty, call John. I will be visiting his house."


John was having a good time going through the new netflix series from the other world. He had almost nothing to do so all he did was go through the series to see if he could find any powerful character of interest.

Suddenly there was a call.

"Fury wants to meet you."

"Fury.. Alright." John said as he continued watching the series. Soon there was a knock on the door. The door opened by itself and Fury slowly walked in. John too switched off the television and looked at Fury.

"Long time no see." John said.

"It's been some time." Fury said as he threw some images on the table.

"You knew about this?" Fury asked. John looked at the images. It was the same round ball spaceship in the space that Fury saw a few minutes before.

"No." John said.

"Then why is it coming? Are you losing your power?" Fury asked.

"It's not that. I just didn't bother to care about it." John said. Fury looked at him for a sec before asking

"Is he who I think he is?"

John closed his eyes for a second before saying yes.

"He is the most dangerous guy we have ever faced. And you are daydreaming?" Fury asked now in a more serious tone.

"Relax Fury, he is still a child. We will mold him on our Earth terms." John said.

"How, by hitting him in the head? or throwing the child down the cliff?" Fury asked as he remembered the story behind this new person who was approaching.

"I will just alter his memories." John said,.

"And who will raise him? you? No offense, He isn't a necrofriggian. He is more than that." Fury said.

"Don't worry. I have a family set for our new guest. He will grow up in a good environment specially made for him."

"Oh? Who is this said family?"

"That's a secret. He and his family have a long history." John replied.

"I hope you know what you are doing is right. SHIELD isn't the right place for him to grow up, so the family must be a benevolent one."

"Chill Fury." John replied.

"How will you name the child? The old name or the new name?"

"Of course the new name..."



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